主题:【坏消息】Hotmail好像要收费了!!! -- Highway
共:💬13 🌺1
我说的是WebDAV类 Account(比如你用Outlook Express来收发Hotmail emiail)。Web上的还是免费。收多少呢?好像是20美刀一年。TNND!!!
[SIZE=3]Microsoft Adds New Hotmail Fee[/SIZE]
To curb spam, users will be charged for accessing their e-mail via Outlook.
Microsoft will start charging for a Hotmail feature that allows users of the Web-based e-mail service to access their e-mail using the Outlook e-mail client. Microsoft is making the move not to increase the number of paying Hotmail users but because the feature is being abused by senders of spam, says Brooke Richardson, lead product manager for MSN at Microsoft. "Essentially what spammers do is create scripts so they can rapid-fire e-mail from Outlook or Outlook Express and pop off a hundred e-mails from each of those Hotmail accounts in rapid succession," Richardson says. "On certain days we have seen tens of thousands of Hotmail accounts set up and spamming in this matter." [IMGA]http://i.cnn.net/cnn/2003/TECH/internet/11/04/spam.killer/story.spam.jpg[/IMGA] To prevent abuse of the feature, Microsoft will stop making it available to new users of free Hotmail and MSN mail accounts starting this week. Current users can continue to use the feature but will be asked to become Hotmail subscribers over the coming months. By April next year, the feature will no longer be available for free, Richardson says. The Hotmail and MSN mail feature is known as WebDAV, after the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol that enables it. It is enabled on about 5 percent, or 9.4 million, of the 187 million active Hotmail accounts, according to Richardson. [B]For the Greater Good?[/B] While the decision to make the link with Outlook or Outlook Express a paid service won't be welcome news to some users, Microsoft had to take the step "for greater good" of the Hotmail and e-mail community, Richardson says. Furthermore, rival Web-based e-mail providers such as Yahoo already charge for similar functionality, she says. Other actions that Microsoft has taken to prevent abuse of Hotmail by senders of spam include a limit on outgoing messages of 100 per day on free accounts and an extra validation requirement when signing up for an account, Richardson says. "We do a lot of stuff in terms of understanding the characteristics of spammers so we can watch for them and shut them down when we see them," she says. Users who want to use WebDAV to link their Hotmail or MSN mail to an Outlook can subscribe to Hotmail Plus, which also offers 2GB of e-mail space and an account that doesn't expire, for $19.95 per year, or to MSN Premium for $99.95 a year.
就是搞不定. gmail的.
设了一个Unlimited Email Account,做测试用。到现在也没怎么用!
gmail么? 我安装好了后, 不work,好象得跟系里的管理员说一声,
复 你用什么架
复 你用什么架
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