
主题:买车杀价流水仗 -- 煮酒正熟

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  • 家园 买车杀价流水仗

    八月底买了辆 08款的 Nissan Altima (下称 尼桑奥提马),中间多有挫折。尊老萝卜兄钧旨,把当时的流水帐拿出来,博大家一笑。

    尼桑奥提马是领导看中的。俺原本就对奥提马兴趣一般,而且想着还没到最佳出手时机 (当时是8月下旬,8月底他们的09款到位,所以9月10-20日之间大概是最佳时机),所以开始没怎么帮领导。领导有点生气,后果想党地严重。后来领导发现自己公司可以从尼桑滴乐那儿拿到 hassle-free 的优惠价,加之那两天她的旧车出了点小毛病(每天前两下煞车会有嘎嘎的声音),她就迫不及待仓促出战了,结果人家一看:这位也太好忽悠了,放过这么好忽悠的对不起人民对不起党啊,所以就一通猛忽悠,不仅价格一般,而且还多卖了两个 programs (没什么用,根本就不值)。签约时我也在场,因为不喜欢这个 deal,,加之对方三个家伙都巨能砍,俺以一敌三,又操鸟语,知道正面交锋讨不到便宜,所以就一直没说话。照理说俺们这个亏是吃定了。谁知对方可能是太得意忘形了,签约时连个明细表都没出。(就是这个小漏招,最终让他们怎么吃进去的又怎么给吐了出来...)


    俺们一家三口回到家后,俺是越琢磨越脚着不对头。花俩小时做了做功课,又打电话问了俩朋友,决定以缺失明细表为由,亲自出马杀价。杀价方式避开了对我们老中最不利的当面交涉,而采取电邮 + 电话方式,电邮是重拳,电话就是催促,而且电话上遇到对方死缠滥打 一贯以 "Sorry I'm running for a meeting and have to hang off. Please read my email and reply to me via email." 轻松打发掉。

    下面 按照时间顺序,把俺与对方杀价的电邮原文抄录下来。俺英文非常麻麻,而且大多是上班时候发的,仓促之间不及润色,兄弟们别笑话。

    第一封先发给了那个 sales. 那位比较弱,见势不妙马上把球踢给了他的上司 --- Internet Sales Manager, Chelsey. 下面是我给 切尔西的第一封电邮:

    Good Morning Chelsey,

    My wife and I went to your dealership and signed the contract on Monday, Auguest 25, for a 2008 Altima 2.5S CVT. The contract is based on a VPP Sale Price of $20,303. Now we would like to have a detailed breakdown of this VPP sale price by all cost components. Please provide us this information at your earliest convenience.

    Thank you,

    -- Lao Jiu


    Hi Lao Jiu:

    It's nice to hear from you. Here is how your VPP number is derived:

    Vehicle Invoice Amount.....$19,778

    VPP Discount 2.87%............-567.63

    Subtotal: VPP Net Price...................$19,210.37

    Dealer delivery fee..........................+480.26

    Destination and handling fee (from invoice)...+625

    August rebate.................................-1,250

    Participants purchase price.......$19,065.63


    Total Discount off MSRP...........$2,259.37

    I hope this helps. When your wife initially inquired, we did not have her VPP claim number to run through our system so my manager gave an estimate. That estimate was $20,303. As you can see in reviewing your purchase order, our estimate was off by $12 (purchase price $19,065+ $1,250 rebate= $20,315). I hope this clarifies things a bit. The August incentives expire on the 31st so we want to make sure we're getting everything wrapped up.


    各位可能看得一头雾水,稍微解释一下:那个VPP是领导所在公司才能享受到的所谓 hassle-free 优惠价;另外可以注意,他们的成交价比给我们的最终报价高了12刀。这个Chelsey 八成是听销售代表说这个煮酒不好对付,所以“主动交待”这个“犯罪情节”并做了解释。

    另外,我们一直都在拿 Edmunds.com 上面给出的最低参考价(据说比全国平均价低350刀) 进行比较,那上面的 Invoice 价格 再减掉 1250 的 rebate,是 19108刀, 尼桑 Dealer 给我们的这个价格是 19065.63刀,两者基本是可比的。从这里可以看出,我们的成交价不算差。


    这里真正引起我注意的是这两个项目:Dealer delivery fee (480刀) 和 Destination and handling fee (from invoice) (625刀)。实际上还有一项 Dealer Conveyance Fee 的费用 (330刀)。这三个项目从名字上来看表示的意思都差不多。查Edmunds.com,发现上面只有一项 Destination Charge (695刀)。俺接此电邮时的感觉是,这个600多刀的 Destination fee or charge 是正当的、所以是无可避免的,但对那个

    Dealer delivery fee 和 不在此电邮上的 Dealer Conveyance Fee 比较怀疑,觉得既然尼桑已经把车发送到 Dealer 处了(所以才会收取那个600多刀的 Destination charge),Dealer 还要多收两道费,有巧立名目之嫌。所以决定先做一番火力侦查。而且,既往经验告诉我,不要一次把底牌出尽。所以我决定先不理会 dealer conveyance fee, 而是问 destination and handling fee 与 dealer delivery fee.



