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主题:【讨论】World War 3 -- e2w5
youtube 最新消息.
不知道多少是真的。。。 打击欧元?
我确定英国MoD Ministry of Defence有关于World war 3的大型simulation system.
Again this will go back to the issue of financial crisis.
According this guy, the financial system has reached the point of irreversible breaking point. We could see a depression like in 1930. They are facing a dilemma - clash of the financial system or a bloody war.
Given the issue of global warming and peak oil, a massive reduction of population as a solution THE problem became clear.
The only one who can put this off are the anglo saxon elites.
French are forever chanllegers.
Germans are defeated twice.
They are under control.
WASPs are the real masters and they will do everything to keep their power.
Now I think they are uniting the west forces under the leadership of WASPs and what is advertised in the video could happen...
How and when the WW3 starts?
Now given the massive west media misleading reports triggered Chinese protests, the new EU treaty will be passed.
Tony Blair will become the new EU president.
The timeline with US election is perfect.
A British controlled puppet will win the US election. The process of uniting the western forces will complete.
There will be some incidents to create dictatorship.
We could see THE war after 2009, if we do nothing.
Housing crash has not bottomed.
Credit Derivative Meltdown is in progress.Total value of credit market is over 500 trillion and there is no buyers for those instruments.
Someone has to pay for the loss. America, Europe or china or BRIC country.
This is a fight of live or death.
A war seems the only option.
Report: Dalai Lama Nazi Conspiracy, World War 3 Food Crisis
This may sound far fetched at first, but it doesn't make it wrong. It just makes you uninformed.
To all the people, who can understand the videos and my posts. Please help to raise the awareness of this, we could not afford if what is advertised is true...
Housing crash has not bottomed.
Credit Derivative Meltdown is in progress.Total value of credit market is over 500 trillion and there is no buyers for those instruments.
Someone has to pay for the loss. America, Europe or china or BRIC country.
This is a fight of live or death.
A war seems the only option.
英国的对外政策多是徘徊在neoconservative和English school之间,挑中俄这样的恐龙叫板应该没什么太大兴趣,当然要是讲起阴谋论就没有什么学派之争了,虽然某人也是学国际关系的,本该对阴谋论嗤之以鼻的,但是没办法,就是吃这一套阿,从西藏的事起时,我就隐约感觉到欧洲,在进行新的冷战架构。然而某人依然相信经贸社会交流是可以弥合西方激进势力对国际结构的撕裂的。
This guy is deadly serious and smart. If you think it more, you are really scared...
'人民''正义'对西人来说是建立在种族之上的.看看"Free Tibet" "War on Iraq"在清楚不过.
transfer the finacial crisis happening now. To what extend the crisis is, nobody seems to know.
Now I don't think the west can tolerate the decline of their civilization and the "peaceful rise" of china.
If Maccain or Al gore got elected, what the video said will become true.
Now the question is what is said is true or not. Can we afford if that is the truth.
Then the question is how do we prevent that happening or how do we prepare ourselves for what is going to happen.
we are looking for, to tackle a problem even before it becomes a problem.
need to work together and use collective wisedom. For which reason, I am posting.
in this century is likely to transfer the way we see the interaction among political entities. For this case, does globalization make conspiracy easier or harder to conduct? or the flood of information will blur everything and we'll never find the truth......
I believe openness and freedom of speech is the only way to defeat the conspiracy. It is true there are all kinds of information around internet, but truth is embedded in the flow of information if one concentrates on evidences or facts backed information.
E.g. Finacial war on Iran is a fact as published by US officials.
There are just too many coincidents to me on this one. I happen to know a guy who works for MoD and has been working on WW3 simulation for quite some time so I am really concerned.