
主题:【原创】唯心的先验的唯物主义 -- 东方射日

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家园 请看Aspect去年在Nature上关于定域性和实在性的讨论


A. Aspect, "Quantum mechanics: To be or not to be local," Nature 446, 866-867 (19 April 2007)

The experimental violation of mathematical relations known as Bell's inequalities sounded the death-knell of Einstein's idea of 'local realism' in quantum mechanics. But which concept, locality or realism, is the problem?

To interpret these [EPR] correlations, Einstein said, one must accept the concept of local realism. This principle states that results of measurements on a system localized in space-time are fully determined by properties carried along by that system (its physical reality) and cannot be instantaneously influenced by a distant event (locality).

But after Bell's discovery that local realism entailed a limit on the correlations — a limit he expressed in his celebrated inequalities — a series of ever more ideal experiments (ref. 5 and references therein) has led us to abandon the concept [i.e., local realism]. It is then natural to raise the question of whether one should drop locality — which equates to the impossibility of any influence travelling faster than light — or rather drop the notion of physical reality.

The violation of Bell's inequalities implied that realism and locality are not simultaneously tenable. Violation of Leggett's inequalities [见发表于同期Nature的实验结果,是为Aspect写此介绍文章的缘起] implies only that realism and a certain type of non-locality are incompatible.

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