    Thank you for providing the VPP price breakdown info. We did see that $12 variance between the VPP quote and the amount on the contract. Thank you for the clarification.

    Chelsey, could you let us know the difference between 'Dealer delivery fee' and 'Destination and handling fee (from invoice)'?

    Look forward to hearing from you.


    -- Lao Jiu

    Chelsey 的回复是:

    Lao Jiu:

    The destination and handling fee is from Nissan and is included into the invoice price when it is delivered to dealerships. The dealer delivery fee is enacted as part of the VPP program.



    We are fine with this fee, but are having a difficult time in understanding the 'dealer delivery fee'. The car has already been delivered to your premise, how come another deliver fee be incurred?

    We think there's something wrong with the price. Could you double check the price for us?

    Thank you,

    - Lao Jiu

    Chelsey 可能觉得不易应对,于是上报给她的 Supervisor, Phil. 此后都是 Phil 与我电邮往来。 下面是 Phil 的回信:

    Chelsey had forwarded me an email from you in regards to your VPP purchase. I am the VPP Coordinating Manager for Xxxxxx Nissan.

    You seem to have a correct break down of the Manufacturers Destination charge. It is a National average of the delivery cost associated to getting the vehicles transported from production to the dealership distribution network. The VPP form breaks down true dealer cost. The dealer delivery fee is how we (Xxxxxx Nissan) get paid for a VPP purchase. Without that fee, we would be purchasing a product from our manufacturer and selling it to you at a loss.

    原来如此!感情这个 dealer delivery fee 是 Dealer 要赚的差价或毛利呀!这帮家伙,要赚钱就明说嘛,非整出这么个莫名其妙的名目来。

    卖一辆车赚 480刀,如果没有其他隐藏利润,照说实在不算多 (只有2.5%)。

    这个先放在一边,现在开始追问那个 dealer conveyance fee:

    Hi Phil and Chelsey,

    Thank you for your explanation. If I'm not misunderstanding, this Dealer Delivery Fee has little to do with dealer delivery service, but it's how you get paid. Then what is that $329 Dealer Conveyance Fee?

    Please reply at your earliest convenience.

    -- Lao Jiu

    这里俺开始小小地不厚道了一把,注意那句 "this Dealer Delivery Fee has little to do with dealer deliver service, but it's how you get paid." 这句明摆着就是要让你难受恶心。这也算是心理战吧,就是在实质性接触之前,先让你处于下风。

    下面是 Phil 的回信:

    The dealer delivery fee on your VPP contract is the profit to the store (dealer).

    A dealer Conveyance fee is fee charged by the dealership for processing any contract done thru the store.

    A lot of people question this fee without realizing that there are a lot of costs associated with delivering a vehicle these days.


    It costs us $65 in fees just to complete a registration online (NOT the DMV charge you see on your order)

    Nissan pays for a wash of a vehicle, not a detail and wax.... etc.

    The dealer conveyance fee is charged to every transaction a dealership completes.

    Let me know if I can answer any other questions for you.

    -- Phil

    上面这封电邮可以显示这个 Phil 的经验和技巧,话说得滴水不漏而且不卑不亢,细节方面一个普通消费者基本上无法去核实。至此,我的攻击没有收到预期效果 --- 至少从表面上来看如此。


    Hi Phil and Chelsey,

    To be honest with you, a friend of ours received a non-VPP quote from another Nissan dealer for the same model. Their non-VPP pre-tax price is lower than your VPP pre-tax price.

    In addition, we believe every consumer has the right to have full disclosure of product information so he/she can make a fully informed purchase decision. Unfortunately, throughout the whole process we didn't get a full disclosure of information, including a full list of the equipped features of the vehicle.

    We would like to continue to work with you, as both sides already invested significant amount of time and energy. But we want to make sure that we're not paying a higher amount than the current fair market price.

    We would like to, with your support and cooperation, work out a better price, so we can finally close this deal.

    Please reply at your earliest convenience.

    -- Lao Jiu

    解释一下:上面的第一段,游击战打响了!我就一口咬死我有个更低价,你怎么核实?当然了,俺事先的确有从另外两个尼桑 dealer 那里拿了报价,人家第一次报价就只比这家高几十刀,如果用心砍砍,下来200刀并非不可能。

    第二段则抢占道义制高点,强调自己作为一个消费者 在 进行购买决定时,应该享有足够的知情权,但对方自始至终都没有提供消费者所要求的全部相关信息。

    注意:这是俺第一次从道义角度进行攻击,而且有意没有给出任何细节证据,目的就是等对方急躁冒进,那样就入我毂中矣... (具体请看下文)


    第四段紧接第三段,提出具体要求 --- 我们希望在你们的全力合作下,以更优价位 完成这个购买合同。

    果不其然,Phil 见信后沉不住气了,特别是对置他于道义低位比较恼火,下面是他的回复:


