
主题:对《2022年美国竞争法案》的分析(二) -- 笑看风雨

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  • 家园 对《2022年美国竞争法案》的分析(二)



    DIVISON C: Committee on Energy and Commerce

    The America COMPETES Act of 2022 will strengthen our economy and national security by preventing shortages of critical goods and ensuring that more of these goods are made right here in the United States.

    C 部分:能源和商业委员会

    2022 年美国竞争法案将通过防止关键商品短缺并确保更多此类商品在美国本土生产,从而加强我们的经济和国家安全。

    (笔者注:法案的此部分由美国众议院能源与商业委员会(The House Committee on Energy and Commerce)起草,故得名。此后各部分以此类推。)

    Strengthening Our Supply Chains

    • Improves our nation’s supply chains to strengthen our economy and national security by preventing shortages of critical goods and ensuring that more of these goods are made right here in the United States.

    • Establishes a new Office within the Department of Commerce to lead a governmentwide effort to strengthen supply chains critical to the nation’s economic vitality and national security, specifically charged with:

    o monitoring supply chains to identify vulnerabilities or gaps that may disrupt the availability of critical goods;

    o supporting the availability of critical goods to prevent shortages that could imperil our national security and economy;

    o preparing for and responding to supply chain shocks;

    o reducing reliance on critical goods from countries of concern and encouraging the relocation of manufacturing facilities out of these countries;

    o supporting the creation of jobs with competitive wages, including by preserving existing collective bargaining agreements and supporting union organizing efforts; and

    o promoting the health of the economy and competitiveness of American manufacturing by creating the market conditions necessary to improve supply chain resilience and allow American manufacturers to compete on a level-playing field.


    • 通过防止关键商品短缺并确保更多此类商品在美国本土生产,改善我们国家的供应链,以加强我们的经济和国家安全。

    • 在商务部内设立一个新办公室,领导政府范围内的努力,以加强对国家经济活力和国家安全至关重要的供应链,具体负责:

    o 监控供应链以识别可能破坏关键商品供应的漏洞或差距;

    o 支持关键商品的供应,以防止可能危及我们国家安全和经济的短缺;

    o 准备和应对供应链冲击;

    o 减少对来自相关国家的关键商品的依赖,并鼓励将制造设施迁出这些国家;

    o 支持创造具有竞争力工资的就业机会,包括保留现有的集体谈判协议和支持工会组织工作;和

    o 通过创造必要的市场条件来提高供应链弹性并允许美国制造商在公平竞争的环境中竞争,促进经济的健康和美国制造业的竞争力。


    • Authorizes $45 billion for grants, loans, and loan guarantees to support supply chain resilience and manufacturing of critical goods, industrial equipment, and manufacturing technology:

    o support the manufacturing or acquisition of critical goods or industrial equipment that are essential for the national security and economic vitality. Critical goods, as designated by the Office, may include key components and products for public health and biological preparedness, information and communications technology, the energy and transportation sector’s industrial base, and agricultural commodities and food product supply chains;

    o develop or acquire manufacturing technology that improves the ability of manufacturers to produce critical goods. Such technologies may include information technology needed to optimize manufacturing efficiency, flexibility, speed, quality, and sustainability;

    o construct or enhance critical infrastructure or a manufacturing facility, which may include factories, telecommunications infrastructure, and water systems necessary to support the production of critical goods;

    o relocate a manufacturing facility out of countries of concern, including countries that pose a significant economic or national security threat to the United States;

    o manufacture or acquire a substitute for critical goods, industrial equipment, or manufacturing technology to provide a viable alternative to scarce or vulnerable critical goods;

    o establish or preserve surge capacity or stockpiles to provide the redundancies and reserves necessary to maintain the availability of critical goods during supply chain shocks; and

    o establish diverse and secure sources and locations for the production of critical goods to ensure that regional conflicts or disasters – such as tsunamis, hurricanes, or cold waves – do not incapacitate the nation’s ability to produce and acquire critical goods.

    • 授权 450 亿美元用于赠款、贷款和贷款担保,以支持供应链弹性和关键商品、工业设备和制造技术的制造:

    o 支持制造或采购对国家安全和经济活力至关重要的关键商品或工业设备。办公室指定的关键货物可能包括公共卫生和生物准备、信息和通信技术、能源和运输部门的工业基础以及农产品和食品供应链的关键部件和产品;

    o 开发或获取提高制造商生产关键产品能力的制造技术。此类技术可能包括优化制造效率、灵活性、速度、质量和可持续性所需的信息技术;

    o 建设或加强关键基础设施或制造设施,其中可能包括支持关键商品生产所需的工厂、电信基础设施和供水系统;

    o 将制造工厂迁出受关注国家,包括对美国构成重大经济或国家安全威胁的国家;

    o 制造或获取关键商品、工业设备或制造技术的替代品,为稀缺或易受攻击的关键商品提供可行的替代方案;

    o 建立或保持激增能力或库存,以提供必要的冗余和储备,以在供应链冲击期间维持关键商品的可用性;和

    o 为关键商品的生产建立多样化和安全的来源和地点,以确保地区冲突或灾难(例如海啸、飓风或寒潮)不会削弱国家生产和获取关键商品的能力。




    • Creates a program within the new Office at the Department of Commerce to map and monitor supply chains, identify supply chain gaps and vulnerabilities, and identify opportunities to address supply chain risk.

