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主题:【讨论】World War 3 -- e2w5
^ People's Daily, November 22, 2005 Global financial crisis is coming: Interview (I) November 22, 2005 ^ Collapse of the Soviet Union forecasted: Interview (II) November 22, 2005
^ American auto industry is going bankruptcy: Interview (III) November 22, 2005
^ Wall Street should be put into an insane asylum: Interview (IV) November 22, 2005
^ If you're a soldier, you don't cry: Interview (V) November 22, 2005
^ Walking in a Jungle, You Become Familiar with the Animals: Interview (VI) November 22, 2005
^ They will create incidents in order to create dictatorship: Interview (VII) November 22, 2005 ^ I'll get to China sometime: Interview (VIII) November 22, 2005
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
Nato 'must prepare to launch nuclear attack'
Military Chief Says Russia Not Obliged To Protect World From US
How We Must Deal With The Worst Crisis in History
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
April 11, 2008 (LPAC)-- The following presentation was given to a group of diplomats in Washington, D.C.
When will the new treaty kick in?
The treaty should come into force in 2009 but different parts will take effect at different times:
The High Representative on foreign affairs could start work by late 2008, as long as the treaty has been ratified
The new-look European Parliament would not appear until after the European elections in June 2009. In fact, that poll will be seen partly as an endorsement of the new arrangements
The new president of the European Council could also start work at that point
Although a new commission will be chosen in 2009, its size may not be slimmed down until 2014
Some extensions of qualified majority voting (QMV) in the European Council are already in place, such as the appointment of the commission president and the High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy - but Poland's objections over voting weights mean the redistribution of votes will not come in until after 2014
Some of the higher profile aspects of the treaty could begin to appear by the end of 2008 but it could be 10 years before the process is complete.
Now given the massive west media misleading reports triggered Chinese protests, the new treaty will be passed.
Tony Blair will become the new EU president.
The timeline with US election is perfect.
A British controlled puppet will win the US election.
There will be some incidents to create dictatorship.
We could see THE war after 2009, if we do nothing.
Chinese Nuclear Forces
and U.S. Nuclear War Planning
"As if that is not enough,
China is in the final phase of a nuclear facelift that the U.S. intelligence
community has predicted will result in 75 to 100 warheads “primarily targeted”
against the United States by 2015."
The war has to be triggered before the final phase of a nuclear facelift by China.
Food Crisis, Tibet War Conspiracy, Economic Collapse 4/22/08
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2000年11月14日,“探秘北纬30°————中美联合川藏考察”活动已对中国北纬 30°地区做了“CT”大扫描,目前正对大量信息资料进行数据处理。估计不到半年时间将会绘出人工地震测探剖面图,这为我国在国际地学界占据应有的大国地位迈出了第一步。
青藏高原是一块神圣又神秘的土地,但它更是地球科学研究关注的热点。 1991年中美青藏高原深部结构研究拉开了青藏高原由浅部到深部的地球物理研究的序幕。今年8月下旬,通过大当量爆破产生的能量,以地震波的形式穿过青藏高原 70公里的地壳以及上地幔,用国际先进的精密仪器设备接收返回地面,并携带青藏高原深部重要科学信息的地震波。最后经过多种高密集的计算手段,来勾画川西藏东部的剖面结构。
吴博士说,科考期间,他们在水中、陆上进行了大级别的人工爆破地震试验 16次,其中最大当量的人工地震爆破为50吨TNT,相当于3.3级地震,场面非常壮观。虽然人类最先进的科学技术面对无与伦比的地球内动力有些苍白无力,但,认识和适应自然规律的不懈努力是无止境的。这充分表现了中国人挑战重大科学问题的勇气与决心。