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主题:到底有没有人体经络系统? -- 迷惑不解
so that I can be a 量子绝热 system, unitary...
unfortunately or fortunately 尘缘难割舍, like most of the modern human beings, I am bothered by 尘缘 everyday;
but I try to do it in a more scientific way(:)智取尘缘, making sense?
I just feel that some of your posts were related to the discussion, others were not very related.
To me, it looks like you are using key word matches, and automatically fetch some articles, mix with some Chinese words, and then paste them here.
To be honest, it is just my gut feeling, there is no hard evidence to prove my point.
I write only when I read something interesting, something related to my social physics modeling, and I write in that angel, making readers feel confused: what the hell this guy is talking about?
most people here don't read English, most people don't relate their social life to quantum physics, and most physicists don't relate their physics research to social science, etc.
so, very few will actually read my posts, even fewer will be interested, knowing that: I write for myself, as a note, and hopefully as food for thoughts for others.
but, physics and social sciences are starting to work together, more of physicists into social science, and I have posted quite a few examples in the past.
Now I am convinced, you have passed the Turing test!
特别是国外的资料,往往是空穴来风, 根本不值一提的垃圾文章。