
主题:【文摘】找到一个天文摄影的曝光指南 -- 闲看蚂蚁上树

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  • 家园 【文摘】找到一个天文摄影的曝光指南

    Astrophotography Exposure Guide



    25: - - f/1.4 f/2.8 f/5.6 f/11 f/22 f/45

    100: f/1.4 f/2.8 f/5.6 f/11 f/22 f/45 f/90

    400: f/2.8 f/5.6 f/11 f/22 f/45 f/90 f/180

    1600: f/5.6 f/11 f/22 f/45 f/90 f/180 f/360


    Sun - With Most Solar Filters 1/4000 1/1000 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4 1

    Total Solar Ecl. - Prominences - - 1/4000 1/1000 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4

    " No Filter " Inner Corona 1/2000 1/500 1/125 1/30 1/8 1/2 2

    " " Outer Corona 1/125 1/30 1/8 1/2 2 8 30

    Crescent Moon - Earthshine 1 4 15 1m 4m 15m - -

    " " <30 Hours Old 1/125..or Underexpose Twilight Sky 1 f/Stop

    " " 30-60 Hours Old 1/500..or Underexpose Twilight Sky 1 f/Stop

    " " 20-35% Illum. 1/2000 1/500 1/125 1/30 1/8 1/2 2

    1/2 Moon 1/4000 1/1000 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4 1

    Sunlit Earth, Full Moon - - 1/2000 1/500 1/125 1/30 1/8 1/2

    Terminator of <50% Illum. Moon 1/500 1/125 1/30 1/8 1/2 2 8

    Moon 4' from Terminator 1/2000 1/500 1/125 1/30 1/8 1/2 2

    Partial Lunar Eclipse 0-30% Ecl. 1/4000 1/1000 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4 1

    " (+/- 1 f/stop) " 30-80% 1/1000 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4 1 4

    " (+/- 1 f/stop) " 80-95% 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4 1 4 15

    " (+/- 1 f/stop) " 95-99% 1/60 1/15 1/4 1 4 15 1m

    Total Lunar Ecl. (+/- 3 f/stops) 4 15 1m 4m 15m - - - -

    Mercury and Venus 1/2000 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/60 1/15 1/4

    Mars 1/250 1/125 1/60 1/30 1/8 1/2 2

    Jupiter 1/60 1/30 1/15 1/8 1/2 2 8

    Jupiter and 4 Moons 1/2 1 2 4 15 1m 4m

    Saturn 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 4 15 1m

    Uranus (or 6th Mag. Star) 4 4 4 4 15 1m 4m

    Neptune (& Saturn's Moon Titan) 15 15 15 15 1m 4m 15m

    Naked Eye Comet Nucleus 6m 25m 100m - - Tail = Same as M42

    DEEP SKY OBJECTS: TIME IN MINUTES (or as specified)

    12th Mag. Star (20 cm Aperture) 10 20 40 80 - -

    Open & Globular star cluster 8 30 2h - - - -

    Brighter nebulae, i.e. M42 15 60 4h - - - -

    Most objects, i.e. M20, M51 22 90 - - - - - -

    Very Dim, i.e. Veil Nebula 30 2h - - - - - -

    * Double exposure if object is only 8-14 degrees above horizon.

    * Quadruple (4x) exposure if 5-8 degrees high, or for thin clouds.

    * If ISO is higher, decrease exposure time by same proportion, i.e. if

    ISO is doubled (or if film is hypered) reduce exposure time by 1/2.

    * Keep a record of your own exposure data, it will save film!

    * Use the f/11 exposure data if you are using an f/10 SCT.

    For each 100mm of focal length, the Moon's image will be about 1mm in diameter.

    To calculate your f/ratio, divide the focal length by your telescope's aperture.

    f/number counter; double the exposure time for each successively larger number:

    Each number, or f/stop is a multiple of the square root of 2, or about 1.4142.

    1 l.4 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32 45 64 90 128 180 256 360 512

    Copyright 3/1988 by Jeffrey R. Charles All Rights Reserved.

    注:以上的曝光时间是以胶卷为准的。胶卷有一种名为“low light reciprocity failure”的特性。当拍摄低光度物体时,曝光时间会和胶卷速度不匹配,照片实际需要的曝光时间要比预计时间长,数码单反就不会有这种现象出现。据有人试验,当使用ISO 400 F2.8镜头,用胶卷拍摄需要10分钟曝光时间,而用佳能数码单反则只需2-3分钟就可以得到相同的曝光量了。

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