
主题:葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 -- 煮酒正熟

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家园 你真气死吾了!明天给你贴那个公式!


家园 我个人觉得两组不同质的担心仍然存在


家园 估计用的是t 检验

t 检验的原理之一就是比较两样本的均数是否一致。前提是样本来自总体并同质(符合总体分布,通常大样本都可以认为是正态分布,但这里不一样)。所以我觉得统计思想大有问题。再有,不能说同质就同质了,一定要有统计分析为依据。嗬嗬,统计认真起来,蛮有意思的,不是一个p 小于0.05 就搞定的。

家园 As I said before it's not viable

In theory, what you've suggested is fine. But in reality, it's just not correct.

By turning down those 1,500 best customers of their right to use PLCC, you'll piss them off and hurt their loyalty to your brand. A certain percentage of these customers would switch to your competing brands and that's the least thing that you wanna see.

Secondly, from a pure theoretical stand point, the very act of denying the cards to those 1,500 people actually changes the quality of these people. To be more specific, this will hurt their loyalty, emotional attachment, and the passion associated with your brand, hence turn them to a lower quality group. In other words this group is no longer the group before! And you're still using them as the control group?? In this case you would over-estimate the impact of the card.

So the only theoretically correct and practically viable and appropriate approach is, you first randomly pick 5,000, propose the card to them, and let them decide at their free will. Then you'll have two groups of customers, the first group, say, 3000 people, being those who choose to use the card, and the second group (2,000) who choose not to use the card. These 3000 plus 2000 would be your Test Group.

Then you pick another 3000 people who belong to the same decile but are mutually exclusive from those 5000. This will be your control group.

Then you evaluate the performance of the whole Test Group (not only those 3000 card users) and the Control Group, do the comparisons and then draw a conclusion. This is exactly what we're doing right now, and the difference is more than 26%.

I don't see any flaws here. Can you?

家园 I think you're missing the point

No one would use t-statistic or F-statistic to draw a conclusion without checking the underlying assumptions.

If I remember correctly, the underlying assumptions include (but may not be limited to):

1. Normality;

2. Equal variance (or stable variance);

3. Linearity (no curvature)

4. no influential outliers

I didn't check the Statistics text book so I may miss one or two.

Assumptions checking can be done by the method of residual analysis.

What I'm trying to say here is that, these are the very basic knowledge in statistics. I do not hold any degree in statistics, but I still know that I need to check these assumptions before drawing a conclusion. I just can't imagine that my colleague in the Advanced Analytics team who holds PhD in mathematics and statistics would NOT know this. I think you might have been too subjective in reaching a conclusion that what our company does is not correct.

家园 那你给说说你们怎么满足第一和第二条的把

你总是说你们的统计博士不会犯这样的错。我也不认为他们在制定protocol时 会在这么简单的问题上有任何错误。问题是统计操作人员在选取样本的时候不知道他们在做什么,也不知道为什么这样做,对统计后面的思想和适用范围并不了然。我对spss和sas比较熟,见过初学统计的人在上面犯的钱其百怪的错误。

在我看来,你们这个统计过程的错误是很明显的, 你们作报告的时候比较的根本不是同一个总体(在你上一个帖子讲的方法开始往正确的方向行走了,但还有点问题。 你也解释了取样如何困难等等。然而作为受众, 我们关心的是你的统计过程和统计结论。取样的困难不意味着可以不恰当的延伸你的结论。统计是一份材料一分话,任何的延伸只会削弱结论的可信度)。我觉得老是引证统计博士如何如何没什么意思。你考过gmat,应该知道这对加强你的结论没有任何意义。这样的统计知识,国内本科就应该掌握,国外,是研究生的初级课程。不过一般人若不经常用,在此范迷糊可能也不奇怪。

我看了你昨晚的最后一个贴子。一些讲法,印证了我的看法,你对t 检验,齐性检验的原理理解似乎没有到位.本贴里,你又说 Assumptions checking can be done by the method of residual analysis.。 更是不知从何说起。



家园 Don't get me wrong

I was not mad at you, or anyone. Not at all.

I'm also using SAS everyday, but not on statistical analysis. Our advanced analytics team folks also use SAS, and I believe the way that they check for nomality, equal variance, linearity, etc. is through running residual analysis. They plot the residuals and observe the distribution by eyes as a preliminary check (QQ plot for checking linearity, for example). Then they would also refer to more 'scientific' criteria such as a bunch of statistics (W for checking normality assumption). I don't remember all those statistics. Learned that at school but forget most of the stuff. But with a statistics textbook I can easily show you the statistics to check for those assumptions.

You keep saying that we were not using the comparables as Test and Control, but you never really explain why. You just keep saying "not comparable" like that. But why not comparable? Man, you've got to tell us more, and better yet, show us your design of experiment so that we could see clearly the difference between yours and our company's, and what advantages yours has over ours. Can you do me this favor?

