
主题:《茗谈》五十九:下届美国总统 -- 本嘉明

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                  • 家园 插句话,那个雏妓话题


                  • 家园 巧极巧极




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                      • 家园 最近写露出来的Stratfor email


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                            • 家园 摘一节关于叙利亚的

                              EMAIL:[alpha] INSIGHT - TURKEY/SYRIA/AZ/US/VZ/RUSSIA/TAIWAN - Erdogan's cancer, Turkish plan for Syria and more - TR325

                              DATE:2011-12-10 20:04:53

                              On Syria - the conversation centered on how far Turkey is actually going

                              to go. TR325 explained that the Turkish plan is centered on civil war in

                              Syria. Officially, it's Turkey providing the main training,a rms and

                              support to FSA. Unofficially, US and TUrkey are doing this together in

                              deploying SOF for this mission. Notice all the talk in the press now

                              about civil war breaking out in Syria. This is the narrative Turkey and US

                              want to build. I pointed out that creating the conditions for civil war -

                              actual neighborhood to neighborhood fighting - is still pretty difficult

                              considering that the Alawite forces are still holding together, but he

                              seemed to think that this can escalate within 2 months time. He also said

                              without saying that they're working on making that happen. He acknowledges

                              it'll be messy and it will take a lot of blood and time for a Sunni power

                              to emerge in syria, but that this is the Turkish obligation.

                              The Turkish plan to preempt the instability that would result from civil

                              war conditions is to implement the buffer zone 5-40km into Syrian

                              territory and set up refugee camps. I asked what levers Iran and Syria

                              have to get Turkey to back off in relation to PKK. He said

                              (half-jokingly) that Karilan is Turkey's man (ie. turkey can actually

                              negotiate with him.) But he said PKK third-in-command (still need to get

                              this guy's name) answers to Syria and Iran. Turkey knows this very well

                              and he says Syria and Iran are already making moves to threaten attacks

                              via this faction.

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