主题:【欣赏】磕学美啊,就是美---1 -- ArKrXe
所有图片来自《Scientific American》网站,图解英文为原文(蓝色)汉语为半翻译,半自创(红色)。
HURRICANE FRANCES, the fourth storm of this year's Atlantic hurricane season, churns offshore in this satellite image taken on August 26. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the statistical peak of the hurricane season is September 10.
September 17, 2004
NASA'S GENESIS CAPSULE returned to Earth on September 8, carrying samples of the solar wind. But a crash landing shattered the collector array material (above). Team scientists are increasingly optimistic that they will be able to recover valuable data from the science canister, which contains most of the samples. Ultimately, they want to measure oxygen isotopes in the solar wind, thereby elucidating the role of oxygen in the formation of the solar system.
September 27, 2004
GLACIERS in West Antarctica's Amundsen Sea Sector are thinning twice as fast near the coast as they did in the 1990s, researchers report. According to study results detailed in the current issue of Science, aircraft and satellite surveys of the ice sheet indicate that the glaciers are losing 60 percent more ice to the sea than they gain from snowfall. Ice loss at this rate could raise sea level by more than 0.2 millimeter a year--as much as the previously estimated contribution from all of Antarctica.
October 04, 2004
SPACESHIPONE--the first private manned spacecraft--completed a second flight past its target altitude of 100 kilometers on Monday, winning the $10-million Ansari X Prize. The prize was offered to the first nongovernment team to finance, build and launch a ship flying three people 100 kilometers up into the atmosphere twice in a two-week period.
October 11, 2004
DOWNY DINOSAUR: Paleontologists have discovered in western Liaoning, China, the remains of a T. rex relative that had a coat of hairlike feathers. Dubbed Dilong paradoxus, the creature is a small, primitive tyrannosauroid, measuring just 1.6 meters in length. The fossils, described in the October 7 Nature, turned up in sediments dating to between 139 and 128 million years ago.
送给西西河的MM们,这是一只来自约1.3亿年前中国的‘毛茸茸龙’。她是辽宁龙,英文名T. rex,中等身材(身长1米6),匀称少肉,很有骨感!对了,西西河的单身GG们,要抓紧机会了,脱光就在此时。
October 18, 2004
MOUNT ST. HELENS has been burning and steaming in recent weeks, but when will it blow its lid? Research published in the current issue of Science suggests that monitoring the isotopic content of the gases the volcano is emitting now might help predict when--and how explosively--it will erupt. The findings derive from a study of volcanic rocks spewed from the 1980 blast that contain chemical tracers detailing what happened to the magma prior to eruption.
这是我为古希腊的美人儿海伦写的一首诗。图中的可不是她,而是一座山,非常雄性化的一座活火山。在1980年,他曾猛烈喷发,影响整个地球气候,现在,他又有复苏的迹象。变态的磕学家们兴奋不已,因为这将带来地球深处的消息,那是三个字---I am HOT!!!
October 25, 2004
FOSSIL BIRD EMBRYO, preserved in an egg-shaped space, indicates that early birds were well-developed at birth. The 121-million-year-old fossil, unearthed in northeast China, displays a large skull, developed feathers and a hardened skeleton--all precocial features. The specimen bolsters the notion that birds with relatively undeveloped, or altricial, hatchlings evolved from species with precocial young. Indeed, features of the new specimen, described in the current issue of Science, suggest that it may have even been superprecocial.
这只史前鸟的胚胎还未破壳,便已不朽,并成为老鸟(~1.2亿年)。对了,这只小老鸟在发育上非常早熟,骨骼已经硬化。我猜他是为了追求那只‘东北毛毛龙’ ,他也是中国东北的,老乡啊!
November 01, 2004
SURFACE FEATURES OF TITAN are visible in this image captured by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer during the flyby. A methane cloud sits at the south pole. The inset shows the landing site of the Huygens probe.
Titan是太阳神,可怎么在绕着土星运行,还排第六?难道这是他老人家的行宫别院? 这里氢冷无比,布满了甲烷---就是沼气,所以我更怀疑它是太阳神的厕所,而且还是早期的,被废弃的。
November 08, 2004
A POT OF COSMETIC FACE CREAM used by women in ancient Rome was discovered during an archaeological dig in London (left). The cream, which the scientists posit was used as a foundation, contains refined animal fat, starch and tin oxide. According to a report in this week's issue of Nature, this form of tin has no medicinal value, which suggests it was used solely as a pigment. What is more, its nontoxic properties would have been a plus, because the health risks of lead were becoming recognized by second century AD. A version of the cream produced by a team at the University of Bristol (right) initially felt greasy to the touch, but soon dried to a powdery, whitish finish.
November 15, 2004
FEMALE PAPER WASPS have distinctive black facial markings that correlate with their rank. Because these status symbols are relatively low cost from a biological standpoint, scientists have long wondered why there aren't more fakers--that is, low-ranking individuals masquerading as high-ranking ones--in the wild. Findings detailed in the current issue of Nature indicate that lowly wasps with experimentally altered markings were targets of considerable aggression when exposed to a dominant individual, hence revealing the cost of cheating.
都说雌性是温柔的,恬静的,并且追求平等的,恐怕这是谎言(不许打我,我是机器人)。这些雌性纸黄蜂把自己的地位变成了花纹,直接长到了脸上, 给了雄性黄蜂们一目了然的机会。
the remains of a T. rex relative。。。
-- 一种霸王龙的亲戚的遗骸
霸王龙是Tyrannosaurus rex
新发现的这个定了个新属,Dilong ,帝龙。。。
种名Dilong paradoxus,怪怪龙。。。