
主题:del -- 厚积薄发

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        家园 your relative should not

        participate in this kind of financial derivatie speculation at the beginning.

        1. In 2008, the sea transportation index collapsed (it started to decline in late 2007 already). Your relative panicked, but could not withdraw the majority of the money (redemption restriction).

        2.Pretty much he or she deposited 50k dollars with that bank, lost all possible interest income and lost at least 10% of this 50k here.

        ABN retail banking (private banking department) is selling derivatives (quite possibly created by the IB division inside the ABN, the IB is holding the counterparty position against your relative as the underwriter of this kind of contract) to depositors WITHOUT enough risk disclosure.

        PBOC is totally sleepy here: it is missing out on its regulatory responsibility. As I mentioned on this forum before, U.S. private banking division inside each bank is not allowed to promote this kind of dangerous derivative contract to deposit clients.

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        家园 銀行自定規則期貨合約-


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