主题:【原创】阿拉伯甜品:BAKLAWA -- 喜欢就捧捧场
“在Yonge Street上路东有一个店不错的,就在Finch 和 Steels 之间,叫叽哩咕噜花差花差……”没等我问明白,该死的电话又响了,Nadirah笑盈盈地冲我一摆手,做了个回头再说的表情,扭搭扭搭地走开了。
那天的下午忙疯了,愣是没再跟Nadirah搭上话儿。回到家的时候,俩孩子早吃过晚饭跟爷爷奶奶出去绕弯儿,良牙一个人儿在家里正在AOE 3中带了大队的Husar拼命冲人家拿破仑的炮兵阵地呢,被我拉拉扯扯上车就跑,“走,我带你找食儿去!”
Finch 和 Steels 之间的Yonge Street可是好长一段路,路边上全是各色小店,我和良牙居然没费什么力气就找到了一个全是阿拉伯店的小plaza,可问题是,店名除了门牌号码之外,全是曲里拐弯儿的阿拉伯文(对了,那号码其实也是阿拉伯数字啊!)。
“Can I help you?” 站在柜台后面的店员忍无可忍地开口了,我扭头一看,嚯!铁塔一般的大汉啊,宽肩厚胸,手臂上一层黑毛……脸长啥样?呃,没敢看。
良牙咧嘴一笑:“Just want to have a look…”一边儿还在仔细打量着架子上的DVD,我赶紧扯着他往外跑,“We are leaving now, have a nice day!”
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BAKLAWA (The "king" of Arab pastries)
Greek-style Baklava, which is common in the west, uses honey in the syrup. More typical Egyptian Baklawa does not. Recipes for syrup variations are included here.
2 cups walnuts, finely chopped
1 cup almonds, finely chopped (optional – this is found in Greek baklava)
1 cup sugar
2 cups clarified, melted butter
2 Ts. cinnamon
1 Tb. Orange blossom water (mazahar)
1 package phyllo dough (1 lb. Or 454 gms.)
Syrup (see below for variations)
Mix the walnuts (and almonds if using), sugar, ¼ cup of the butter, cinnamon and orange blossom water, then set aside.
Butter well a 13 x 9 inch baking pan, then set aside.
Taking one sheet of the phyllo dough and place it in the baking dish, then brush with melted butter. Repeat this process until ½ of the dough is used. Then place the walnut mixture of the buttered layers and spread evenly.
Place one layer of dough on the nut layer and brush with melted butter, then continue this until the rest of the dough is used.
Heat the remaining butter, then pour it evenly over the dough. With a sharp knife, carefully cut the pastry into 2 inch squares or diamond shapes. Bake in a preheated oven of 400F for five minutes, then lower the heat to 300F and bake for 30-45 minutes or until the sides are a light shade of brown.
While the baklawa is baking, prepare the syrup and set aside.
2 Syrup Variations (choose one for your pastry delight!)
Egyptian Sugar Syrup or Sharbat
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons orange blossom water (optional)
Place the sugar and the water in a pot over a medium heat.
Stir constantly for 10 minutes or until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved.
Remove from the heat, then stir in the lemon juice. Return to the heat and bring it to a boil. Remove again and stir in the orange blossom water ( if using ), then allow the syrup to cool until the pastry is ready.
Greek-style Sugar Syrup for Baklava
1 ½ cups sugar
1 ½ cups water
¼ cup honey
Thinly peeled strip of lemon rind
Small piece of cinnamon bark
3 cloves
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
Place the sugar, water and honey in a heavy pan and stir over medium heat until the sugar is dissolved. Add remaining syrup ingredients, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. Strain and cool.
After you have made your syrup, it is important that your pastry is cooked through. You can either broil the top of the pastry briefly, to brown it, or you can cover it with foil if you find that the top is browning too quickly.
Once the pastry is finished and lightly browned, spoon the syrup evenly over the hot baklawa. Let the pastry cool for several hours before cutting again into serving portions