
主题:附和李和平阿姨:我听过的几首古怪而有趣的歌 -- 毛锥子

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  • 家园 附和李和平阿姨:我听过的几首古怪而有趣的歌





    The WHO: 《My Wife》——献给天下那些懦夫悍妇


    喜欢看《CSI: NY 》的朋友应该不会忘记电视剧的片头曲《Baba O'Riley》:“Out here in the fields,I farm for my meals...”。《Baba O'Riley》和这首《My Wife》都出自The WHO乐队专辑《Who's Next》。我个人更喜欢《My Wife》的专辑版,每听一次都会笑翻。可惜在youtube上只有LIVE版视频。希望你不要被The WHO的强悍表演镇住,因为这首歌实在是不够男人。看看歌词你就知道:

    My life's in jeopardy

    Murdered in cold blood is what I'm gonna be

    I ain't been home since Friday night

    And now my wife is coming after me

    Give me police protection

    Gonna buy a gun so

    I can look after number one

    Give me a bodyguard

    A black belt Judo expert with a machine gun



    Bob Dylan:《On the Road Again》——大令, 不上路,俺毋宁死


    不清楚为什么就喜欢上Bob Dylan,也不清楚为什么就不喜欢他了。无论如何,Bob Dylan的歌永远是值得书写一笔的。早期的Dylan继承了美国民谣歌手特有的幽默感,加上他古里古怪的性格,因此在《Bringing It All Back Home》专辑出现《On the Road Again》这种另类作品也就不足为奇了。这张专辑里还有一首《Bob Dylan's 115th Dream》也绝对值得推荐。


    Well, I woke up in the morning

    There's frogs inside my socks

    Your mama, she's a-hidin'

    Inside the icebox

    Your daddy walks in wearin'

    A Napoleon Bonaparte mask

    Then you ask why I don't live here

    Honey, do you have to ask?


    Neil Young:《Transformer Man》——1982年的变形金刚



    Tom Waits: 《Franks Wild Years》——如果可以,还是当首歌吧


    如果你喜欢Tom Waits,你可以把他的作品称作歌曲,如果你不喜欢,你可以用任何你能想到的名词称呼。当然,《Franks Wild Years》更是如此。如果你能坚持看完我贴的这个youtube视频,我建议你去看看关于这首歌的其他视频,一定收获不小。

    附《Franks Wild Years》完整歌词:

    Frank settled down in the Valley,

    and he hung his wild years on a

    nail that he drove through his wife's forehead.

    He sold used office furniture out

    there on San Fernando Road and assumed a $30,000 loan at

    15 1/4 % and put a down payment on a little two bedroom place.

    His wife was a spent piece of used jet trash

    Made good bloody-marys, kept her mouth

    shut most of the time, had a little Chihuahua

    named Carlos that had some kind of skin disease and was totally blind.

    They had a thoroughly modern kitchen;

    self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)

    Frank drove a little sedan.

    They were so happy.

    One night Frank was on his way home

    from work, stopped at the liquor store,

    picked up a couple of Mickey's Big Mouth’s.

    Drank 'em in the car on his way to the

    Shell station; he got a gallon of gas in a can.

    Drove home, doused everything in

    the house, torched it.

    Parked across the street laughing,

    watching it burn, all Halloween

    orange and chimney red.

    Frank put on a top forty station,

    got on the Hollywood Freeway

    headed North.

    Never could stand that dog.

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