主题:美国精英对美国选票制度的批判。 -- dolong

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    • 家园 CNN解雇主持人Sanchez,因为骂了犹太人Jon

      CNN解雇主持人Sanchez,因为骂了犹太人Jon Stewart。


      CNN Fires Sanchez After Critique of Stewart


      Rick Sanchez, a daytime anchor at CNN, was fired on Friday, a day after telling a radio interviewer that Jon Stewart was a bigot and that “everybody that runs CNN is a lot like Stewart.”

      米犹太厉害了! 个人还挺喜欢Rick Sanchez 和 Jon Steward的。

      注:Jon Steward 10月30日会在林肯纪念堂前面的广场做一个集会,为这次中期选举拉票。

    • 家园 影帝Obama上了最新一期《滚石》杂志的封面



      Rolling Stone interview

      President discusses the Tea Party, the war, the economy, and the midterms

    • 家园 美国人就算失业也不愿干农活


      Despite Economy, Americans Don’t Take Farm Jobs

      y (AP) VISALIA, Calif.

      Published: Mon, September 27, 2010 - 8:23 am CST

      Visalia, California - As the economy tanked during the past two years, a debate has raged over whether immigrants are taking jobs that Americans want. Amid the sweltering vineyards of the nation's largest farm state, the answer is no.

      Most Americans simply don't apply for jobs harvesting fruits and vegetables in California, where one of every eight people is out of work, according to government data for a federal seasonal farmworker program analyzed by The Associated Press.

      And the few unemployed Americans who apply through official channels usually don't stay on in the fields.

      Since January, California farmers have posted ads for 1,160 farmworker positions open to U.S. citizens and legal residents seeking work. Only 233 people applied. One grower brought on 36 people. No one else hired any.


      • 家园 难道国庆期间好运气加倍?!得宝送宝太频繁了


        鲜花已成功送出,消耗 铢钱 1 个,可能得宝。可通过工具取消


    • 家园 Roger Cohan最近文章:美国新的常态


      The New American Normal


      Published: September 27, 2010

      On a weeklong visit, I found a mood of deep unease in an America that seems to have descended into tribalism — not ethnic, but political, economic and social. Uncertainty is pervasive. The government’s rescue of Wall Street combined with the acute difficulties of a middle class struggling to get by on stagnant or falling incomes has sharpened resentments.


      It’s not crazy. Ending the tax cuts for the rich is a minimum signal for a divided land, a statement that the two Americas are acquainted with each other. But with Obama facing a stinging midterm defeat, it looks like a long shot. What is needed above all is some clarity and sense of direction — the kind Cameron has given in London and booming China consistently applies.


    • 家园 Friedman有新文了:Their Moon Shot


      China has at least four going now: one is building a network of ultramodern airports; another is building a web of high-speed trains connecting major cities; a third is in bioscience, where the Beijing Genomics Institute this year ordered 128 DNA sequencers — from America — giving China the largest number in the world in one institute to launch its own stem cell/genetic engineering industry; and, finally, Beijing just announced that it was providing $15 billion in seed money for the country’s leading auto and battery companies to create an electric car industry, starting in 20 pilot cities. In essence, China Inc. just named its dream team of 16-state-owned enterprises to move China off oil and into the next industrial growth engine: electric cars.

      Not to worry. America today also has its own multibillion-dollar, 25-year-horizon, game-changing moon shot: fixing Afghanistan.

      This contrast is not good.


    • 家园 这也印证了YST关于美元、美国政治制度的观点






    • 家园 看一个被推荐最高的comments


      Your article begs the question of what is "authoritarian," and what is "democracy." I always thought "democracy" meant "people-rule," from the Greek roots "demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule).

      In China, there are dozens of protests and even riots on a regular basis which are not covered in the press. Manifestations of unrest like this frighten the Communist Party, and seem to convince it that to remain in power, it must promote economic prosperity for the broad majority of Chinese. In other words, in China, the people do make themselves heard, to a degree, and the government does listen, although it's not done through any formal structures like elections.

      In the U.S., our two-party government faces elections, but elections where incumbents are almost always reelected and any candidate from a third party or without large amounts of money from wealthy donors is functionally excluded. The political class hence feels that it has little to fear from acting against the interests of the broad majority, but much to gain from favoring the interests of a wealthy minority.

      America has elections but China does not - yet China pursues economic policies which benefit a majority while the U.S. does not. This is because elections are not democracy - they are a tool which can help achieve democracy, in the same way that a hammer can help build a house. But owning a hammer does mean a house has been created or still stands, and likewise U.S. elections are no evidence of a realized democracy. A Congress with a 20% approval rating is in no way "representative."

      So, what exactly is it that makes the U.S. "non-authoritarian?" The only real difference from where I sit between the U.S. and Chinese governments is the relative malign or benign qualities of both nations authoritarian systems.


    • 家园 我觉得AV不会放那么不和谐的Skit


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