
主题:【求助】谁对Unix比较熟?来教教我怎么mount啊(备有鲜花答谢) -- wsxx

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家园 【求助】谁对Unix比较熟?来教教我怎么mount啊(备有鲜花答谢)

我有一个SunOS 5.9的帐号,我把一个c程序送上去编译好,可以运行了。但是这个帐号上的磁盘容量有限,我不能运行大的数据。


我希望用SunOS 5.9上的程序去读取SAMBA上的数据,我在SunOS 5.9上应该怎么写SAMBA上相当于PC上的盘符和路径之类的东西呢?

家园 这样看看

smbmount //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=myusername,password=mypassword


关键词(Tags): #samba#mount
家园 谢!看来我没有权限


smbmount: Command not found.

家园 试试这个

mount -t smbfs //servername/sharename /mountdirectory -o username=myusername,password=mypassword

这样呢?具体参数不同版本的UNIX有不同的用法,可以用man mount或者man mount_smbfs查看一下具体的用法。

家园 mount要root权限的


cd /net/sambaServerName

家园 确实,我没有mount的权限。我找到了/net/sambaServerName,但是



家园 【建议】use NFS

Assume machine A needs to access the disk space of machine B, and A and B are networked.

Requirement: You need the root access on the machine B. Root access on machine A is not required. However, you have make the user ID and group ID on B the same as yours on A. You need to configure and run NFS daemon on B, and some network file system mount daemon (such as autofs or amd) on A. SUN servers usuall run such a daemon.

Issues: Not secure. You won't input password to access the disk on B from A.


1. In case there is no network file system daemon on A, you can contact your system adm. It should be very easy to do so on a SUN server. Once it is set up, you do not have bother the adm every time.

2. "Export" a directory where there is no sensitive data for NFS. When you do not need to use your disk space, you can stop NFS server on B, and this, to a certain degree, guards against unintended access of your data.

3. Better use NFS on LAN for performance and security sake.

关键词(Tags): #NFS
家园 More info

Since you can see /net/../ on the sun server, I am certain the server has run some network file system daemon, most likely, autofs.

So what you need to do is to set up your own machine. And you can access the disk space on your machine as /net/B/dir.


关键词(Tags): #NFS
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