
主题:欧洲讨饭记1 -- parishg

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                • 家园 1930年代



                  • 家园 as to whether China will b

                    become Japan or become a force for peace or prosperity in the world of turmoil, we have to ask our pighead politicians for answer.

                    The question is: are you the FDR of China or just Wen-the Hollywood emperor of China?

                    Buddy, you are really smart. You have figured out what I mean in my last sentence. There are so many 帝国派 discussing about the wonderful future of China as the new imperitive force overshadowing asia. While, many of them could be the 炮灰 for other people's dream.

                    China needs to solve its problem of domestic income disparity. Otherwise, Japan in 1930s could well be China in 2020s or 2030s.

            • 家园 看到两强相争真是开心

              China should provide Europe with enough bullets, not to live, but to hope, and buy technology from them. Anything else that is not in the scope of an Admiral's telescope may worth as much as paper.

    • 家园 温家宝提出要欧洲承认中国的完全市场经济地位作为交换


    • 家园 【求助】兄台能否大致谈谈欧洲演变路线图?


      • 家园 我前两天贴过



      • 家园 9/20 if Greece

        gets the next tranche. Then we will be in March 2008--another rescue and kick-of-the-can on the road.

        There will be temporary stability. Finally Lehman 2.0 will come.

        Then sooner or later Greece default issue comes back again.

        First, Greece has unbalanced budget for years... I do not understand how can those pighead congressmen can even passed all those budgets in the past.

        Second, the whole country is now dead: fiscal specialiasts employed by the finance dept. have already concluded that "tax revenue flow has collapsed". Tourism collapsed, people are doing nothing constructively except for continuous street protest.

        Look at Ireland: the same austerity plan, Irishmen bited all bullets. Greeks refused to do anything.

        A shrinking GDP of 7% on an annual basis, collapsing tax base, people enjoying tax evasion and fraud without any sense of shame, large percentage of labor force employed by the gov., collapsing private sector, **people that could not take on any hardship and frequently resorting to street violence for fiscal crisis.

        A perfect country for national bankruptcy.

        The fiscal specialist Prof. Reinhart mentioned that in the last 200 years, Greece has been in debt restructuring/renegotiation for 50 years. The "best" record among all European nations.

        Just deja vu.

    • 家园 挑拨离间,各个击破 -- 谁说美国人不懂谋略?

      所谓唇亡齿寒,两千年前我们就懂得道理现在还能犯糊涂?帮欧洲人,是要用一半的财产保证另外一半不受损失,不帮欧洲人,他们降了就会和美国人一起来抢我们,那时候命都得搭上,可不是一半财产的事了。为什么我们的财产会有风险?因为美国人不想生产,只想抢劫。Easy Money搞惯了,没兴趣挣辛苦钱了。羊群们抱成一团,老狼不好下口。就对喜羊羊说,何必跟懒羊羊,美羊羊那帮loser混在一起,跟我一起抢钱吃肉多好啊。你要信了他的,第一个被吃掉的就是你。张仪当年就是这么玩楚怀王的:



      • 家园 面对老欧洲这帮一直坑中国的龟孙子。。。


      • 家园 cite Ben's comments

        1) 欧洲的问题,根子是欧元各国自己,美国人不过是挑破了黑暗面,激化了矛盾,还是属于“顺势而为”的。如果没有欧猪们,美国敢情自己造一个出来?裁判再吹黑哨,总不能亲自踢一个球进去吧?

        I can not cite all since we on the sub-forum promise not to do that. But you can ask Ben on this forum for his insights.

        European funds actively worked against America and its banking system before 2008. Deustche bank stabbed American banks to destablize America. Now is just the pay-back time.

        你做初一我做十五, fair game.

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