    o The resources required for comprehensive supply chain mapping and monitoring can be expensive, presenting barriers for individual firms seeking to identify and address vulnerabilities alone. The government can foster greater supply chain transparency and information sharing to assist individual firms detect, respond to, and recover from supply chain shocks for critical goods.

    • America COMPETES authorizes $500 million to the Office for supply chain mapping and monitoring in order to: designate critical industries, supply chains, and critical goods that have a significant effect on the national security or economic security of the United States; produce quadrennial reviews on the state of supply chain resilience and domestic manufacturing; and establish a coordination group to identify and assess the resilience of supply chains and inform supply chain management.

    • Equips the private sector with best practices and guidelines needed to proactively identify and mitigate supply chain vulnerabilities. America COMPETES authorizes $500 million for the Office at the Department of Commerce to coordinate with stakeholders and incorporate industry expertise to identify approaches that may be voluntarily adopted by domestic manufacturers and entities purchasing or using a critical good to manage supply chain risks and value supply chain resilience.

    • 在商务部的新办公室内创建一个计划,以绘制和监控供应链,识别供应链差距和漏洞,并确定解决供应链风险的机会。

    o 全面的供应链映射和监控所需的资源可能很昂贵,这对寻求单独识别和解决漏洞的个别公司构成障碍。政府可以促进更大的供应链透明度和信息共享,以帮助个别公司发现、应对关键商品的供应链冲击并从中恢复。

    • 《美国竞争法案》向此办公室授权 5 亿美元用于供应链映射和监控,以便: 指定对美国国家安全或经济安全有重大影响的关键行业、供应链和关键商品;对供应链弹性和国内制造业的状况进行四年一次的审查;并建立一个协调小组来识别和评估供应链的弹性并为供应链管理提供信息。

    • 为私营部门提供主动识别和缓解供应链漏洞所需的最佳实践和指南。 America COMPETES 授权商务部办公室 5 亿美元用于与利益相关者协调并整合行业专业知识,以确定购买或使用关键商品的国内制造商和实体可能自愿采用的方法来管理供应链风险和评估供应链弹性。


    Investing in Solar Manufacturing Supply Chain & Enhancing Grid Resilience

    [/B]• Reduces our reliance on China by investing in building our nation’s solar manufacturing supply chain and keeps our electric grid secure and resilient in the face of evolving cybersecurity and physical security threats.[/B]

    • Authorizes $3 billion to fund the establishment of a domestic solar manufacturing supply chain – incentivizing the new construction of solar manufacturing capacity and providing grants and direct loans to retool, retrofit or expand existing solar manufacturing facilities.

    • Authorizes $375 million to reduce the vulnerability of the electric grid by establishing a Strategic Transformer Reserve and for the development, testing and monitoring of critical electric grid equipment.


    • 通过投资建设我们国家的太阳能制造供应链来减少我们对中国的依赖,并在面对不断变化的网络安全和物理安全威胁时保持我们的电网安全和弹性。

    • 授权 30 亿美元资助建立国内太阳能制造供应链——激励太阳能制造能力的新建设,并为改造、改造或扩建现有太阳能制造设施提供赠款和直接贷款。

    • 授权 3.75 亿美元,通过建立战略变压器储备以及关键电网设备的开发、测试和监控来减少电网的脆弱性。


    Improving Our Medical Product Supply Chain & Strengthening Our Strategic National Stockpile

    • Increases the domestic drug manufacturing base by expanding the use of advanced and continuous manufacturing practices.

    • Gives FDA authority to require a manufacturer to cease distributing or recall drugs when a drug is known to cause serious adverse health consequences or death.

    • Provides transparency in the drug supply chain – requiring manufacturers to provide additional information to FDA about manufacturing sites and the quantity of drugs they produce.

    • Cracks down on drug manufacturers that falsify data and destroy important documents ahead of planned inspections.

    • Establishes a $1.5 billion supply chain manufacturing pilot in order to enhance medical supply chain elasticity and maintain domestic reserves of critical medical supplies.

    • Strengthens the overall management of the Strategic National Stockpile including by requiring contents remain in good working order, improving the process for requesting supplies and exploring stable funding sources.

