主题:王1000圆已经申请政治避难,她根本就是有预谋的!!! -- billhy

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家园 该事件的讨论已经走向赤裸裸种族主义攻击了



Duke Undergraduate

posted 4/14/08 @ 2:18 PM EST

I *do* read my history; I apparently just don't read posts carefully in the morning, and I thought you were referring to what we did to the Japanese in WWII.

To address your point, the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII was also justified, and I'm beginning to think the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was a good idea, as well. I also support our detention of enemy combatants in Guantanamo Bay and our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, so making a statement about any of those isn't going to phase me.

家园 实话说,我喜欢这样的评论

可惜我们平静不下来,不能take it easy

American Student in Duke

posted 4/14/08 @ 11:59 PM EST

Hi, calm down every body here. Believe it or not, you all are winners!

Ms. Wang is the biggest winner. Her voice was heard by the people in here, in US and in China. She may get much more than that? Does she?

Pro-Tibet is the winner. Congratulation, Ms. Wang will be able to stay here with you forever. You will have one more excellent, promised politician in US.

Pro-China is the winner. That Ms. Wang will be able to stay in US is not a bad thing for China. Actually, it will be great for China.

I only feel sorry for her parents. I truly believe they, like most Chinese, love China.

Congratulation to everybody.

家园 同感,同感
家园 要不王朔说中国的人才流失是上吐下泻呢


家园 提前更年了,还幸福
家园 "人"是可以无耻到这种地步的!别惊呀,看表演,还会有好戏不断上演


家园 倒是个标准的中国人了,拿鬼佬当猴耍呢,绝非汉奸的
家园 不至于是有预谋的吧



家园 啧啧!


家园 只是她们愿卖,美利坚大爷还不见得肯收......
家园 为什么不收


家园 邪恶的想,让她入美国籍吧



家园 算了,放她去美国把,弄回来要出人命的!一案几尸,一个家族都毁了.
家园 做人做到如此无耻的地步 她以为又逮到一次“8*8“的机会了
家园 无赖也有无赖的用处啊,鸡鸣狗盗之徒嘛


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