主题:【原创+翻译】战争与痛苦(1) -- 夏至欧锦

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家园 Excellent

except that this part reads a bit confusing:

I recognized the voice. She was the wife of my brother in law. She was looking for me in the darkness.

Two days ago, her brother was helping some people who were hit by a bomb shell, when another one fell at the same location. He was brought here. His sister was the only relative he had left here. Their parents died and their only brother was shot dead in the head about a month ago. His body was maimed by about a hundred of tiny mortar ricochets. I could easily figure out why she was looking for me. She needed me to give him a painkiller injection, for I had a training at the medical center in our town a few years ago.

It appears that "the wife of my brother in law" had two brothers, one wounded while helping others and the other, shot dead a while ago. The sentence "His body was maimed by about a hundred of tiny mortar ricochets." presumably refers to the wounded, given the word "maim", but it would be clearer if you refer to the characters by names, e.g.,

That was Abby, the wife of my brother in law.

... her brother, John, was helping some people...

John was brought here, as Abby was the only relative he had left here.

John was maimed by hundreds of tiny mortar ricochets.


Just my two cents. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

家园 Good advice

Thanks a lot. I should contact her about this. People there always surfer from power out,she didn't reply me yesterday. Her husband missing for 17 months.

家园 It's not story of the writer

But it is from her only sister.

The writer has her own story...her husband had missing for 16 months...

I'm sorry for the error information at beginning.

Wechat part of yesterday as billows,




The situation of the story master,


3、The writer's suffer from power out


Wechat parts of last month



2、TV is not include in writer's life now


家园 【原创】战争与痛苦(2)

War and Pain
-chapter Two

As I walked in with my kids, Susan- the wife of my brother in law – grabbed my arm and said:

“ Walid cannot sleep. He is in so much pain, yet he is not fully awake. He mentioned Sameer, my dead older brother a lot in his hallucination because of the fever .”

Then she was silent for a few second trying to hold the tears in her eyes. Crying was no longer helping anyone to let out some of the steam that was boiling inside of us. We needed to be stronger and to help each other during this hell.



“ I am afraid he is not going to make it. He is boiling hot with fever and there is no way anyone could go out for some medicine tonight. Maybe tomorrow it will be calmer a bit and we can manage some antibiotics. Come with me. He is laying over here in the corner. We need you to give him a pain killer shot.”



I stepped a few steps inside the dimly lit room. I could hear his fast breaths and his pained faint moaning. He was around 25 years old. A tall skinny guy. He used to be so lively, active and happy and used to have a great sense of humor.


I prepared the painkiller shot and then knelt closer to him. There were not even an inch square of undamaged skin on his thigh where I needed to give him the shot. But I managed to give it to him and sat there silently thinking; what had we done? Why had all this happened? No one on earth deserved to be hurt this much!!


Susan’s voice woke me out of my other world that had a million unanswered questions about all what we were going through.


“ Thank you so much, Rana. I appreciate it. Go get some rest now, try to get some sleeping. I hope the bombing has stopped for tonight. Maybe tomorrow we can get out of here and go to a safer place .”

I simply nodded and carried my kids again in my arms and went back to my room. Maybe she was right, maybe we would have the rest of the night in silence.



“ Mummy, where is daddy?” My daughter, Sally, asked.

“ He is out with your uncle, Fadi” I answered assuring her not to worry.

“ Will he be killed or hurt? “ she asked so calmly as if not really wanting to hear the answer to her own question.

I held her so tight and answered with confidence that I knew I did not have deep inside:

” No, baby. He will be just fine. You know Daddy is a big strong man. He can protect himself and he is out to protect us as well.”

She smiled and then closed her eyes, and soon fell in a sound sleep. I prayed to God that she would be dreaming of the old peaceful days when she was only upset if she lost her doll, or had a fight with brother, my dear baby boy, Majd.







Soon after, I dozed off myself. I needed the rest. But only to wake up to the sound of men yelling and shouting outside. I froze, literally froze, blood seemed to stop running in my veins. Oh dear God, had something wrong happened to Salem, my husband?? I hoped and prayed he would be safe.

Quickly I got out of my bed, hid my kids behind me against the wall, and scanned my room wondering if the closet could fit the three of us as a hiding place. But I was late.


Just a moment later, five armed men crashed into my room. All five of them had blinding flash lights in their hands. They scanned the room. And then blinded me and my kids when they spotted us in the corner. Three of them held rifles, the other two had machine guns. I was never this close to soldiers before. I held my breath and just stood there with my kids who were still half asleep and holding so tight to my leg.


“ Is there anybody else in this room but the three of you?” one of the soldiers yelled at me.

“ N..N..No No..there is not anyone else” I answered, shakingly.

“ Where is your husband?” He asked

“ He was with his brother, in the room that out looked the yard. Is he okay?” I managed to say breathlessly.

“ Do you have any weapons stashed in your room?” he asked ignoring my question.

My eyes were open wide now. I was terrified. Were they accusing us of helping the rebels and of having guns? Were they going to kill us? Arrest us?

“ No, No, we just want you to help us get out of here. We have done nothing wrong. Please help us” I answered pleadingly.








The mocking grin of that soldier’s face was a sight that I would never ever forget. Then he said: “ You deserve what is happening to you. You had this coming when you thought you could change the order of this country.” Then he turned my room upside down, emptying the entire closet, opening every drawers, throwing the mattress of the bed away and looking inside the chest of my bed. They turned the room into a complete mess in a matter of a few minutes, and then they just left.



关键词(Tags): #Salem#Majid#Sally#Walid#Susan通宝推:脑袋,故乡在喀什,

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家园 Sentence from the writer

we are still having long hours without electricity here. and when the power is on, i just have so much to do, so i am really sorry for not being able to send you my writing any faster.

you can find attached chapter two. i took into consideration the valuable comments of the readers. i hope this chapter is clearer for them to read.

the website is all in Chinese and i have not managed yet to log in and answer the comments myself. so please feel free to answer them yourself now.




家园 deal


关键词(Tags): #Sara#Susan#Walid#Sameer#Sally
家园 We were not going to make it

The rendation of the sentence, i.e., 那种颤抖,我们无法模仿做出 is odd.

I think in this context, it could be translated as 我相信我们过不了这关了, meaning the writer thought she would die.

家园 Thanks a lot

I amended it.

家园 我有一个来自大马士革的朋友


这个朋友最喜欢的一件事,就是打开google earth给我看大马士革,讲他家,他的学校,喜欢去的饭店还有各处历史遗迹。以后真有机会去的时候,不知道这些还会不会存在。

家园 People in war

Surffer from heart breaking thing.


家园 如果世上有天堂



家园 a small translation mistake

You had this coming when you thought you could change the order of this country

should not be


家园 感谢楼主分享,试译一下,文笔不好,献丑了





家园 谢谢


家园 有一句翻译的不准确

“I am afraid he is not going to make it”


我觉得翻译成: 他可能撑不下去了 (意指他可能死去)。

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