
主题:【讨论】关于茅于轼 -- phyllis

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      • 家园 举手发言是有奖励滴!




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      • 家园 老茅作为学经济的,抛开各种假设谈经济理论,只能归结为忽悠



        • 家园 这个是绝大多数这类抛头露面的经济学家的通病,害人不浅。



      • 家园 很想知道经济学理论是如何支持没厕所公寓的理论的
      • 家园 鹦鹉会说供求,也是经济学家


        • 家园 Some dogs can do 1+1=2,

          so the dog is a mathematician.You're absolutely right? Math is that simple. Mathematicians are not so great at all.

          What do you do for living? Let's assume you're a computer technician, so if a dog can punch the keyboard then he is a computer technician just like you en! Computer is just that simple! en.

          so according to your logic,you=computer technician,and dog = a computer technician en, is that right?

          • 家园 well

            i can`t understand what you write. fot me english is a dreadful one

            but let me tell you that i read it in frist page from an Economic text book

            • well
              家园 很抱歉,昨天在学校用学校的机子没中文输入所以用了英文。



      • 家园 正因为不懂所以上来请教大家,而不是想在这里吵架。


        • 家园 wrong, I dont support him or

          any economists who ever tried, tries or trying to explain the economics to society. Because mathematicians won't explain their jobs to the society, physicians don't either, and philosophers don't, chemists don't, computer technicians don't, painters don't, why do economists do that? It is almost guaranteed that people without economic training won't understand, but they do believe they do understand. Even Strongly believe they have the same understanding as the professional economists, their confidence are so strong, strong enough to accusing the professionals. Lol. what bunch of jerks? don't get me wrong, the jerks I mean the economists. why do they do that? why? i don't know?

          As I said I have never read 茅's theory or his entire paper completely, why? because he or his theories don't deserve my attention, I've got something better to read, thus I don't support him. It would be hard to support a person without basic understanding of his work. But I don't deny him either because it would be even harder, at least to me, to blame a person without basic understanding of his work. does what I said above make any senses to you so far?

          流于偏激,how did you figure this from what I said? I have read it again and again, can't feel you at all. So instead thanks me to inspire you, you accuse me for something I didn't do? It is hard to conduct a meaningful and pleasant discussion at cchere now.

          And by the way, the best way to learn is not here but school.

          I just stated the truth, the truth is most people don't know economics but dare to question the best economists, and even doubt their qualification. isn't it odd?

          But not one ordinary person dares to question even the worst mathematician's qualification, isn't it odd?

          The worst mathematician can scream to all the ordinary people:"you are not qualified to talk math with me." And most people would think he is qualified to say so,at some level at least. it is odd, isn't it?

          But even the best economist would be screamed by the ordinary people:"you are not qualified to be an economist. your job could be done by a parrot or a dog."

          isn't it odd?

          don't take it too serious, I am not blaming you but inspire you.

          just curious, when was your last time asked the same question about 陈景润's study,e.g. 1+1=2,if you ever did ask.

          I said:" what the hell? ",when I 1st time heard about this,"why does anybody pay him to do things like that? "

          but I never dare to ask the question like yours:"does his study make any senses at all, mathematically?"

          because I was so afraid that people would think less of me.

          and the last thing, to me: the journey of the explore the truth or acquire the knowledge, is always bitter and sour. I can't walking without wiping.

      • 家园 学科大串门这事最近好像很时兴



      • 家园 好吧,说得有道理...


    • 家园 人总是会变的!!


    • 家园 09@E5@B9@B4@E7@AC@AC@E4@B8@8



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