
主题:【原创】关于央视新闻《果子狸含冤10年》的求实 -- 善良的恶霸地主

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家园 【原创】关于央视新闻《果子狸含冤10年》的求实

看到@央视新闻 的一条微博被@国家动物博物馆员工 评论并广为转发,我也转了。

最右 //@北京阿新在高阳: //@国家动物博物馆员工: 央视新闻也是瞎报道,什么十年潜心研究,2005年,我们研究组就已经在美国《科学》杂志上披露蝙蝠是类SARS冠状病毒的携带者,而且那是中华菊头蝠,不是“菊花蝠”,菊花你个头啊!


【果子狸含冤10年 蝙蝠才是SARS病毒元凶】十年来潜心研究“非典”(SARS)的香港大学医学院传染病学教授袁国勇称,SARS病毒的天然宿主是一种名叫“中华菊花蝠”的蝙蝠,当初果子狸被冤枉了。其实,果子狸只是SARS病毒的中间宿主,不是天然宿主,它也是被传染的。http://t.cn/zTwKa1S

后来收到网友@京虎子 的回复:“央视写错了,但袁国勇在病毒学病原上是顶尖的,踏踏实实做学问,前一阵冠状病毒的事,钟南山专门打电话请教他,国内搞病毒的水平和袁不是一个层次的,更不要说中科院动物所的了。”


先是核实@构架动物博物馆员工 的话。中科院动物所是不是在2005年就披露过蝙蝠是SARS的携带者?答案是肯定的。链接:《Bats Are Natural Reservoirs of SARS-Like Coronaviruses》

第二个问题--那袁国勇教授为什么现在才揭露“果子狸含冤10年 蝙蝠才是SARS病毒元凶”呢?感谢@Sky_ghost 提供的链接:《Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in Chinese horseshoe bats》




关键词(Tags): #求实#sars#菊头蝠#袁国勇通宝推:老财迷,
家园 央视这报道还有更多错误的地方

不应该是十年来潜心研究“非典”,而应该是两年来潜心研究“非典”吧?从2003SARS爆发到他们2005年分别发表论文,只有两年。 之后的八年也没什么好研究的了啊。

家园 我删贴又改回的原因





Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged in 2002 to 2003 in southern China. The origin of its etiological agent, the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), remains elusive. Here we report that species of bats are a natural host of coronaviruses closely related to those responsible for the SARS outbreak. These viruses, termed SARS-like coronaviruses (SL-CoVs), display greater genetic variation than SARS-CoV isolated from humans or from civets. The human and civet isolates of SARS-CoV nestle phylogenetically within the spectrum of SL-CoVs, indicating that the virus responsible for the SARS outbreak was a member of this coronavirus group.

Although the finding of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in caged palm civets from live animal markets in China has provided evidence for interspecies transmission in the genesis of the SARS epidemic, subsequent studies suggested that the civet may have served only as an amplification host for SARS-CoV. In a surveillance study for CoV in noncaged animals from the wild areas of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region, we identified a CoV closely related to SARS-CoV (bat-SARS-CoV) from 23 (39%) of 59 anal swabs of wild Chinese horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus sinicus) by using RT-PCR. Sequencing and analysis of three bat-SARS-CoV genomes from samples collected at different dates showed that bat-SARS-CoV is closely related to SARS-CoV from humans and civets. Phylogenetic analysis showed that bat-SARS-CoV formed a distinct cluster with SARS-CoV as group 2b CoV, distantly related to known group 2 CoV. Most differences between the bat-SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV genomes were observed in the spike genes, ORF 3 and ORF 8, which are the regions where most variations also were observed between human and civet SARS-CoV genomes. In addition, the presence of a 29-bp insertion in ORF 8 of bat-SARS-CoV genome, not in most human SARS-CoV genomes, suggests that it has a common ancestor with civet SARS-CoV. Antibody against recombinant bat-SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein was detected in 84% of Chinese horseshoe bats by using an enzyme immunoassay. Neutralizing antibody to human SARS-CoV also was detected in bats with lower viral loads. Precautions should be exercised in the handling of these animals.

家园 最那个的是


家园 赞认真精神
家园 很有道理啊。
家园 这是要害果子狸啊,好容易吓得人不敢下口了
家园 跨物种传染病要搞清宿主,源头很麻烦


家园 关键是从动物传到人的那个环节。
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