主题:【消息】Google创造的新的经济奇迹 -- Highway
半年前在Google上市之前,外面的议论早已经沸反扬天了。一些人虽然看好Google,但刚刚经历过2000年的那场IT风暴,人们痛苦还历历在目。当Google将Initail offer初步定在110美元的时候,金融界就像炸了锅一样。各种批评,怀疑,甚至是嘲笑纷至沓来。业界的老手们都预测,google将是下一个巨大的泡沫,随时都会破裂。这种说法甚嚣尘上,以至于Google自己都有些动摇了,结果在最后时刻,将Initail offer下调到了$85。
Man, Google rocks and we suck(if you didn't buy any google stock)。
现在,Google的市值是580亿美元,而通用和福特的市值分别是210亿和240亿美元。也就是说 Google > GM + Ford
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- Google Inc. said Tuesday that fourth-quarter profit jumped sevenfold, as sales topped $1 billion for the first time. The report came out after the close of trading. Shares of Google, which went public in August at $85 a share, fell $3.72, to $191.90, in regular trading on the Nasdaq stock market but surged more than $18 in after-hours trading, to an all-time high of $210.20. The company said net income rose to a record $204.1 million, or 71 cents a share, from $27.3 million, or 10 cents a share, a year earlier. Sales doubled, to $1.03 billion. "Revenue exceeded the Street's and my own expectations," said Barry Randall, a money manager for U.S. Bancorp Asset Management's First American Technology Fund.
DOT COM BUBLE 再现,我不怀疑SEARCH ENGINE能赚钱。但赚钱的潜力到底有多少,值得推敲。
关键是什么时候发生这样的转变,SOROS 2000年对DOT COM BUBLE,看的很准,但是就是算早了几个月,结果是差点晚节不保。幸亏自己的实战水平厉害。马上就做了HEDGE,全身而退。
我还没不是SOROS这样的大师,即使我现在看到了BUBLE,我最多也是跟着买些短期价格FAVARITE CALL OPTION,或者再RESERVED点,买些COVERTABLE BOND,就怕GOOGLE 不缺钱,不需要这样的融资。
Actually I was right everytime except the timing!
So, I am still a poor man. (very very pooooooor!)
踩Ford和GM? 得了吧, 踩了他们也不代表什么, Microsoft都踩了Ford + GM五趟了. 拉Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Yahoo, 以及红极一时的泡泡代表Amazon.com来比, Google一点也不逊色. 起码, Google这个小P孩已经踩着Yahoo了.
Market Capital (2/Feb/2005)
MSFT: 287.66B (Microsoft)
IBM: 156.98B (IBM)
ORCL: 70.85B (Oracle)
GOOG: 56.31B (Google)
YHOO: 48.86B (Yahoo)
AMZN: 17.09B (Amazon.com)