
主题:得知近一半美国家庭不用交去年的所得税的感想 -- 海外俗人

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    • 家园 新加坡是10%的人缴纳90%的税
    • 家园 Stage seven, Dependency

      Stage seven, Dependency, this is the point where leaders arise who promise the party will go on forever, as long as you put them in charge. The people in the culture willingly give up the right to think for themselves in return for a complete abdication of personal responsibility.


    • 家园 still paying tax

      eg: sales tax,fuel tax,etc...

      Even not paying income tax , you still may pay tax when you spend money for goods or services .

    • 家园 高收入门槛其实低于15万,15万已经是top 5%了

      Household income in the United State


    • 家园 别混淆了Owning Tax 和 Paying Tax


      我的理解是这些相对低收入者在填W-4的时候没有预计到很多抵扣项目,使得他们在年底的时候一算下来平时的Withhold已经足够甚至太多。而高收入者们因为很多抵扣项目没他们的份,比如房贷的利息抵扣被Phase out了,所以往往要补交欠税,就是Owning Tax。

      • 家园 Not owning tax does not mean

        anything. Many people can still paying very high income taxes, mine is just one example--with federal/state/city combined.

        The monthly withholding rate could be pretty high, in my case, 35-40%.

        zero owning tax on April 15 could imply: the withholding rate is SET TOO HIGH, and IRS takes free loan from you and me.

        My effective tax rate is too high in 2010, even after tax refund. Crying.

        • 家园 BSO


          • BSO
            家园 no, no.

            not at all. Bad tax planning.

            • 家园 那现在一定好了。把tax planning给分享分享啦。



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