
主题:【原创】小评大片《Avatar》 -- Highway

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家园 【原创】小评大片《Avatar》



一.这确实是一部费力费时且极其费钱的电影,说她大绝对不是奉承。好莱坞二号导演James Cameron(其地位仅次于Steven Spielberg)亲自出马,手里有Titanic这样的电影史上的票房头牌(全球收刮了18亿美元),在业界绝对是超重量级人物。该老兄自拍完Titanic以后,闭关苦修,力图在摄影技法上和电影制作上有全新突破。如今这片子算是十五年磨一剑的力作,不是闹着玩的。这次影片发行,IMAX, 3D一起上,东家二十世纪福克斯也是全力支持,据说票房不到5亿就得亏本(据报道该片制作成本约在250-500 million之间,我觉得300 million左右的说法比较靠谱)

二.所谓大片也指那种没什么内涵,就是玩特技,玩效果,搞“视觉轰炸”的那种暑期商业类影片。俗人如我辈抱着可乐嚼着爆米花看着大呼小叫的甚是过瘾,墨客骚人一族则无可奈何的摇着头满脸痛苦。总体上讲,Avatar也是暑期大片这种调调。所以网上很多给D, F评分的review我估计就多是出自这种文化人。事实上,Avatar的故事不算很弱,至少我觉的比蜘蛛侠什么的强,不知道为什么有人那么挑剔。


看完以后(我先看的是IMAX版,当时时间不巧,没看上3D版,后来又再次去电影院去看3D版,可惜没看上IMAX 3D Experience,看的只是"普通"的3D),我把这部影片概括为:

Avatar = 天际版的与狼共舞情节 + 现代时的指环王特技 + Matrix的一点小trick

《与狼共舞》的男主角(吾友凯文 科斯特纳饰)是一个旧时的美国大兵(北佬),Avatar的Leading Actor是未来的海军陆战队员;一个是不想变瘸子而铤而走险,一个是想找回双腿而do whatever he was told;一个是白人扎到印第安土著人堆里去,一个是human being进入到天外异灵种群当中;一个是娶回了印第安Wiseman的养女,一个是抱走了异灵族酋长的千金;一个在印第安人中找到了人存在的意义,一个在异灵群中觉醒了自己的良知;一个背叛了自己的种族,一个是投身于天族异类。不同的是结局,《与狼共舞》是写实的,印第安种族被消灭了;《Avatar》是好莱坞大片,邪恶的人类被击退了。其实我看结局是一样的,只要潘多拉星球上有20 million一公斤的那种rock,更多的人类还是会蜂拥而至的,他们的结局只能和当年的印第安人一样,消失干净了事。

Avatar的特技确实不错,但我不认为到了那种mind-blowing的地步,很难说就比指环王或是King Kong的效果就更好。大家还记得指环王里面黑骑士骑着那种巨鸟的场景吧,是不是很拉风啊。Avatar里面的有飞行特技有异曲同工之处,似乎技术上又进了一步,估计看3D会更爽一些。

Matrix里面,The One和他的弟兄们 靠的是电话游走于两个世界;Avatar里面是进入梦境后而将人的三魂七魄转入到异灵体内。如果Matrix你看着有些云里雾里,那么这个Avatar也多少会有一些困惑,不过这里问题简单多了,就一个physical世界,穿梭于两个肉身间的只是人的mind。






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家园 无线电里影评都说这是game changer呢


家园 剧透得太厉害了,搞得偶都不想去看了,花一花
家园 明年元旦去欣赏一下喽






家园 对技术感兴趣的朋友,建议将来买一套DVD

看看片尾的bonus feature,估计肯定会有不少介绍的。这里摘一段Wiki里的描述

Filming and effects

In December 2006, Cameron explained that the delay in producing the film since the 1990s had been to wait until the technology necessary to create his project was advanced enough. The director planned to create photo-realistic computer-generated characters by using motion capture animation technology, on which he had been doing work for the past 14 months. Unlike previous performance capture systems, where the digital environment is added after the actors' motions have been captured, Cameron's new virtual camera allows him to observe directly on a monitor how the actors' virtual counterparts interact with the movie's digital world in real time and adjust and direct the scenes just as if shooting live action; "It’s like a big, powerful game engine. If I want to fly through space, or change my perspective, I can. I can turn the whole scene into a living miniature and go through it on a 50 to 1 scale."[57] Cameron planned to continue developing the special effects for Avatar, which he hoped would be released in summer 2009. He also gave fellow directors Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson a chance to test the new technology.[51] Spielberg and George Lucas were also able to visit the set to watch Cameron direct with the equipment.[58]

