
主题:【原创】抛砖引玉,翻译<<经济学人>>留言板 -- 深大

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家园 【原创】抛砖引玉,翻译<<经济学人>>留言板


frank gerlach wrote:

March 16, 2008 07:26

It seems that the chinese authorities have reacted appropriately, considering the racial hatred and violence of the tibetians. Burning and looting the property of a minority is not exactly coherent with the Dalai Lama's propaganda message of peacefulness.

I think outsiders should be careful to put too much trust in to what the chinese govt and the Dalai Lama say.


Semicrazy wrote:

March 16, 2008 07:52

People in China can't see any news like this.I was just now asking something about the unrest in Lhasa in a forum in China, my post was soon be deleted and the connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. And I still can't log to the server till now. Lots of people don't even know what is it like in Lhasa now and they can hardly see any news about it. Words like "Lhasa","LS","Xizang" and "XZ" has been completely blocked throughout the Internet in China!


GlobalStrides333 wrote:

March 16, 2008 08:34

In reply to Frank: I agree with you, however the Tibetans are simply frustrated with their "Autonomous region" being overwhelmingly occupied by Han Chinese. This is a common trend throughout the minority regions in China, and if the government keeps suggesting settlement of minority regions, there will be no diversity of culture in China's future.


Y.Zheng wrote:

March 16, 2008 08:55

After reading Semicrazy's comment, I went and searched for Lhasa related news on chinese forums and news websites. To your disappointment, I actually managed to find related news on all the major Chinese news sites such as Chinadaily, Sina.com and wenxuecity.com. I also saw the Lhasa news on "CCTV1 7 o'clock news" on tv today. From my humble view, news on the Lhasa incident from Chinese medias are as objective as this article on Economist. Of course, one can find very biased and hostile comments from Chinese individual on Chinese forums, but that is only certain individuals opinion, which can not represent the Chinese authority.

I am a Chinese, and I am against supresson in Tibetans. However, I am strongly against violence, thus I find it hard to stand against the Chinese authorities action this time. Attacking shops and causing mayhem in cities is not the solution to anything, and the results will never be positive. (My humble opinion)

Lastly, I wish Semicrazy to please check the reliability of his/her sources before posting comments like "Words like "Lhasa","LS","Xizang" and "XZ" has been completely blocked throughout the Internet in China!", become such statement is totally untrue.

在读了Semicrazy的意见,我去中国的论坛和新闻网站搜索了有关拉萨的新闻。恐怕会使你失望了,我在所有主要的新闻网站,例如Chinadaily, Sina.com 和 wenxuecity.com都找到了相关新闻。我也在中央电视台的7点新闻中看到了拉萨的新闻。我的观点是中国新闻的公正性堪比这篇文章。当然你可以在中文网站上找到充满偏见和敌对情绪的意见,但是这只是某些个人的观点,不代表中国官方。




家园 del
家园 好好看贴弄明白别人的意思有那么难么?就算难,那也是义务吧?




最后,如果你反对这句话,麻烦自己去经济学人上用地道英语和人对侃——如果你能更好的对付藏独脑残和too simple sometimes naive的西方人士的话。

家园 花顶!

家园 愚公移山,一段一段来


seeityourself wrote:

March 16, 2008 08:57

This report sheds some light on the clash between Tibetans and Hui Muslim Chinese. The reporter who by a strange miracle happens to be the only officially permitted media inside Tibet by the Beijing authorities has not explained why there exist a strong resentment for the Tibetans against the Hui Muslim. In Central Tibet before Chinese invaded Tibet in 1959, there were no Hui Muslims in Tibet. The only Hui Muslims if at all settled in any Tibetan area were found in the border regions of Gansu and Qinghai. But in the last few decades we have seen a large influx of Hui Chinese moving into TAR,and this has taken place as a part of the Beijing's greater design of marginalizing Tibetans and creating ethnic tension and keep a iron grip on the region. It looks like the fruit of this draconian scheme is finally getting paid.

By the way the Tibetans are not the only people who are terribly affected by this influx of Hui-Han migration. The other minorities including Uighurs in East Turkistan(Xinjiang), Mongolians and Manchurian are fighting their own battles against this forced and planned migration of Hui-Han Chinese by Beijing. Uighurs are muslims but they clearly identify Hui Chinese as separate as they have mostly got integrated with Han Chinese.

Tibetans have for centuries lived harmoniously with Tibetan Muslim who were allowed their own space of worship. Infact many of them fled Tibet and are currently living in India as Tibetan muslim refugees (what an irony right).

I am concerned about the Tibetans who are now arrested that counts to hundreds and what kind of treatment they would be subjected to. Its must be happening only China where you get rounded up and arrested for just raising some slogans. After all isn't that what really happened on the first day when the monks peacefully marched in the street. The carnage and rioting followed after the monks were treated harshly and violently on the first day of protest,Which the only offically allowed reporter in Tibet did not see.

Here is what I saw on the wall somewhere:

In my country,

Torture Hidden,

Venture forbidden.

These lines are definitely voices of Tibetans and all the suppressed people in Tibet and China.







March 16, 2008 09:23

Hi, I am a Chinese living in Beijng now. My friend and I are highly concerned about what is happening in Lhasa. Chinese people love peace and unity. I don't think the riot can resolve anything, but do harm to the ordinary people in Tebet. I feel so sorry. As far as I know, minority group in China enjoy many special favorable policies that the han majority can't enjoy. Culture diversity is critical to every country.


家园 谢谢花,不过最好的支持是您也来翻译一段。
家园 楼主辛苦,花

前两天我看他们说着说着就在谁被洗脑的问题上纠缠个没完就没再看了,不过个人觉得economist 那两篇 “独家报道”跟他们的同行比起来算是中肯的了。

家园 很好的工作,发前三个人的回复表示支持:)





Delancy wrote:

March 19, 2008 00:42

From what I know & read the Tibetans are fed up seeing the Chines immigrants getting the well paid jobs. An example of the unjustness is when the rail way was built the Tibetans only got the low paying jobs & the new imigrant Chianese the well paid jobs. One way to subjacate people is to disalow the practice of religion. Buddism is a way of life for Tibetans,meaning religion binds their culture together. Ironically many in China think highly of the Dalai Lama.

我的见闻是西藏人对中国移民拿走高收入的工作已经受够了。不公正的一个列子是在铁路工程中西藏人只有低收入工作而新移民好工作。(subjacate people is to disalow是什么意思啊?这家伙英文够可以的。)压制人民的(其中)一个方式是夺去实践宗教(的自由)。 我是大熊解释是One way to subjacate people is to disalow the practice of religion:宗教信仰是西藏的生活方式,这意味着宗教和他们的文化已经绑在一起了。具有讽刺意味的是,许多中国人对达赖评价很高。

"If Tibetans truly cleave to the Han path let them say so in an independent referendum."

dartmouthgirlie 出现了:

Would this really be in the interest of the Tibetan people? The literacy rate is only around 50% (and close to 0% prior to Chinese invasion/liberation). Can they realistically make informed decisions that are in their OWN interests rather than the interests of the government-in-exile (former aristocracy)?

I just found this article from an Australian publication that provides some insight into the Dalai and his government:


Seems like a bold move from a journalist. Perhaps "free press" means more in Australia than in the US/UK




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