
主题:【讨论】World War 3 -- e2w5

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家园 I was sort of like you

when I first heard British MoD is building WW3 simulation system occasionally. What is the point I think? With all the big guys have nuclear bombs, we will just destroy the planet earth. This surely is just another way of abusing tax payer' money to raise employment.

Until I watched those videos, I realized if there is strong enough political will from the WASPs elites, anything is possible.

If one thinks deeper, what if they have the intelligence of how many the bombs are and where they are deployed and launch a first strike?

Never mentioning the missile "defence" shield deployed around the world.

These all became possible given their strategically goals are 1 destroy all challenging power 2 reduce massive population.

Now we are talking about they can try all possible scenarios in objective and quantified experiments.

The mass will think this is yet another conspiracy theory.

The CCP leaders know little about west world let along the internals of their political system.

However, anyone knows western politics should understand the gravity of those videos.

I hope I am wrong on this, otherwise we are all heading to a much darker future...

家园 好像不符合欧洲现在的实力


家园 'Doomsday' seed bank to be built


家园 I think we watched too much

Dr strangelove, brilliant film though.






you can't fight in the waroom!



Dr strangelove

家园 Putin raises spectre of nuclear

Putin raises spectre of nuclear war in Europe


Don't just look at the fabricated news. Concentrate on quotations and comments.

家园 My friend, the danger is real.

I now totally understand the feelings of being one of the conspiracy nuts.

家园 I know how you feel

exact the same here. But I find a way out, Neorealism! forget about all the details, systemic theory makes everything looks eaiser. try some Waltz's stuff, Theory of international politics, it helps.

家园 Or I should just take

the blue pill. There is much less pain and trouble with the blue pill.

Morpheus contacts Neo just as the machines (posing as sinister 'agents') are trying to keep Neo from finding out any more. When Morpheus and Neo meet, Morpheus offers Neo two pills. The red pill will answer the question "what is the Matrix?" (by removing him from it) and the blue pill simply for life to carry on as before. As Neo reaches for the red pill Morpheus warns Neo "Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."

家园 Forecasting 911 is an inside job

panzerkilla (8 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam

Is Larouche the same guy that said 9/11/01 was an inside job?

politicsonly (1 hour ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply | Spam

Yes, while it was happening he was on the radio saying that.

But, he forecasted in 2000 that the administration would need a Rieshtag Fire type event in order to maintain control. So he called it b4 too.

家园 President Putin rattles nuclear

President Putin rattles nuclear sabre at Nato


家园 Blair: Prepare for a 'new Europe

Blair: Prepare for a 'new Europe'


家园 老消息了,欧盟宪法都被否决了


家园 Blair kicks off campaign to beco

Blair kicks off campaign to become EU President

Alex Duval Smith in Paris The Observer, Sunday January 13 2008


家园 这个我也看到了


家园 默克尔 take on Tony Blair?

I know where to bet my money on.

Anyway, we shall see how this play out soon.

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