
主题:加拿大信托基金:黎明前的曙光 -- 倥偬飞人

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      • 家园 回报真不错啊,

        Schedule 1:


        Thunder Energy Trust

        2006 - T3 Information for Canadian Residents


        Taxable Tax Deferred

        Total Amount Amount (Box 42)

        Distribution (Box 26) Other Return of

        Record Date Payment Date Paid Income Capital Amount



        Jan 23, 2006 Feb 15, 2006 0.15 0.13335 0.01665


        Feb 22, 2006 Mar 15, 2006 0.15 0.13335 0.01665


        Mar 22, 2006 Apr 17, 2006 0.15 0.13335 0.01665


        Apr 24, 2006 May 15, 2006 0.15 0.13335 0.01665


        May 23, 2006 Jun 15, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Jun 22, 2006 Jul 17, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Jul 24, 2006 Aug 15, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Aug 22, 2006 Sep 15, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Sep 22, 2006 Oct 16, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Oct 23, 2006 Nov 15, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Nov 22, 2006 Dec 15, 2006 0.12 0.10668 0.01332


        Dec 29, 2006 Jan 15, 2007 0.12 0.10668 0.01332



        Total Per Unit 1.56 1.38684 0.17316



        现在的价格是5.6左右,算来一年的回报率(税前)在27%了。比激进的MUTUAL FUND都要好啊。


        • 家园 简单的做法



          • 家园 适合象俺这样的业余选手,实在是居家投资之必备


      • 家园 好像去年7月到10月间没分过红


      • 家园 还有其他推荐吗?
        • 家园 是否还有其他推荐? Watch me!
        • 家园 关于如何购买加拿大基金


          要买在加拿大上市的基金,可以在加拿大股票经纪公司开户,有些full service的美国经纪公司应该也可以但是汇率换来换去成本高一点。但是也有直接在美国上市的加拿大信托基金,只是回报没有那么高,如AAV, PGH等。

      • 家园 sounds attractive, and questions

        Actually,it is my first time to look into the canadian stock.

        1. I went to Yahoo financial trying to find the financial data and its profile, but they are not available there,only some charts and remarks. where can i find the information i wanted?

        2. is the monthly dividend of 12 cents guanranteed or based on performance?

        3. do the investor need to pay the capital gain tax if they profit on this trust fund as the stock investors do?

        4. what is the tax and how much is the tax rate which is proposed by the conservative party? how long the proposal will be hearing and voted?

        Thanks a lot

        • 家园 Very good questions

          1. I went to Yahoo financial trying to find the financial data and its profile, but they are not available there,only some charts and remarks. where can i find the information i wanted?

          You need to use THY-UN.TO when you try to find it in Yahoo finance:


          2. is the monthly dividend of 12 cents guanranteed or based on performance?

          Not guanranteed, but based on cash flow. They are legally bound to pay out all profits over the time. In the case of THY, it has been very steady since its ineption.

          3. do the investor need to pay the capital gain tax if they profit on this trust fund as the stock investors do?

          Yes. Foreign investors have to pay divident tax to the Canadian government - 15% of dividend received for US investors. In THY's case, a US investor has to pay 1.8 cents out of the 12 cents dividend each month, however that part of tax will be deductible when you pay income tax to the US government.

          4. what is the tax and how much is the tax rate which is proposed by the conservative party? how long the proposal will be hearing and voted?

          The Conservatives propose to charge income trust tax starting in 2011, similar to a regular business corporation, probably in the range of 31% or so in addition to provincial tax. The hearing is being called and may commence soon in the financial committe of the Parliament, and may go through the Senate if necessary. This has become an election issue, so if the minority Conservative government is challenged for any issue such as the budget, a grand election will be called. If the Conservatives lose the election and this look likely, the Liberals may come back to power and throw out the income trust tax proposal. It is generally anticipated that the grand election may be called any time this year.

          • 家园 thank you for your reply,but

            There is no data available for THY-UN.TO.

            i did use THY-UN.TO in Yahoo finance, but i could not get its profile or financial data,

            http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=THY-UN.TO, or maybe it is because i am in China?

            i guess there is some better website about canadian stock/mutual fund

            rather than yahoo financial if i want to probe further on a specific company. Flyingman may recommend one to me, one that i can access easily from china.

            In China, pepole have lots of stock analysis software such as QianLong, DaZhiHui. Or the least, some website such as Sina,Sohu provide some basic and general information of any listed company to investors. Sina financial functions similarly to what Yahoo financial does, but better than yahoo as i feel. I just wonder what is the popular tool used by the canadian stock investors, do you have the stock software just as QianLong,DaZhiHui? Or you have a very good website that is only accessible to those who opens an account in the canadian securities company?

            I lived in Canada for some years, and still have some money deposited in the canadian bank.After reading Flyingman's post, i am stirred to buy mutual fund.

            So for the canadian investors, they donot need to pay cash dividend tax, that is good for me.

            关键词(Tags): #IAN
            • 家园 More info available

              on their website: 外链出处

              Tons of info, more than I can tell.

            • 家园 Better information sources

              exist, but you will have to pay for it such as stockwatch.com, where you will have more information and you will be able to do technical analysis with the tools provided with.

              Please be aware that THY and alike are not mutual funds which you have to contact a broker to trade. They are acutally called income trusts or specifically royalty trusts for oil and gas producers in this category. As long as you have a self-directed account with any investment firms like CIBC, you will be able to trade them just like any regular stocks.

              Canadian investors will still have to pay personal income tax on the the dividends received which will be considered income. It is just that such tax will not be withheld automatically like those for foreign investors.

              • 家园 可以考虑用RSP的资金来投资,

                Canadian investors will still have to pay personal income tax on the the dividends received which will be considered income. It is just that such tax will not be withheld automatically like those for foreign investors


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