主题:【原创】Google Mail和XMLHTTPRequest -- 请尽量
用过Google Mail后,细心的同志会注意到其用户界面和其他的web应用的有些不同:更加流畅、快捷,就象native的桌面应用一样。虽然从状态条上可以看出浏览器在不断地和Google的服务器交换信息,但浏览器的页面似乎从来没有重新加载。更妙的是,居然可以根据地址簿自动补全收件人的地址。Google Suggest更是绝妙,简直就是实时地根据表单输入框中内容的变化来更新所推荐的检索关键字列表。
其实,Google没有用任何“新”技术。在Google Mail、Google Maps和Google Suggest等应用中,把user experience推向一个新高度的是JavaScript和XMLHTTPRequest。
XMLHTTPRequest为这两个问题提供了答案。XMLHTTPRequest使得JavaScript可以向服务器提出HTTP要求而不必重新加载页面。XMLHTTPRequest最早是由微软提出的。在IE上,是一个ActiveX对象。在基于Mozilla的浏览器和Apple的Safari上,XMLHTTPRequest已经内置于JavaScript解释器中了,是一个native JavaScript object。
简单地说,首先从ActiveX或者JavaScript解释器产生一个XMLHTTPRequest对象,注册一个响应onreadystatechange事件的JavaScript事件处理函数,然后用XMLHTTPRequest的send方法向服务器的特定URL提出HTTP请求。在事件处理函数里,检查XMLHTTPRequest对象的readyState属性和status属性。如果readyState的值是“4”,并且status是“200”,那么服务器已经接受了请求,并且完成了处理。服务器送过来的HTTP应答已经存在于XMLHTTPRequest的属性中了。这里的status其实就是HTTP协议中为HTTP应答定义的状态码,“200”是OK,“404”是Page not found,等等。
如果我们申请的URL指向一个web service,那么在XMLHTTPRequest对象的responseXML属性中就包含了DOM格式的HTTP应答。如果是普通的URL,HTTP应答则以字符串的形式存在XMLHTTPRequest对象的responseText属性中。
拿到HTTP应答后,接下来就简单了。当然,对于达到Google Suggest那样的响应速度,还有很多其他工作。例如,Google Suggest下载到浏览器的JavaScript代码几乎就是一具“木乃伊”:没有任何不必要的的空格、空行,变量名、函数名等都是一个或两个字母。
Google Suggest的地址:
1) Java Applet,比如Datek的那个实时显示Stock price的Streamer.
2) Microsoft Remoting Script,一直没有流行起来
3)ActiveX component。本质上讲这已经出了Web app的范畴了,它需要在客户端安装binary code,比如现在很流行的Flash
最近,微软又有了一种新的技术,叫做XML-HTTP Script callbacks。本质上讲,就是client side script在背后异步调用Web server上的函数,等拿到返回结果后(全部是String),再用Client side Java script更新GUI。下面就是微软的一个小例子,Page纹丝不动,但股票价格却可以“自动”更新。这个技术比较不错,但问题是很多浏览器还不支持。
Updating Browser Displays in (Almost) Real Time
In "An Overview of the New Services, Controls, and Features in ASP.NET 2.0" in the June 2004 issue of MSDN®Magazine, I wrote about the ASP.NET 2.0 new client callback manager and demonstrated how it can be used to transmit XML-HTTP callbacks to Web servers to convert ZIP codes into city names. Dino Esposito delved more deeply into XML-HTTP callbacks in his August 2004 Cutting Edge column ("Script Callbacks in ASP.NET"). XML-HTTP callbacks enable browsers to make calls to Web servers without performing full-blown postbacks. The benefits are numerous. XML-HTTP callbacks transmit less data over the wire, thereby using bandwidth more efficiently. XML-HTTP callbacks don't cause the page to flicker because they don't cause the browser to discard the page as postbacks do. Furthermore, XML-HTTP callbacks execute less code on the server because ASP.NET short-circuits the request so that it executes the minimum amount of code necessary. Inside an XML-HTTP callback, for example, a page's Render method isn't called, significantly reducing the time required to process the request on the server. Once they learn about the ASP.NET 2.0 client callback manager, most developers can envision lots of different uses for it. But here's an application for XML-HTTP callbacks that you might not have thought of. I regularly receive e-mail from developers asking how to create two-way connections between browser clients and Web servers. The scenario generally involves an ASP.NET Web page displaying data that's continually updated on the server. The goal is to create a coupling between the browser and the Web server so that when the data changes on the server, it's automatically updated on the client, too. It sounds reasonable enough, but transmitting asynchronous notifications from a Web server to a browser is a nontrivial problem. However, XML-HTTP callbacks provide a handy solution. Rather than try to contrive a mechanism for letting a Web server send notifications to a browser, you can have the browser poll the server in the background using efficient XML-HTTP callbacks. Unlike META REFRESH tags, an XML-HTTP solution causes no flashing in the browser, producing a superior user experience. And unlike more elaborate methods that rely on maintaining open ports, an XML-HTTP-based solution, properly implemented, has minimal impact on scalability. The Web page shown in Figure 1 demonstrates how dynamic page updates using XML-HTTP callbacks work. To see for yourself, launch the page called DynamicUpdate.aspx in your browser. Then open the file named Stocks.xml in the Data directory. The fictitious stock prices displayed in DynamicUpdate.aspx come from Stocks.xml. Now change one of the stock prices in Stocks.xml and save your changes. After a brief pause (two or three seconds on average), the browser's display updates to reflect the change.
