
主题:【原创】吉利收购沃尔沃,半路杀出程咬金? -- 卡蛮

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家园 【原创】吉利收购沃尔沃,半路杀出程咬金?

目前北京汽车要收购Saab,吉利要收购沃尔沃. 北汽看来没戏可唱.原来看好的吉利收购沃尔沃也极可能要黄. 现在一家由美国前汽车高管组成的财团Crown(皇冠)横插一杠子.


(Reuters) - A group led by former Ford Motor Co executives has submitted a revised bid this week for Ford's Volvo unit and hopes to beat the offer by Chinese carmaker Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, the Wall Street Journal reported citing people familiar with the situation.

The group, called Crown consortium, is led by former Ford director Michael Dingman and former Ford and Chrysler LLC executive Shamel Rushwin, the paper said.

Crown had been seen as an underdog at best but had been encouraged by Ford if it could find the necessary funding, the paper added.

Ford was not available for comment by Reuters outside regular U.S. business hours.

The paper said its sources declined to give the amount of Crown's bid but described it as on par with the Geely offer.

Geely was picked as the preferred bidder for Ford's Volvo unit with its $1.8 billion bid.

(Reporting by Santosh Nadgir in Bangalore; Editing by Valerie Lee)

家园 沙发
家园 我觉得像是抬价的托

呵呵, 我也算是吉利的股东, 所以挺关心这件事的。

不过收购volvo, 我觉得这件事黄了, 未必不是好事。 这件事的不确定性太多。 volvo现在亏损那么大, 吉利如何能保证迅速扭亏为盈? 北欧强大的工会组织吉利如何能玩得转? volvo的先进技术专利到底还有多少, 又有多少能顺利拿走, 移植?

我觉得吉利不靠收购, 一样能杀到国际强手的地步, 我相信中国原生民企的生命力。 而且现在国家对这类企业也开始大力支持了, 从这次收购中可以看出来。

家园 走着瞧,很快有结果的.
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