主题:大前研一声称中国房地产现状是8000万套空房用于投机 -- PBS

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家园 还是有机会将这个走向拉美化的趋势扳回来的



Uinted ordinary people can still do extraordinary things in the world。


家园 where is the incentive??

No incentive, no action.

FDR reformed USA into a more fair society because the political/financial elites realized that their old approach was bankrupt and they had to follow FDR to restructure America under the "New Deal".

Otherwise, a revolution would eliminate them all.

In China, there is litte fear among the elites. They still believe that their tanks/guns will help them forever, just like they did in 1989.

In sum, I do not see any well-organized interests group there with such an incentive to prevent China from its current path. In China's history there are only three periods: brutal exploitation by the haves and then brutal revolution to get rid of those haves under the old dynasty; in the middle you will have several decades of peace and prosperity.

Over all, it is a country that can only revolve, but not evolve. In the 20th century when it evolved, it was due to the pressure from the external world.

家园 因为今年高利贷需求降低了啊
家园 不用外部压力,而是内部压力就可以导致问题

Over all, it is a country that can only revolve, but not evolve. In the 20th century when it evolved, it was due to the pressure from the external world.





家园 回复他的是在去年。



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