Figure 1 Dynamic Page Updates
What's the magic that allowed the update to occur? XML-HTTP callbacks, of course. Figure 2 lists the source code for the codebehind class that serves DynamicUpdate.aspx. Page_Load uses the new ASP.NET 2.0 Page.GetCallbackEventReference method to obtain the name of a function it can call to initiate a callback. Then it registers its own __onCallbackCompleted function, which uses client-side script to update the client's display, to be called when a callback returns. Finally, it registers a block of startup script that uses window.setInterval to call the function that initiates callbacks―the function whose name was returned by GetCallbackEventReference. Once the page loads, it polls the server every five seconds for updated data. Any changes made to the data on the server appear in the browser after a short delay. Currently, DynamicUpdate.aspx.cs doesn't use bandwidth as efficiently as it could because every callback returns all three stock prices, even if the data hasn't changed. You could make DynamicUpdate.aspx.cs more efficient by modifying it to return only the data that has changed and to return nothing at all if no prices have changed. Then you'd have the best of both worlds: a scalable, lightweight mechanism for detecting updates on the server, and one that transmits only as much information as it must and not a single byte more. That's a win no matter how you look at it.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
public partial class DynamicUpdate_aspx
static readonly string _script1 =
"<script language=\"javascript\">\n" +
"function __onCallbackCompleted (result, context)\n" +
"{{\n" +
"var args = result.split (';');\n" +
"var gridView = document.getElementById('{0}');\n" +
"gridView.rows[1].cells[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue = args[0];\n" +
"gridView.rows[2].cells[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue = args[1];\n" +
"gridView.rows[3].cells[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue = args[2];\n" +
"}}\n" +
static readonly string _script2 =
"<script language=\"javascript\">\n" +
"window.setInterval (\"{0}\", 5000);\n" +
void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get a callback event reference
string cbref = GetCallbackEventReference (this, "null",
"__onCallbackCompleted", "null", "null");
// Register a block of client-side script containing
// __onCallbackCompleted
RegisterClientScriptBlock ("MyScript", String.Format(
_script1, GridView1.ClientID));
// Register a block of client-side script that launches
// XML-HTTP callbacks at five-second intervals
RegisterStartupScript ("StartupScript", String.Format(
_script2, cbref));
// Server-side callback event handler
string ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string arg)
// Read the XML file into a DataSet
DataSet ds = new DataSet ();
ds.ReadXml(Server.MapPath ("~/Data/Stocks.xml"));
// Extract the stock prices from the DataSet
string amzn = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Price"].ToString ();
string intc = ds.Tables[0].Rows[1]["Price"].ToString();
string msft = ds.Tables[0].Rows[2]["Price"].ToString();
// Return a string containing all three stock prices
// (for example, "10.0;20.0;30.0")
return (amzn + ";" + intc + ";" + msft);
是FireFox 1.0.1,不过也被我给customize的不象样了。套用猫论,不管“土”办法还是“洋”办法,只要能解决问题就是好办法。
“请教”二字,可不敢当。虽然两年前干过web applications,但那是依葫芦画瓢,跟在别人后头学步而已。现在全是凭着兴趣,纸上谈兵罢了。
减少page refresh的办法还有。
1)SVG (www.adobe.com)。highway所说的XML-HTTP Script callbacks的效果,SVG可以轻松做到。与XML-HTTP Script callback啥的相比,SVG更强的一点在于它已经成为W3C的标准,svg viewer在firefox和IE下面都有,浏览器的支持也没有问题。
2)Flash 这个大家都知道了,浏览器的支持更没有问题。
3)XAML 这个可能少见一点,属于Next Generation
4)XUL (http://www.xulplanet.com/)
5)CSS,在某些情况下,这玩意儿是绝招 :-)
其实大家如果有兴趣,可以看看所谓RIA:Rich Internet Application。
Flash和其他技术不一样,它需要在client side安装plug-in,所以技术上不是什么新东西。
建议你看看flex(http://www.macromedia.com/software/flex/?promoid=home_prod_flex_111703),个人认为这就是GUI环境下Web application未来发展的方向。
也许具体实现有很多种,flash,svg,js+xmlrpc,xaml,xul,java都是候选者,也都有可能成为未来的主流,但是rich internet application的概念目前实现得最成熟还是flash。