
主题:加拿大信托基金:黎明前的曙光 -- 倥偬飞人

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        • 家园 The numbers could both be right

          The numbers could both be right, but referring to different trusts: US$9.9 for AAV, and C$5.5 for THY.UN. I mentioned these two in my previous posts.

      • 家园 CAITI的尖锐问题

        The Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors has raised a number of questions, the answers to which could make Flaherty’s the “Tax Fairness? Plan”:

        What are the policy reasons behind this year's subtle and yet profound change that will permit Canada's largest pension plans to own the economic equivalent of Income Trusts in their private equity portfolios and not be subject to the same double taxation that would be paid by average Canadians in their individual [Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), the equivalent of the US IRA] under your tax proposal?

        How is something that is being denied the average Canadian saving for retirement, on the basis of its presumed negative effect on Ottawa's tax base, be allowed to persist for the exclusive benefit of those in the public civil service and others so advantaged?

        Do you agree with the 2005 Consultation Paper which revealed that businesses under the corporate model paid, on average, taxes at the rate of 6.3 percent in 2004?

        Is it fair to say that if these same earnings were paid out from an income trust to Canadian individual investors, then taxes would be paid to Ottawa at the higher rate of personal taxation, which the study indicates is 38 percent on average?

        On this intuitive level, how can income trusts cause tax leakage?

        Has the Department of Finance come to a determination yet as to the cause behind the unexplained surge in personal taxes reported on October 27, 2006 (immediately prior to your Halloween announcement) in an article by Steve Chase of the Globe and Mail entitled “Tax cash floods in, leaving experts at a loss.” Which starts by saying: "There's a mystery bedeviling the Finance Department: Canadians are sending far more personal income taxes to Ottawa than expected--and nobody knows exactly why. Personal income taxes collected--the single biggest source of Ottawa's revenue--are up nearly 11 per cent in the first five months of this fiscal year compared with last year.”

        “The puzzle also appears to play a role in the massive CD6.7 billion budget surplus Ottawa posted for the five months of this fiscal year--CD2 billion ahead of where finances stood at the same time last year.”

        Given that the five assertions of the Ways and Means Motion, which is the enabling legislation, are based on readily quantifiable concepts, when do you intend to provide Parliament, and in turn Canadians, with any of the supporting studies and analyses that provide the justification for these far reaching measures? The methodologies and assumptions behind this body of work are as important, if not more important, than the numbers themselves. To date no such information has been provided.

        What is the specific section of the Access to Information Act you are relying upon and the underlying reasons the government is invoking to justify the denial of access to information by Gordon Tait who was seeking full disclosure of your tax leakage analysis, to the extent such studies even exist?

        Is the NDP [New Democratic Party], which to date has supported you in this policy to double tax income trusts in RRSPs, been provided with any more information on your assertion of tax leakage than you have made available to the public at large? Have they at any time requested any such additional information?

        We understand that NDP MPs have, during the past few days, written to their concerned constituents, in what appears to be form-type correspondence, stating: “I am confident that government estimates of future tax leakage are solid.”

        What is the basis for their confidence, since it could only have come from your office? Have other elected representatives either within your own party or from other parties sought or received such publicly undisclosed information?

        Do you believe the comments of the Governor of the Bank of Canada on income trusts that were made in October 2006 that were prefaced by the words, "limited evidence suggests" are more or less authoritative than the work of a major accounting firm whose study of December 7, 2006, is based on an exhaustive study of all 250 income trusts and evaluates their contribution to the Canadian economy?

        We note that the CEO of Manulife Financial has been called as a witness. Is this witness representing the interests of a multibillion Canadian "corporation" proper or as the marketer of products which it sells as principle and which have to compete directly with Income Trusts for market "shelf space"? Products such as life annuities and the heavily promoted and advertised proprietary product known as "Income Plus," again sold by Manulife Financial as principle rather than as agent. Income trusts are issued by issuing Canadian businesses to fund their business activities and are purchased by Canadians through agents without promotional advertisement.

        These are just some of the unanswered questions that Canadians who are affected by your policy have at this point in time on the "debate" on income trusts. We thank the committee members in advance for asking them on behalf of these negatively affected Canadians.

