主题:【评论】她是如此的“轻薄”,叫人怎么不心动! -- Highway
索尼最近发布了一款型号为VAIO VGN-X505的笔记本电脑,为大家诠释了一个超薄的全新概念:两根铅笔的厚度!
X505使用的外壳为碳镍合金,这种材质在保证强度的情况下大幅度地减轻了重量,使这款超羽量级产品的重量保持在2磅(不到1公斤)以下。X505使用10.4英寸的液晶屏,并带有一个全尺寸的键盘,而它的厚度则是一般产品的一半,只有半英寸左右。它使用Pentium M处理器,20GB的硬盘,目前在索尼概念店和网上有销售,价格在3000美元左右。
[COLOR=blue]The Sony VAIO VGN-X505 is an incredibly thin and lightweight notebook, measuring a mere half-inch, the X505 can be compared side-by-side to a wooden pencil. The VAIO X505 is among the first notebooks ever to feature a carbon nickel casing, contributing to the computer's extra-slim form and keeping it in the featherweight class at a little under two pounds. With a 10.4-inch screen and a full-featured keyboard, the X505 squeezes the performance of a notebook twice the size into a package that is about half an inch thick. The unit comes with an Intel Pentium M processor and features a 20GB hard drive. A form-fitting ballistic nylon carrying case and matching accessories case make a style statement. Standard accessories include a specially designed 802.11g wireless LAN card, display/LAN adapter and cleaning cloth. Available exclusively through Sony Style concept stores and online at SonyStyle.com for about $3,000, the X505 notebook will also be bundled with a USB mouse with a Memory Stick media slot.[/COLOR]
现在我要解决的问题是把PC,PowerBook(OX10)和 Printer 用一个 wireless router 联起来。现有的 wireless router,e.g.,最好的 DLink-714P, 都只能联PC和PWBK,PC和 Printer,不能三个都联起来。Motorola 有一个 wireless router + printer server 可以联PC和PWBK,但是它同时又是一个cable modem,而我已经有了一个cable modem,...你如果知道有好的家用 wireless router,请介绍一个。
是电池时间. 开机关机的反应时间.
既然十几G的内存也不贵了, 取消硬盘算了,
整个系统都在内存跑. 把windows 做成rom.
对于打印机,你可以买一个Printer Server (USB -〉Network, 大约$50),如果是Wireless,要100多,我认为有些贵了!