    • Establishes a $10.5 billion pilot program that awards grants to states to expand or maintain a strategic stockpile of commercially available drugs, medical equipment, PPE and other products deemed by the state to be essential in the event of a public health emergency.


    • 通过扩大先进和连续生产实践的使用,扩大国内药品生产基地。

    • 授权FDA 在已知药物会导致严重不良健康后果或死亡时要求制造商停止分销或召回药物。

    • 提供药物供应链的透明度——要求制造商向 FDA 提供有关制造地点和他们生产的药物数量的额外信息。

    • 打击在计划检查之前伪造数据和销毁重要文件的药品制造商。

    • 建立一个价值15 亿美元的供应链制造试点,以增强医疗供应链的弹性并维持国内关键医疗用品的储备。

    • 加强对国家战略储备的整体管理,包括要求内容保持良好的工作状态、改进申请供应的流程和探索稳定的资金来源。

    • 建立一个 105 亿美元的试点计划,向各州提供赠款,以扩大或维持商用药物、医疗设备、个人防护装备和其他国家认为在发生突发公共卫生事件时必不可少的产品的战略储备。


    Innovating Our Wireless Supply Chain & Network Security

    • Ensures that the next-generation mobile wireless networks and technologies are safe and secure from foreign adversaries by funding the deployment of cutting-edge technology, enhancing the competitiveness of trusted suppliers of information and communication technology and supporting American thought leadership in network and supply chain security.

    • Appropriates $1.5 billion for the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund to deploy Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) network equipment to spur movement toward open architecture, software-based wireless technologies and funding innovative leap-ahead technologies in the U.S. mobile broadband market.[B]

    [B]• Examines the cybersecurity of mobile wireless networks

    • Determines the elements of the information and communication technology supply chain critical to the economic competitiveness of the U.S.

    • Identifies and develops solutions for potential emerging issues with 6G networks

    • Codifies the responsibility of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration with respect to cybersecurity of communication networks

    • Provides American consumers with the tools necessary to minimize cybersecurity risks

    • Establishes a permanent advisory council at the FCC to increase the security, reliability and interoperability of communications networks

    • Promotes U.S. wireless leadership abroad


    • 通过资助尖端技术的部署、增强可信赖的信息和通信技术供应商的竞争力以及支持美国在网络和供应链方面的思想领导地位,确保下一代移动无线网络和技术免受外国对手的攻击安全。

    • 为公共无线供应链创新基金拨款 15 亿美元,用于部署开放式无线电接入网络 (Open RAN) 网络设备,以推动向开放式架构、基于软件的无线技术发展,并为美国移动宽带市场的创新跨越式技术提供资金。

    • 检查移动无线网络的网络安全

    • 确定对美国经济竞争力至关重要的信息和通信技术供应链要素。

    • 识别和开发针对 6G 网络潜在新问题的解决方案

    • 将国家电信和信息管理局在通信网络的网络安全方面的职责编入法典

    • 为美国消费者提供将网络安全风险降至最低的必要工具

    • 在 FCC 设立常设顾问委员会,以提高通信网络的安全性、可靠性和互操作性

    • 提升美国在海外的无线领导地位


    1. 把中国通信设备赶出美国市场。

    2. 在世界范围内围剿中国通信设备。

    3. 大力资助美国通信产业软硬件的发展。

    4. 维护美国网络安全,防止来自中国和俄罗斯的攻击。



    1. 在通讯、电网两个产业将中国产品赶出美国;排除中国产品及服务的产业可以扩大,下一个有可能就是医药行业。(美国商务部2月7日宣布一份包括33个中国公司的“未经核实”实体清单,其中包括国内CRO巨头药明生物,便是一个前兆。)

    2. 鼓励并补贴美国企业将供应链迁出中国,建立排除中国的供应链。

    3. 建立产业研究及产业调控机构(超低配版国家计委),主要敌对目标为中国;此机构权力可能不断扩大,最终协调全美乃至西方发达国家经济封锁中国。

    4. 在世界范围内试图减少中国产品在海外市场的份额。

    5. 对中国的国内产业政策进行干预以削减中国产品的竞争力。




    关键词(Tags): #2022 美国竞争法案 商务 能源 贸易通宝推:光年,陈王奋起,从来,唐家山,桥上,qq97,审度,
    • 家园 美国为什么要对俄罗斯赶尽杀绝!

      (深度好文) - 知乎



















      《外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)(2021年版)》 2021年第47号令_对外经贸合作_中国政府网,这个文件和上一个作用相近,一个是鼓励做,一个是限制做(不限制的就是鼓励)。


    • 家园 美元可以买到商品的原因在于美元币值稳定


      • 家园 那是因为中国低价贱卖商品给美国








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