
主题:NEED HELP ON XP -- nan

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    I like to reinstall xp ( xp home edtion + sp1) becasue a software crush my network config. but reinstall setup said "I have a new version xp ( I guess sp2) ,stop reinstallation".

    another question:

    How can I format or partition to my local c disk on this situation? I have done it before to format as a slave disk by another pc.but it is pain. any other idea?

    • 家园 Boot from XP CD, you can re-partition, re-format your disk

      and of course re-install OS.

    • 家园 呵呵,你是试图在 Windows 里面重新安装吧。

      Windows 检测到本地 Windows 已经安装,不能安装版本更低的版本,这是正常的。

      应该是用光盘启动,就会进入蓝色 DOS 屏幕,Starting install Windows , 然后

      显示你所有的 c:d:e:,你可以格式化 c:,不会因为任何现有 Windows 版本阻止你的。

      不过,当然在之前应该先把 C: 的重要文件,信箱,收藏夹什么的都 copy 到D:

      去。否则一格式化就全没了。那时候想找西西河都要先去 google 一下吧。

      • 家园 Thanks guys,you are right,last time

        I format as slave disk and installed by CD, hehe.

        last nite I reinstalled my xp without formatting my local disk, I found a little bit difference, I have not input any confirmation code ( code on my pc's case) like last time, but I still successfully install xp and use it. but on the desktop only have recycle bin icon, I remember I have several icon like my computer ,my document last time. is it noraml?

        • 家园 嘿嘿,it's no problem.

          有些 XP 的 CD , 比如说我刚刚制作了一张,写好了一个文件叫做 winnt.rif 的,


          另外,完全全新安装好的 XP ,确实桌面上只有回收站。XP 的安装就是这样子的。

          但你可以 桌面 -> 右键 -> Properties -> 在五个分页里面选择 Desktop, 再按

          下头的 Customize Desktop , 在第一页 General 里头把那几个勾打上,桌面上就有了那些图标了。

          all right?? :D:D

          • 家园 Please do not assume I use D version, hehe.

            maybe becasue last time is totally fresh xp, this time just like overwritting. Does not matter, Thank you very much.

            Just think still have a lot of app need to reinstall, painful! I like to install a Norton security suite (D hehe), 500M !, scared me, any comments?

            • 家园 厚厚,这个可是你自己多心了。

              我可没假定你用 D 版。正版D 版都有可能不需要输入序列号的。

              没办法,安装 XP 自然要安装一大堆东西。即使以我熟极如流了,没有个

              俩仨小时,也很难把 XP 作的出色。只好自己花点力气了。

              你想要杀毒软件,我不太推荐你用 Norton,它的启动非常慢,每次电脑

              要失去响应一分钟才算完。--- 我比较喜欢 McAfee ,我有另一个帖子,推荐了

              正版的 McAfee 企业版的下载,请你来看看,可以免费下载到比 Professional


              地址在: 。。。奇了怪了,我自己的西西文摘怎么都找不到了。。。

              • 家园 Just kidding

                I used Norton antivirus becasue I heard Norton is sort of strong on killing. Maybe I will try Macfee later.

                I used zonealarm as firwall, not sure how about xp sp2 firewall.

                about your slow startup, maybe you can check your boot setup at msconfig, to me, norton startupis not too slow.

              • 家园 给个我自己文章的地址吧。你可以找到 全部的。。

                Mcafee 下载地址,使用说明,每个部件的作用,等等:


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