
主题:【原创】请教一下中印关系/中印边界问题,急!!! -- zeir

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家园 【原创】请教一下中印关系/中印边界问题,急!!!


Aggression of China into Indian territories


另外,他还说 Sino Tibetan relations--------这句话有没有问题啊



US as a super power has interests in maintaining its' world wide leadership role. India has various issues on which it has to engage the trans national interests and foreign nations. Poverty allievation, Indo Pak relations, Occupation of part of Kashmir by Pakistan, Tibetan refugees, Sino Tibetan relations, Indo China relationship, Aggression of China into Indian territories, Terrorism in Srilanka, Peace and Progress in Nepal are some of the issues. Terms of trade, trade liberlisation, US attitude to BPO, work permits, environment are some of the economic issues. I can not complete this and other lists, because as a large country India has many issues to attend to.

家园 看看此贴有帮助否?


家园 多谢指教!鲜花!


“62年的中印战争,如今倒是这段历史中最为人所熟知的了。相关的资料都不难查到,所以就只简单的说一下:中印边界自卫反击作战自1962年10月20日开始,至11月21日基本结束,10月20日至28日为第一阶段,主要是击溃了印第七旅,俘其旅长,攻克了克节朗-达旺地区,其间比较重要的事态还有,10 月22日以国防部名义正式宣告我军“没有必要受非法的‘麦线’约束”;第二阶段主要是从11月16日到21日,我军从西到东,全线大捷,特别是在东段,当面印军主力基本全部被击溃,我军前锋直逼中国所主张的“习惯线””

上文是否显示:我军在那次冲突中冲过了边界争议地区,直捣印方本土呢(虽然时间很短)? 虚心向河友们请教

家园 说明不了


那个印度同学说我们“Aggression of China into Indian territories”,是按照他们国内的宣传口径,把麦克马洪线作为两国边界,我军打过了麦线,他们自然就认为我们打进他们的领土了。

“Sino Tibetan relations”要驳斥,西藏是中国的一部分,西藏问题是中国内政,不容别人干涉。

家园 一个记不清的情况,求教大家


家园 没有的事,虽然坊间都这么传。
家园 那还需要驳斥对方吗?还是不必理他
家园 最近也有700公里,不过都是平原


家园 是不是我们已经打到他们的领土内了,还是仍在争议地区?多谢
家园 补充, 请大家指点一下啊. 快来不及了
家园 还在争议地区内
家园 谢谢你。准备马上行动进行抗议


家园 口头交涉汇报 & 求助

刚才找印度人谈了。他说1962年战争 1。 中国人先开战的 2。打到了他们的领土。


是否打到了他们的领土? 我说,那是有争议的领土。他说,他认为就是他们的领土,是中国人认为有争议

关于西藏问题。他说,他说sino-tibet, 只是表明西藏是一个问题-----但是他接着说,他就是认为西藏不应属于中国。这个用法有无问题,求教于大家

我说,你们政府的联合声明是承认的。他说,那些人是政客。 我说,难道你否认你们政府文件的法律效力吗? 他说,恶法不必遵守--他还扯到法理了。











The Indian side recognizes that the Tibet Autonomous Region is part of the territory of the People's Republic of China and reiterates that it does not allow Tibetans to engage in anti-China political activities in India. The Chinese side expresses its appreciation for the Indian position and reiterates that it is firmly opposed to any attempt and action aimed at splitting China and bringing about "independence of Tibet".


The two sides exchanged views on the China-India boundary question and expounded their respective positions. They reiterated their readiness to seek a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution through consultations on an equal footing. The two sides agreed that pending an ultimate solution, they should work together to maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas, and reiterated their commitment to continue implementation of the agreements signed for this purpose, including the clarification of the line of actual control.



我现在要去准备考试了。专业课考砸了灭自己的志气。请大家大力支持, 准备晚上考完了就发一封辩论信-----明天早晨就要上课了,过了明天似乎意义不大了


家园 老兄泥还真有空啊,打算去说服他?
家园 草拟了一个抗议,请大家斧正!


现在草拟了一个抗议,请大家斧正! 我快睁不开眼了。。。明早发出。 多谢


In his answer to XXXXX, Mr. XXX uses the phrases “Aggression of China into Indian territories” and “Sino Tibetan relations”. I am strongly against this.

1. Because of the boundary questions China and India had a war in 1962 in border area. There is NO aggression of China into India. Now the two countries are working together to seek a solution. See Declaration on Principles for Relations and Comprehensive Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India (2003/06/25)

The two sides exchanged views on the China-India boundary question and expounded their respective positions. They reiterated their readiness to seek a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution through consultations on an equal footing. The two sides agreed that pending an ultimate solution, they should work together to maintain peace and tranquility in the border areas, and reiterated their commitment to continue implementation of the agreements signed for this purpose, including the clarification of the line of actual control.

2. The phrase “Sino Tibetan relations” may mislead people to misunderstand the status of Tibet. See also Declaration on Principles for Relations and Comprehensive Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of India (2003/06/25)


The Indian side recognizes that the Tibet Autonomous Region is part of the territory of the People's Republic of China and reiterates that it does not allow Tibetans to engage in anti-China political activities in India. The Chinese side expresses its appreciation for the Indian position and reiterates that it is firmly opposed to any attempt and action aimed at splitting China and bringing about "independence of Tibet".

It is a pity that this happened on the context that Both national leaders jointly announced that this year is Sino-India Friendship year.

For further information, see


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