
主题:第一批利比亚反政府势力产原油本周到达中国 -- CaoMeng

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家园 第一批利比亚反政府势力产原油本周到达中国

满载80,000吨原油的尼日尼亚注册油船Equator在三周前离开利比亚反政府势力控制的东利比亚港口Marsa el Hariga,将于五一到达宁波港。买主不明,但不是中石油系统。


Libya rebel oil cargo heads for China, buyer remains a mystery

Fri Apr 29, 2011 2:17am GMT

SINGAPORE/BEIJING, April 29 (Reuters) - A tanker with the first major oil shipment from rebel-held east Libya is expected to arrive in China next week, traders said on Friday, but it remain unclear who the buyer of the cargo is.

The Liberia-registered tanker Equator, reported to be carrying 80,000 tonnes of crude, left the rebel-held east Libyan port of Marsa el Hariga three weeks ago, carrying fuel exports vital to financing the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi.

"Our data shows the vessel will arrive in Ningbo on May 1, but it could also be going to Dalian," said a Singapore-based shipbroker.

The buyer of the cargo was not yet clear as trading house Vitol, which is managing the shipment, has not commented on its Libyan transactions.


[URL=http://af.reuters.com/article/libyaNews/idAFL3E7FT05I20110429 ]Libya rebel oil cargo heads for China[/URL]

关键词(Tags): #利比亚#石油#中国
家园 去美国收军火。
家园 关中国什么事?那是从瑞士买过来的油!
家园 跟瑞士有啥干系,讲一讲?
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