
主题:对《2022年美国竞争法案》的分析(三) -- 笑看风雨

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  • 家园 对《2022年美国竞争法案》的分析(三)




    DIVISION D: Committee on Foreign Affairs

    D 部分:外交事务委员会


    Investing in American Competitiveness

    Authorization to Assist United States Companies with Global Supply Chain Diversification and Management

    • The bill authorizes $90 million over six years for a State Department program that allows for U.S. embassies to hire contracts to assist interested U.S. persons and businesses with supply chain management issues related to China.

    Report on National Technology and Industrial Base

    • Requires the State Department to submit a report to Congress describing the Department’s efforts to facilitate access among the National Technology and Industrial Base to defense articles and services subject to the U.S. Munitions List.

    Supporting economic independence from the People’s Republic of China.

    • Directs the President to develop a strategy utilizing Federal agencies and resources to counteract Chinese assistance and financing to foreign governments. Authorizes the Secretary of State in coordination with the USAID Administrator to establish a new initiative or continue an existing one as the Infrastructure Transaction and Assistance Network to advance the development of sustainable, transparent, and high-quality infrastructure and to help boost the capacity of partner countries to evaluate contracts and assess the financial and environmental impacts of potential infrastructure projects. Authorizes $375M for the Infrastructure Transaction and Assistance Network.

    Report on importance of American financial strength for global leadership.

    • Expresses the sense of Congress that the dominance of the dollar yields significant benefits, allowing the U.S. to maintain economic independence, better control its monetary policy, and finance government outlays. Requires the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury to submit a report to the appropriate committees that lists and examines benefits from U.S. global financial leadership to American foreign policy and identifies steps the U.S. can take to preserve its status as the world’s leading financial center. Sense of Congress on the need to bolster American leadership in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.

    • Expresses the sense of Congress that the U.S. has benefited from its participation in APEC and should announce its interest to host APEC in 2023.



    • 该法案授权在六年内为国务院的一项计划提供 9,000 万美元,该计划允许美国大使馆雇用合同,以协助感兴趣的美国个人和企业解决与中国有关的供应链管理问题。


    • 要求国务院向国会提交一份报告,说明该部为促进国家技术和工业基地之间获取美国军需清单所列国防物品和服务所做的努力。


    • 指示总统制定一项战略,利用联邦机构和资源来抵制中国对外国政府的援助和融资。授权国务卿与美国国际开发署署长协调,建立一项新举措或继续现有举措,作为基础设施交易和援助网络,以推动可持续、透明和高质量基础设施的发展,并帮助提高合作伙伴的能力各国评估合同并评估潜在基础设施项目的财务和环境影响。为基础设施交易和援助网络授权 3.75 亿美元。


    • 国会认为美元的主导地位产生了巨大的好处,使美国能够保持经济独立,更好地控制其货币政策,并为政府支出提供资金。要求国务卿和财政部长向适当的委员会提交一份报告,列出并审查美国全球金融领导地位对美国外交政策的好处,并确定美国可以采取哪些措施来保持其作为世界领先金融中心的地位。


    • 国会认为美国已从其参与 APEC 中受益,并应宣布美国在 2023 年主办 APEC 的兴趣。


    Investing in Alliances and Partnerships

    Establishment of Quad Intra-Parliamentary Working Group

    • The bill directs the Secretary of State to enter negotiations with the governments of Japan, Australia, and India with the goal of establishing a Quad Intra-Parliamentary Working Group to facilitate closer cooperation on shared interests and values. Authorizes $4 million to the United States Group for the next four fiscal years.

    Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative

    • Directs the Secretary of State to submit a strategy for implementing the YSEALI program, an annual report on the program’s progress and an assessment of the metrics, goals, targets, and outcomes and recommendations for improvements or amendments to the YSEALI program and strategy, and a final assessment report that evaluates the program’s implementation and outcomes during the entire duration of its program operation。

    3,408 / 5,000

    Translation results



    • 该法案指示国务卿与日本、澳大利亚和印度政府进行谈判,目标是建立一个四方议会内部工作组,以促进就共同利益和价值观开展更密切的合作。在接下来的四个财政年度中,向美国集团授权 400 万美元。


    • 指示国务卿提交实施 YSEALI 计划的战略、关于计划进展的年度报告以及对指标、目标、指标和结果的评估以及改进或修正 YSEALI 计划和战略的建议,以及最终评估报告,在其整个项目运行期间评估项目的实施和结果。


    Provisions on Taiwan

    • Enhancing the United States-Taiwan Partnership: provides a statement of policy reiterating the U.S. commitment to Taiwan and recognizing Taiwan as a vital part of the U.S. approach to the Indo-Pacific.

    • Taiwan Peace and Stability Act: provides a statement of policy of U.S. interests in maintaining the peace and stability and deter military acts or other forms of coercive behavior in the Indo-Pacific.

