
主题:人艰不拆讲笑话之二 -- 骨头龙

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China has insisted that India unilaterally withdraw its troops from the remote Doklam plateau claimed by both Beijing and Indian ally Bhutan.中方坚决要求印方单方面从偏远的洞朗高原地区撤军。北京与印度盟国不丹均声称对该地区拥有主权。

But China did not respond to India's suggestion in the talks that it move its troops back 250 meters (820 ft) in return, said one source with close ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government.但是近来有莫迪政府内部高层消息来源声称印度提议将印军后撤250米,而中方对此建议却未予回应。

In the low-key diplomatic maneuvers that took place outside the public eye, the Chinese countered with an offer to move back 100 meters (328 ft), so long as they received clearance from top government officials.中方进行了低调且机密的外交斡旋,反过来主张印方后退100米即可,只待政府高层批准(?)

But there has been no comeback since, except for China's mounting warnings of an escalation in the region, which it calls Donglang.但印方尚未答复。中方正在加强地区紧张形势加剧的警告。

"It is a logjam, there is no movement at all now," said a second source with knowledge of the talks.“双方陷入了僵持,没有任何动作。”另一位了解会谈内情的信息来源声称。

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