    • 家园 等着看保守党的笑话

      对患了感冒的人,保守党大夫的治疗方案是:截肢! 然后还死活不给你看它是怎么看病的:



      • 家园 Steven Harper,

        “You are too young, too naive.“


        • 家园 投资和政治密不可分

          保守党如此表现,连当初支持他们这一决策的人也大失所望,毕竟这里的老百姓是真的有政治素养,不象台湾的死忠傻帽。财政部这种死硬做法,在台湾可能还让死忠者叫好叫爽,在这儿就是自掘坟墓。俺对新税法不通过的看法更加乐观了,对aav也是利好,可以开始买calls了,strik 10 /Aug 07很便宜,还是分步建仓。

          • 家园 Typical attitude

            from former supporters:

            walter clare from Merrickville, Ontario, Canada writes: I believe that this is the first time a G&M thread on the income trust subject has had this much posting without one of the conservative apologists showing up here trying to spin the information in a positive light for the government.

            I think even their most ardent supporters, which would have included me not that long ago, have become disgusted by their cavalier attitude and indifference toward everyday Canadians. I am kind of proud of the way Canadians have stood tough against the calculated arrogance of this failed government. It is time for them to go.


    • 家园 最新消息:议会聆讯定在2月2日

      今天议会金融委员会投票决定,对保守党的income trust tax 政策进行六小时聆讯,时间定在2月2日,也就是两个星期之后。将召集专家和保守党政府有关官员对决策依据进行辩论。


      最大反对党自由党以及魁人政团无疑想通过聆讯暴露保守党决策的无知和浅陋之处,而事实也确实是如此。反对党可以借此争取更多选民支持。当然,如果聆讯结果对保守党不利,新税政策可能无法通过立法,或者至少将做重大修订,将4年缓冲期改为10年,以及可能将THY这样的royalty trusts免除新税。


    • 家园 分享一个值得买入的信托基金

      虽然面临着诸多负面因素,如政府征税新政策、天然气和石油价格下滑、经济走缓等等,这正好说明入市的黄金定律:买入别人不要的忽视的好冬冬,而Thunder Energy (THY.UN,或者THY-UN.TO/YAHOO)就是这样一个很好的投资:利空出尽,价格已经触底,现金红利高,反弹前景很好。





      • 家园 有点疑问


        • 家园 THY去年9月才开始上市

          这个一年赚0.07的数据有点奇怪,stockwatch上面有这个数,但是不一定准确。06Q3的数据是0.17,当时天然气价格只有4-5美元,能取得这个成绩已经比很多基金好了,象DAY.UN, VNG.UN都是亏损。我就是根据这个表现觉得THY其实更好。从Q4到现在石油天然气价格还不错,而且HEDGE了一半左右,今年的数据应该好看不少,派息1.08应该没有问题,CANACCORD预计PAYOUT RATIO在80%左右。


          Quarterly moneys from operations totalled $18.8-million (39 cents per unit basic, 36 cents per unit diluted) compared with $35-million in third quarter 2005 (79 cents per unit basic and diluted). The quarter-over-quarter decline reflects a 37-per-cent decrease in natural gas prices at the wellhead to an average $5.79 per thousand cubic feet, a 2-per-cent reduction in average oil and NGL prices at the wellhead to $68.51 per barrel and a 20-per-cent decline in average production.

          For the nine months, moneys from operations totalled $60.5-million ($1.28 per unit basic, $1.16 per unit diluted). The decline in the average natural gas price was less severe for the nine months at 19 per cent with the trust averaging $6.36 per thousand cubic feet, offset by a 7-per-cent increase in average production to 9,511 barrels of oil equivalent per day and a 3-per-cent growth in the average oil and NGL price at the wellhead to $64.18 per barrel.

          The trust recorded net income of $8.3-million for the quarter (17 cents per unit basic and diluted) versus $7.7-million in third quarter 2005 (18 cents per unit basic and 17 cents per unit diluted). For the nine months, net income totalled $30.7-million (65 cents per unit basic and 60 cents per unit diluted), a substantial increase from the $15.6-million recorded for the nine months of 2005. The increase is attributable to, among other factors, future tax recoveries due to the federal and provincial governments enacting significant future tax deductions in second quarter 2006.

          • 家园 数据更坏



            • 家园 这个要具体分析一下





              Funds from operations for 2006 were $79.0 million ($1.65 per unit basic; $1.51 per unit diluted),

              这可以说明THY还是有能力继续派发每个月0.09/UNIT的红利,今年的能源价格石油方面不太好说,如果打仗的话肯定大涨,中国也在建立战略石油储备,美国也在增加,还是有一定支持的,经济疲弱是一个负面因素,但是估计也就是几个百分点的变化。天然气属于UTILITY概念,加上Alberta省oil sands开发有增无减,天然气价格今年不必太担心。

              最近的Fairbone合并案,象THY这样被收购的话,还是能够在$4-5元范围内的,现在股市狂跌,难免有些人MARGIN CALL来,不计成本往外抛。


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