
主题:【讨论】家乐福的问题越挖越大咧 家乐福是记者无疆界的第二大赞助商 -- paul888

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家园 【讨论】家乐福的问题越挖越大咧 家乐福是记者无疆界的第二大赞助商


The Fnac, Carrefour, Casino, Monoprix and Cora supermarkets, the Internet websites alapage.com, fnac.com and amazon.fr, along with A2Presse and more than 300 bookshops in France sell them.


Reporters w/o borders


家园 是真的




Some partners give us vital help in kind:

The Reporters Without Borders books of photographs rely on a network of partners:

The French NMPP, SNDP and UNDP press distributors, the Relay chain and Interforum Editis distribute the books free of charge, and France Rail, AAP and Insert handle promotion.

France Loisirs sells the books of photos to its members without taking a commission, through its network of bookshops and its catalogue.

The Fnac, Carrefour, Casino, Monoprix and Cora supermarkets, the Internet websites alapage.com, fnac.com and amazon.fr, along with A2Presse and more than 300 bookshops in France sell them.

The Saatchi & Saatchi agency designs and conducts all our media campaigns.

Many media outlets give us great help by providing free publicity for our media campaigns throughout the year.

家园 深入挖掘


家园 国际左派学者揭露“无疆界记者组织“的真面目

Reporters Without Borders Unmasked —— Its Secret Deal with Otto Reich to Wreck Cuba's Economy


The Lies of Reporters without Borders —— 法国自己的巴黎大学学者揭露

To some people, it is an efficient vector for freedom in the world, but to others – and we are among those – it has evolved into a transmission cable for the State Department, and it is instrumenting a cause to support the United States’ strategy.




Thus RSF, with the pretext of defending freedom of the press, has repeatedly shown no mercy with Cuba (1), supported the coup d’etat against Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez in April 2002 (2), implicitly approved the bloody invasion of Iraq in 2003 (3) and legitimized the coup d’etat against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti (4). Now, RSF carries out a spectacular media campaign against China and the Olympic Games in Beijing (5).



家园 不是赞助,是卖书

The Fnac, Carrefour, Casino, Monoprix and Cora supermarkets, the Internet websites alapage.com, fnac.com and amazon.fr, along with A2Presse and more than 300 bookshops in France sell them.

这段话是说家乐福sells the books of photos (of Reporters Without Borders),不是赞助。

家园 呵呵,起码也是个partner啊

看看Jet兄从r w/o b的网站上引用的文字。reporters without borders是把JLF称作partner,而且还是给予他们vital help(至关重要的帮助)的partner。这个partner用中文说最轻也是个官方合作伙伴啦。这个词儿要是用到人与人之间,那关系可不一般,起码是亲密无间,同居密友这样层次啦。

作为一条做实JLF该被打击的罪名,这是没跑啦。虽然它只是三百分之一。可谁让它赶上了呢。唯一能辩解的可能是中国JLF没有帮R W/O B出售那些垃圾,可是这个借口恐怕太软了。真要用中文说出来,恐怕只能起到欲盖弥彰的效果。不如憋着,还减少一点传播范围。

Some partners give us vital help in kind:

The Reporters Without Borders books of photographs rely on a network of partners:

The French NMPP, SNDP and UNDP press distributors, the Relay chain and Interforum Editis distribute the books free of charge, and France Rail, AAP and Insert handle promotion.

France Loisirs sells the books of photos to its members without taking a commission, through its network of bookshops and its catalogue.

The Fnac, Carrefour, Casino, Monoprix and Cora supermarkets, the Internet websites alapage.com, fnac.com and amazon.fr, along with A2Presse and more than 300 bookshops in France sell them.

The Saatchi & Saatchi agency designs and conducts all our media campaigns.

Many media outlets give us great help by providing free publicity for our media campaigns throughout the year.

家园 嗯啦,是partner


家园 只按这里的说法,家乐福根本算不了什么


家园 赞成。
家园 是要好好查查
家园 还有法国官方的支持

Public grants

These fell very slightly, to 9% of total income (from 10% in 2005). The money came from the French prime minister’s office, the French foreign ministry and the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.

翻译:这部分收入由2005年的10%微降至9%。这些钱来自法国总理办公室、法国外交部和the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie。

家园 卖书的收入占它总收入的58%,远大于其它部分


家园 卖书的收入对它自己当然很重要


家园 【网易】家乐福五一将五折大促销 业内指属非正常促销



家园 是大概六五折到七五折而已
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