Avatar was filmed with newly developed stereoscopic cameras that simulate human sight. In this scene, Jake Sully flies into battle to save his newly adopted tribe.

Other technological innovations include a performance-capture stage, called The Volume, which is six times larger than previously used and an improved method of capturing facial expressions. The tool is a small individually made skull cap with a tiny camera attached to it, located in front of the actors' face which collects information about their facial expressions and eyes, which is then transmitted to the computers. This way, Cameron intends to transfer about 95% of the actors' performances to their digital counterparts. Besides a real time virtual world, the team is also experimenting with a way of letting computer generated characters interact with real actors on a real, live-action set while shooting live action.[59]

It's this form of pure creation where if you want to move a tree or a mountain or the sky or change the time of day, you have complete control over the elements.

In January 2007, Fox announced that the studio's Avatar would be filmed in 3D at 24 frames per second despite Cameron's strong opinion that a 3D film requires higher frame rate to make strobing less noticeable.[61] Cameron described the film as a hybrid with a full live-action shoot in combination with computer-generated characters and live environments. "Ideally at the end of the day the audience has no idea which they’re looking at," Cameron said. The director indicated that he had already worked four months on nonprincipal scenes for the film. Principal photography began in April 2007,[62] and was done around parts of Los Angeles as well as New Zealand. The live action was shot with a modified version of the proprietary digital 3D Fusion Camera System, developed by Cameron and Vince Pace.[63] According to Cameron, the film will be composed of 60% computer-generated elements and 40% live action, as well as traditional miniatures.[64] The performance-capture photography would last 31 days at the Hughes Aircraft stage in Playa Vista, Los Angeles, California.[43][65] In October, Cameron was scheduled to shoot live-action in New Zealand[22] for another 31 days.[8]

家园 这得多少computing power啊


家园 有没有动画片的感觉?


家园 AVATAR这个词来自梵语



家园 这片子比你想的牛


用blow your mind away来形容不会非常过分。


家园 当切换到异灵外族的时候,是有一些动画


家园 说他是二号导演恐怕有点扯了

“好莱坞二号导演James Cameron(其地位仅次于Steven Spielberg)亲自出马,手里有Titanic这样的电影史上的票房头牌(全球收刮了18亿美元),在业界绝对是超重量级人物。该老兄自拍完 Titanic以后,闭关苦修,力图在摄影技法上和电影制作上有全新突破。”




steven spielberg $3,765,045,385

GEORGE LUCAS $1,700,470,625

PETER JACKSON: $1,271,944,711

James Cameron $1,219,947,310



家园 刚刚看了3D版的。效果真不错。


尤其是驯服那个“翼龙”,然后骑着漫天飞翔, 太酷了。

家园 应该看一下3d版



家园 想看3D版本的朋友们请注意,3D有两个版本

最牛一档叫作An IMAX 3D Experience,下一档是普通3D。

今天我上网查了时间,专程第二次跑过去买IMAX 3D Experience的票,结果Sold out,于是只好买了一张普通3D。后来我混到了IMAX 3D Experience放映厅,还是有不少空座位的,就做了下来。没想到我的普通3D眼镜在这里不好使,IMAX 3D Experience用的是另外一种眼镜,TNND,只好悻悻的回去看普通3D去了。

新一代的3D已经看过几次了,比如暑假的Ice Age III,所以不是非常震撼,感觉比2D的好一些,但还是没达到mind blowing的地步。

家园 IMAX好还是3D好?


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