
主题:【文摘】Firefox 1.0下载达500万 IE份额跌下90% -- 桃李不言

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家园 【文摘】Firefox 1.0下载达500万 IE份额跌下90%

Firefox 1.0下载达500万 IE份额跌下90%

作者: ZDNet China

CNETNews.com.cn 2004-11-23 02:1 PM

# 专题:Mozilla遍地开花 Firefox异军突起

CNET科技资讯网11月23日国际报道 根据最新市场统计数据,随着Firefox 1.0 的下载量达到了500 万份拷贝,并进入零售市场上,微软重量级的浏览器产品IE的市场份额滑落到了90% 以下。

荷兰阿姆斯特丹网络调查服务公司OneStat.com 表示,对全球200 万网民的调查数据显示,Mozilla 基金会新推出的Firefox 1.0 削弱了IE在浏览器市场上的领先优势。OneStat.com 的合作创始人布林克曼在一份声明中说,看起来人们已经在放弃微软的IE而转向Firefox 1.0 了。

OneStat 对100个国家网民的的统计结果表明,在11月份的第三周中,IE的市场份额下滑到了88.9% ,与5 月份相比下跌了5 个百分点。包括Firefox 在内的 “Mozilla 系”浏览器的市场份额由5%提高至7.4%。

上述数据与近期的另外一项统计结果不谋而合。WebSideStory 于本月早些时候发表的一份报告称,IE的市场表现正持续下滑,市场份额已由6 月份时的95.5% 下滑到了10月份时的92.9%。

Mozilla基金会认为,其软件下载量的迅速增长表明开放源代码浏览器取得了长足的进展。“1.0版本的下载量比预览版本有大幅上扬,在一个多月的时间中,下载数量已经达到5百万个拷贝。” Mozilla发行经理在一份声明中表示,“很明显,我们的产品已经获得一批新用户,而现在的增长速度远超过Mozilla历史上所有时间。”


除了下载量增长外,Firefox 还将作为Linspire提供的软件包的一部分进入零售市场。开放源代码软件经销商Linspire在本周一表示,它将推出一款集OpenOffice.org、 Firefox 于一体、名为“OOoFf ”的办公软件包。它可以在微软Windows、苹果Macintosh以及Linux等操作系统上运行。除了在网上销售外,“OOoFf ”还将进入零售渠道。

微软对OneStat.com 的统计数字大泼冷水,认为该调查数据忘掉了企业用户市场这一IE的重要据点。微软Windows产品管理主任Gary Schare表示,“这一数据与WebSideStory的统计并不一致,他们并没有统计企业内部网络用户,而他们不会点击国际互联网。”

Schare认为Mozilla目前得以流行的主要原因仅仅是人们希望成为“早期采用者”的心理。他还预言,IE到最后还是会占据大部分市场。“我依然相信,当他们将所有因素考虑在一起之后,大多数用户最终还会觉得IE才是最好的选择。”“同时,我们很高兴,Firebox从开始就可以在Windows上运行,Firebox属于可以在Windows平台上运行的所有软件产品组成的大生态系统的一部分。” (编辑:孙莹)

家园 微软宣称Firefox不对IE造成威胁!

[SIZE=3]Microsoft says Firefox not a threat to IE[/SIZE]

Just days after the launch of open-source browser Firefox 1.0, Microsoft executives defended Internet Explorer, saying it is no less secure than any other browser and doesn't lack any important features.

At a security roundtable discussion in Sydney on Thursday, Ben English, Microsoft's security and management product manager, told attendees that IE undergoes "rigorous code reviews" and is no less secure than any other browser.

"Because IE is ubiquitous, you hear a lot more about it, but I don't think that Internet Explorer is any less secure than any other browser out there," English said.

Steve Vamos, Microsoft Australia's managing director, agreed, saying he does not believe IE's market share is under attack following the recent high-profile debut of the Mozilla Foundation's Firefox browser.

Vamos said that although he has heard other people mention the competitive threat posed by Firefox, he doesn't see it as a problem.

"I'm not sure that that is the reality. I have seen comments around that, but there is nothing I can refer to that really supports that," he said. Instead, Vamos said, consumers need to be educated about all the features already offered by Microsoft's browser.

"We probably need to do a bit of work to communicate the features that are in IE," he said.

Vamos, who admitted he has never used Firefox, said there is a lot of hype surrounding the open-source movement and that if Microsoft's customers wanted new features, they would have told the company about it.

"I don't agree that just because a (competing) product has a feature that we don't have, that feature is important," he said. "It is not. It is only important if it is a feature the customer wants. There are plenty of products out there with features we don't have. We have plenty of features that our customers don't use.

"If there are features in our products that are subpar or need to be added, then I have great confidence that we are an organization that responds pretty quickly and effectively to that."

English reiterated that features such as tabbed browsing are not important to IE users.

"I don't believe it is a true statement that IE doesn't have the features that our customers want," he said. "We take user feedback very seriously. If you have that feedback, then you should feed it back to us because we will feed it to the product team."

Ross Fowler, managing director of Cisco Systems Australia and New Zealand, said the networking giant uses IE internally but only after deploying Cisco's Secure Agent, which is a desktop utility that monitors all activity and alerts the user if it spots something unusual--such as a keystroke-logging program.

"Internally, we have deployed Cisco Secure Agent to prevent those day-zero attacks, and we have more and more of our customers--particularly in the university sector--deploying the Cisco Secure Agent," Fowler said.

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