    • Taiwan International Solidarity Act: amends the TAIPEI Act of 2019 by adding that the UN recognition of the PRC did not address the issue of Taiwan representation at the UN or any related organizations, nor take a position on the relationship between the PRC and Taiwan or Taiwan’s sovereignty, and that the U.S. opposes any initiative that seeks to change Taiwan’s status without the consent of the people.


    • 加强美台伙伴关系:提供政策声明,重申美国对台湾的承诺,并承认台湾是美国在印太地区的重要组成部分。

    • 《台湾和平与稳定法案》:提供美国在维护印太地区和平与稳定和制止军事行动或其他形式的胁迫行为方面的利益政策声明。

    • 《台湾国际团结法案》:修订 《2019 年台北法案》,增加“联合国对中华人民共和国的承认并未解决台湾在联合国或任何相关组织的代表权问题,也不代表联合国对中华人民共和国与台湾的关系或台湾主权采取了立场。美国反对任何未经人民同意而企图改变台湾地位的行动。


    我去看了一眼这个《Taiwan International Solidarity Act》的提案原文,嘿,还真是这么无耻:

    The resolution (UN Resolution 2758) did not address the issue of representation of Taiwan and its people in the United Nations or any related organizations, nor did the resolution take a position on the relationship between the People's Republic of China and Taiwan or include any statement pertaining to Taiwan's sovereignty.


    H.R.2646 - Taiwan International Solidarity Act




    (UN General Assembly) Recognizing that the representatives of the Government of the People's Republic of China are the only lawful representatives of China to the United Nations and that the People's Republic of China is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council.

    Decides to restore all its rights to the People's Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it.

    United Nations - Restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nation




    联合国 - 二七五八(二十六).恢复中华人民共和国在联合国的合法权利


    可见《Taiwan International Solidarity Act》这个法案是颠倒黑白,指鹿为马的典范。

    Report on Bilateral Efforts to Address Chinese Fentanyl Trafficking

    • The bill directs the Secretary of State and Attorney General to report on U.S. government efforts to gain a commitment from the Chinese government to submit unregulated fentanyl precursors to controls and a plan for future steps the U.S. Government will take to urge China to combat illicit fentanyl production and trafficking originating in China.


    • 提出一项政策声明,即美国应增加专门用于印度太平洋地区的资金和人员。需要国务卿制定行动计划以增加预算和人力资源。根据《对外援助法》授权为印度太平洋地区提供 20 亿美元,并为外交接触授权 12.5 亿美元。


    Report on Bilateral Efforts to Address Chinese Fentanyl Trafficking

    • The bill directs the Secretary of State and Attorney General to report on U.S. government efforts to gain a commitment from the Chinese government to submit unregulated fentanyl precursors to controls and a plan for future steps the U.S. Government will take to urge China to combat illicit fentanyl production and trafficking originating in China.


    • 该法案指示国务卿和司法部长报告美国政府对获得中国政府承诺将不受管制的芬太尼前体进行管制的努力,以及美国政府将采取的未来步骤以敦促中国打击非法芬太尼的生产和贩运。


    Supporting Independent Media and Countering Misinformation

    • The bill authorizes $500 million for the United States Agency for Global Media for ongoing and new programs to support local media, build independent media, combat PRC disinformation inside and outside of China, invest in technology to subvert censorship, and monitor and evaluate these programs.


    • 该法案授权美国全球媒体署 5 亿美元用于支持当地媒体、建立独立媒体、打击中华人民共和国政府在中国境内外散布的虚假信息、投资颠覆审查制度的技术,以及监测和评估这些项目。


    好了,我们现在都知道美国要花5亿美元抹黑中国了。以后在网上看到抹黑中国的言论,我严肃建议把他们称为“5亿美元”或“5亿元”,英文就叫“half a billion dollars”。中英文这两个称号都要广泛传播,成为互联网上的强力meme。

    Report on origins of the COVID–19 pandemic

    [/B]• Directs the President to submit a report that assesses the most likely source or origin of the SARS–CoV–2 virus, the level of confidence in the assessment, and challenges identified to the USG’s ability to make such an assessment.[/B]

    关于 COVID-19 大流行起源的报告

    • 指示总统提交一份报告,评估最可能的 SARS-CoV-2 病毒来源或起源,评估此评估的可信度,以及指出美国政府进行此评估的困难之处。





    Liu Xiaobo Fund for Study of the Chinese Language

    • Establishes the Liu Xiaobo Fund for Study of the Chinese Language to fund alternatives to Confucius Institutes at U.S. universities.


    • 设立刘晓波汉语学习基金,以资助美国大学替代孔子学院。


    关键词(Tags): #2022 美国竞争法案 外交 台湾 印太 新冠通宝推:光年,审度,
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