
主题:【原创】薄荷茶 -- 盈盈

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          • 家园 what I heard is

            those Indian policemen deployed in Shanghai were called as "A Sir", similar pronounciation to "A San" and later inherited by others.

            But anyway, that was my first reply in 盈盈's thread, my apologize for offending you guys.

            • 家园 下班了说几句中文



          • 家园 请大能讲讲鸦片战争里印度人占英军的百分比?


            • 家园 Arrogance is my concern.

              It could be Koreans in WWII as we called them "Goryeo Corn". I don't think everybody understood why we were defeated back then. That's my point.

              I don't know the ratio. But you can find it out if you keep working on this subject.



              Men of the Loodiaah (Ludhiana) Sikh Regiment in China, Circa 1860. One of the most profitable exports from East India Company's possession was opium, a drug that was sold to addicts in China. When Chinese attempted action against the agents selling the drugs, the reaction was always the same - violence. Despite the termination of the East India Company's mandate, the British Government continued the trade and the armed aggression against the Chinese. The three conflicts which ensued are called the Opium wars for that reason.

              Pekin. 2/60 (2nd Company 60th Royal Rifles), received 67 bars & 751 took part from their Regiment. Operations started in August 1860 when reinforcements arrived, composed of about 13,000 European & Indian troops (including W.H. Webster, who had transferred to the 2nd from the 1st Company), with a French contingent 6,700 strong, in addition to the combined fleet.

        • 家园 上海人称呼租界的印度巡捕,阿sir的谐音
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