    元宝推荐:东湖珞珈, 通宝推:途人,

    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 wow!!! NBNBNB! + flower
    • 家园 买车杀价流水仗 (续完)


      长电邮发出后,俺知道已经没有太大悬念了。事实上俺和领导商定的预期战果是:对方同意把那两个鬼 programs 给拿掉,同时再给让个100-200刀。说实在的,与 edmunds.com 上面给出的全国均价相比,我们的签约价已经低了将近四百了。俺的原则是差不多就得,基本上只要是个 fair market price 就知足了。领导心更软些,觉得只要不比市场价高太多就可以了。所以总攻打响后,唯一的悬念就是对方是否给降点价、降多少。

      (Ok Let's do the numbers --- edmunds.com 上面的 pre-rebate pre-tax pre-fees 全国均价(what others are paying) 是 20702, pre-rebate pre-tax pre-fees Invoice价格是 20358,而我们差不多条件下的价格是 20315。之所以说差不多,是因为 edmunds.com 上面的价格都是 base package, 而我们的车是 base package 额外还增加了四项选装 (opted features),所以我们的签约价本来就比较低了)


      Lao Jiu,

      Thank you for the insight into your position on this.

      You have my apologies in regards to an equipment list on the car. I didn't realize that the salesperson did not review the Factory equipment sticker that is attached to the car.

      I do understand your issues with the rates. Nissan offers $1000 rebate and 4.9% on the remaining 2008 models. There is a $1250 rebate if you choose to finance thru an outside lender, therefore lowering the price on the vehicle.

      Your VPP purchase breaks down quite simply:

      M.S.R.P. $21,825

      Maximum discount without VPP $-800

      Invoice $20,403

      VPP Price $20,315

      The VPP sets the original selling price below Invoice by $88 below


      You may then choose $1250 rebate OR $1000 and 4.9%

      I can offer you a $200 additional discount below your VPP price if you wish.

      Please let me know what your wishes are or if you wish for a refund of your deposit.


      Phil Wxxxxxx


      这个电邮里其实有一个隐含的信号。本来想直接写出来,不过俺突然犯懒兼犯上大烟瘾啦,决定把这个东西当作一个小问题留给小碰油们琢磨一哈~~ 前两位答对的小碰油除了会遭到公开表扬之外还可以拿到三朵小红花。

      如果仔细阅读电邮,会发现或许还有可能比200刀要得更低一些 --- 注意有一句的表述。不过做人不能太尖奔儿,差不多就得了。就这样已经被领导反复念叨:你也太狠了,你也太狠了...

      由于俺还没有提到要去掉那两个 programs,所以对方自然也没有提这个。接下来俺回电邮,要求去掉那两个劳什子:


      We appreciated the $200 discount from our VPP. It helped reduce the price gap between our price and that of the other source.

      As we are already above our budget, we would like to remove the Vin-etch program ($229) and the exterior and interior protection program ($549).

      We'll be paying full amount (without financing), in order to benefit from the $1250 rebate.

      We'll be rushing to the bank to get the check ready, assuming that you're fine with all above. Please kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

      Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

      - Lao Jiu



      Lao Jiu,

      OK, please bring in $19,580.67 at delivery.

      Vpp minus $200

      $1250 rebate

      Let me know what time you would like to come in and pick up your new vehicle.

      - Phil

      从这封仅仅保存了最基本礼貌的电邮来看,对方比较郁闷。Sorry buddy!


      • 家园 怎么我读起来觉得他给你的价钱是最后通牒了?

        "please let me know what your wishes are or if you wish for a refund of your deposit"

        ----------take the $200 cut or take your deposit back

      • 家园 给老酒开发生意



        • 家园 老兄谬赞了



          趣也不在这方面 (很多工程师都没兴趣),自然就不够出色。但受过训练的,或者自

          己比较留意的,我们就明显比不过了,最大的差距还是 expressiveness 和 引经据


      • 家园 老酒真是好手段


      • 家园 这两天随便查车子,发现二手BMW很便宜

        2004的BMW 5系列,37K mile(估计还有一些warranty), 只要$17500(原价的1/3)。要不你自己来一辆吧。

        • 家园 handiman在哪里查的宝马啊?



          • 家园 用Cars.com

            我在费城郊区。查车子用cars.com, 里面有一个advanced功能,你可以选BMW,5xx,2004---2009, <$20000, <50K miles...就找到了。

            找不到可先扩大搜索半径,或提高价格,里程数和年数不要动,否则就不像新车了。( 2004开始是新model.)Good luck.

      • 家园 老酒,厉害啊。向你学习。
      • 家园 同car dealer 砍价是极其艰难的事,学习了.另请

        教一个问题:"We'll be paying full amount (without financing), in order to benefit from the $1250 rebate."


        We will pay the full amount (without financing), in order to take advantage of the $1250 rebate.


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