主题:究竟谁在操纵气候门? -- 善居下

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    • 家园 【快讯】温总理坚守阵地 法总统气急败坏



      THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

      COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has defended his country's climate commitments at the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen, saying "we will honor our word with real action."

      Wen says China's voluntary targets of reducing its carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent will require "tremendous efforts."

      He spoke after a meeting with President Barack Obama and 19 other world leaders.

      China has been criticized at the two-week summit for not offering stronger carbon emissions targets and for resisting international monitoring of its actions. French President Nicolas Sarkozy says progress in climate talks on Friday was being held back by China.

    • 家园 中国用的那个比喻太猛了。




      One last point. A Chinese diplomat in Copenhagen said, “It's as if the West is at a dinner party, China is joining for dessert, and the West is sticking China with the bill.” That's a bad metaphor. It's more like we are in an opium den, we are stoned out of our minds, we're one toke away from a fatal overdose, and China is banging on the door trying to get in while there is still some dope left to smoke – and they want to mainline it straight into the carotid artery.

    • 家园 这次一定要抗住





      • 家园 可不能谈崩


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