家园 the other thing is

It's really not something special, it's pretty much the same stuff that people in the whole industry are doing. If you challenge one specific analyst in our company that's fine. But since this is something really common in our industry, you're actually challenging all the statistics experts, and that' where I find a bit unaccetable.

By the way, just did a quick check and found that Levene test is for checking the equal variance assumption.


The macro for levene test.


/* This macro tests the Equality of Variances for a Response Variable */

/* using the Levene Test and is available for use on the ASU's */

/* Research/Statistics UNIX cluster. */

/* */

/* The following SAS macro takes as input: */

/* - the name of a Classification or Grouping Variable */

/* - the name of the Dependent Variable to be analyzed */

/* - the name of the SAS Data Set containing the above two variables */

/* */

/* It uses SAS PROC GLM to perform Levene's Test for Homoscedasticity. */

/* */

/* References: */

/* Madansky, Albert, Prescriptions for Working Statisticians, 1988, */

/* New York: Springer-Verlag. */

/* Miller, Rupert G., Jr., Beyond ANOVA, Basics of Applied Statistics,*/

/* 1986, New York: Wiley. */

/* */

/* Example of a statement to call the macro below: */

/* %LEVENE(gp_varname,dp_varname,ds_name); */

/* where */

/* gp_varname is the name of the grouping variable to be tested, */

/* dp_varname is the name of the dependent variable to be tested */

/* for homoscedasticity, */

/* ds_name is the SAS data set name given in the DATA step. */

/* */

/* The MACRO can be called in your SAS program as indicated below: */

/* */

/* OPTIONS SAS_system_options; */

/* DATA ds_name; */

/* INPUT gp_varname, dp_varname; */

/* (rest of your SAS statements) */

/* . */

/* . */

/* RUN; */

/* TITLE "Your choice of title"; */

/* %LEVENE(gp_varname,dp_varname,ds_name); */


OPTIONS NONOTES NOSOURCE NOSOURCE2; /* suppress usual echoing, and */;

OPTIONS ERRORABEND; /* abort job if the macro fails */;

%Macro Levene(Gp_var,Dp_var,DSet);

Proc GLM Data=&DSet;

Class &Gp_var;

Model &Dp_var=&Gp_var;

Means &Gp_var/HOVTest;

ODS select HOVFTest;



%Mend Levene;

家园 我已经说了吧?

t 检验的原理之一是样本均数和总体均数得比较。你报告时的两个组样本明显不是来自同一个整体。

大样本时通常无需正态检验,然而你们的样本特殊,可能要做。同时也还要做方差齐性检验。这些都不是residual analysis 能干的。可以分别在t 检验前 做Shapiro-Wilk 或 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,和Levene's test,或 Bartlett's test。具体原理要画图讲。你可依找本教科书看。如果方差不齐,你们就只能作秩和检验了,统计结果也当然大打折扣。

强调的是,如果样本都是来自同一总体,鉴于你的样本是如此庞大,以上检验都不必做。这就是我说得你们的protocol 本来没错的原因。不幸的是,似乎你们在取样的时候没有考虑到这种特殊情况。

家园 Still do not agree

Why do you say our two groups are not from the same universe? I already explained several times, it's not the 3000 card users against the other 3000. It's the 5000 (among which there're 3000 card users) against the other 3000. Please tell me why they're not from the same "整体"?

As for assumptions validation, I believe you can do either way. You could first check the assumptions before running the test, or you could first run the test and then check for assumptions. In the first approach, if the assumptions do not hold, you need to recreate your testing samples, while in the second approach, if the assumptions do not hold, the quality / accuracy of your conclusion is at risk. It all depends on how serious those assumptions are violated, and which assumption is violated. (Normally the equal variance is more critical than normality.)

I don't know exactly how our statisticians are handling above problems, but I'm pretty sure they will exercise their professionalism in due course. How do you know they didn't do their job well? My original article didn't say our statisticians already checked for those assumptions, but this by no means should be interpretated as they did not check.

Finally, that VP does not know the first thing about statistics. So by pointing out any errors related to statistical analysis in our job does not prove or support the correctness / appropriateness of his decision of not accepting our proposal. If the VP were a statistician, then your challenge on our statistical analysis would make more sense.

家园 嗬嗬,没有什么不可接受的


PROTOCOL 本身没错,只不过在执行理解过程中会出偏差。



家园 嘿,老九



How do you know they didn't do their job well? My original article didn't say our statisticians already checked for those assumptions, but this by no means should be interpretated as they did not check.





家园 I'm not a statistician

So I may not be able to discuss statistics in detail. But I have general trust in our folks in the Advanced Analytics team. I have no problem at all with your challenging on statistical analysis method. The thing is, you don't yet know the bolts and nuts in our industry and our company, it's very likely that your challenge is just not valid. I have no doubt that you can always come up with great insights in your own research area, with the combination of an excellent knowledge about your subject and a solid understanding in statistics. Yet without the specific knowledge in another industry and research area and equipped only with statistics knowledge, it's likely to fall when making a challenge or judgment.

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