
主题:【请教】系统问题 -- 西北人

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家园 【请教】系统问题


家园 没碰到类似的问题。但看起来像浏览器设置的问题。

很多网站都要求用户的浏览器"enable cookie"。这是他们注册和跟踪用户的一个最基本方法。可能你的浏览器在Win2000和WinXP上的设置不同。可以查一下on-line help,这不应该是一个大问题。

To customize your privacy settings for all Web sites

In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

Click the Privacy tab, and then click Advanced.

Click Override automatic cookie handling, and then specify how you want Internet Explorer to handle cookies from first-party Web sites and third-party Web sites (a Web site other than the one you are currently viewing).

To specify that you want Internet Explorer to always allow cookies to be saved on your computer, click Accept.

To specify that you want Internet Explorer to never allow cookies to be saved on your computer, click Block.

To specify that you want Internet Explorer to ask whether or not you want to allow a cookie to be saved on your computer, click Prompt.

If you want Internet Explorer to always allow session cookies (cookies that will be deleted from your computer when you close Internet Explorer) to be saved on your computer, click Always allow session cookies.

家园 谢谢!我试了一下


家园 关掉防火墙!


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