
主题:【原创】旁观英国 之 法国是英国的春药 -- 风雨声

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    • 家园 【纪事】赞一下,再提供个佐证



      而有弹性的劳动力市场是英国相对欧陆国家的最大竞争力.由于我的研究发现, 大约30%的英国人都一周工作35小时以上.我导师认为我的研究对于击败邪恶卑鄙的法国人有贡献.他在BBC4对他的专访中,反复强调渲染如果欧洲宪章公投通过对英国的打击.其他老大对他的评论都给予强力支持.我从来没有没有看到英国人, 从上到下如此团结, 意见一致.可见,自由的保守主义是英国知识精英的一个共识.他们聊天时对法国人的评价最客气的也是"SNOBBISH",让人啼笑皆非.


      • 家园 现在经过萨科齐一搞,空客的事情如何了?
      • 家园 虎兄是行家, 不过, 我感觉法国人不是很靠谱,

        钱其琛的<外交十记>里有一章记录和法国人打交道的历史,我的感觉他们不如英国人守信用, 英国人100年后,按照租约把香港还给我们了,要是法国,我感觉玄,恐怕要打一架才行...

        • 家园 现代英国人说法国车和法国人一样靠不住
        • 家园 【纪事】一言难尽话英法


          就象英国卫报在欧盟公投失败后,公开地说"1975年前我们就想拆散欧盟,因为一个强大的欧洲不符合大不列巔的利益.可是,法,德两国誓死捍卫欧洲统一的梦想.当然,他们从二战中得到了教训.所以,我们在欧盟门外难有作为,这就是为什么我们要加入他们,在内部搞事总是容易多了.我们要成为欧盟扩编的旗手,一个组织越庞大,就越虚弱,纷争就越多,法德手上的两票就越没用, 我们搞事就越容易......明年要把土耳其带进委员会."

          我想,德国人读到此必是冷笑,毕竟是世仇,没得化解. 法国人读到此处,只有吐血三升,手指西北,大呼"过河!过河!杀贼!杀贼......"

          • 家园 这是为何我喜欢英国


          • 家园 这么赤裸裸啊。
          • 家园 卫报太没有创意了


            Don't the Foreign Office realise the damage to the European idea?

            Well I'm sure they do. That's why they support it.

            The Foreign Office is pro-Europe, isn't it?

            Yes and no. If you will forgive the expression.The Foreign Office is pro-Europe because it's really anti-Europe. The Civil Service was united in its desire to make sure the Common Market didn't work.That's why we went into it.

            What are you talking about?

            Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last 500 years: to create a disunited Europe. In that course, we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians. Divide and rule, you see. Why should we change now, when it has worked so well?

            That's ancient history, surely?

            Yes, and current policy. We had to break the whole thing up, so we had to get inside. We tried to break it up from the outside, but that wouldn't work.Now that we are inside, we can make a complete pig's breakfast of the whole thing. Set the Germans against the French, Set French against the Italians, the Italians against the Dutch. The Foreign Office is terribly pleased, it's just like the old times.

            But surely we're all committed to the European ideal?

            Really, Minister...

            No? But why are we pressing for an increase in the membership?

            Well, for the same reason. It's just like the United Nations, in fact. The more members it has, the more arguments it can stir up, the more futile and impotent it becomes.

            What appalling cynicism.

            Yes. We call it diplomacy, Minister.

          • 家园 哈哈。


          • 家园 记得有篇文章里说“英国人心狠手软,德国人手狠心软“
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