
主题:【原创】如何看待Cochrane Reivews-- 送 -- 虽远必诛

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  • 家园 【原创】如何看待Cochrane Reivews-- 送

    还是谈这篇Cochrane Reviews: Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold



    先看看这篇文章的检索范围:Electronic searches

    We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

    (CENTRAL) (TheCochrane Library 2008, issue 2) which contains

    the Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group’s Specialised

    Register; MEDLINE (1966 to May 2008); EMBASE (1980 to

    May 2008); AMED(1985 toMay 2008); the Chinese Biomedical

    Database (CBMdisc) (1978 to May 2008); and China National

    Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) (1994 to May 2008).

    The MEDLINE search strategy is shown below. We combined

    theMEDLINE search string with the highly sensitive search strategy

    (Dickersin 1994). See Appendix 1 for the CENTRAL search

    strategy. The search string was adapted for EMBASE, AMED, the

    Chinese Biomedical Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure


    1 exp Common cold/

    2 common cold.mp.

    3 exp Rhinovirus/

    4 rhinovirus$.mp.

    5 (upper respiratory tract infection$ or URTI).mp.

    6 (upper respiratory infection$ or URI).mp.

    7 or/1-6

    8 exp Medicine, Chinese Traditional/

    9 exp Drugs, Chinese Herbal/

    10 herbal medic$.mp.

    11 medicinal herb$.mp.

    12 chinese herb$.mp.

    13 chinese medic$.mp.

    14 or/8-13

    15 7 and 14



    Six review authors (WT, ZX, ZJ, XLX, QY, LG) performed the

    searches and retrieved articles.



    A total of 430 trials that claimed to be randomised were retrieved.

    We successfully contacted 365 trial authors by telephone.Of these

    trials, 302 were excluded, either because the trial authors misunderstood

    true random allocation or the trial reports were multiple

    versions of same study (see the ’Characteristics of excluded studies’

    table), of those, 67 were additional studies later excluded in this

    updated version of review.

    One hundred and nine are listed in the ’Studies awaiting classification’

    section. One of these studies, for example, assessed an

    intervention containing ’Yuxincao’, a drug which the State Food

    and Drug Administration (SFDA) stopped production of, due to

    unclear adverse events. Other trials are allocated to this section

    as we could not locate the original trial authors to identify the

    randomisation method.

    Seventeen studies were identified as true RCTs and fulfilled our

    inclusion criteria




    • 家园 中药明细二

      中药            拉丁               英文

      广藿香:Guanghexiang Herba Pogostemonis Cablin Potchouli herb

      防风:Fangfeng     Radix Saposhnikoviae      Divaricate Saposhnikovia root

      羌活:Qianhu     Radix Peucedani         Whiteflower Hogfennel root/Common Hongfennel root

      浮萍:Fuping     Herba Spirodelae           Common Ducksmeat herb

      茯苓皮:Fulinpi Poria skin Indian Buead skin

      金莲花:Jinlianhua Flos Trollii Chinese Globeflower flower

      大青叶:Daqingye   Folium Isatidis         Indigowoad leaf

      生石膏:Shenshigao Gypsum Fibrosum Gypsum

      知母:Zhimu Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Common Anemarrhena rhizome

      生地:Shendi Radix Rehmanniae Rehmannia root

      玄参:Xuanshen Radix Scrophulariae Figwort root

      苦杏仁:Kuxingren Semen Armeniacae Amarum Bitter Apricot Seed

      郁金:Yujin Radix Curcumae Turmeric root-tuber

      麻黄:Mahuang Herba Ephedrae Ephedra herbs

      山豆根:Shandougen Radix Sophorae Tonkinensis Vietnamese Sophora root

      薄荷:Bohe Herba Menthae Peppermint

      冰片:Bingpian Borneolum Borneol

      甘草:Gancao Radix Glycyrrhizae Liquoric root

      石菖蒲:Shichangpu Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii Grassleaf Sweelflag rhizome

      穿心莲:Chuanxinlian Herba Andrographis Common Andrographis herb







      • 家园 中医专家说了

        只有真正的高手才用姜汤,这些搞试验的都是盲目按照西医标准的投降派,都是沽名钓誉,不是真正的高手。 你的明白?

    • 家园 都用些什么中药?



      中药 拉丁          英文

      黄芩:Huangqin, Radix Scutellariae,    Baical Skullcap root

      连翘:Lianqiao Fructus Forsythiae,     Weeping Forsythia capsule

      虎杖:Huzhang  Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati   Giant Knotweed rhizome

      山芝麻:Shanzhima Radix Helicteris       Narrowleaf Screwtree root

      金银花:Jinyinhua Flos Lonicerae    Honeysuckle flower

      青蒿: Qinhao Herba Artemisiae    SweetWormwood herb

      柴胡: Chaihu Radix Bupleuri   Chinese Thorowax root /Red Thorowax root

      细辛:Xixin Herba Asari    Manchurian Wildginger

      葛根:Gegen Radix Puerariae    Kudzuvine root

      黄连:Huanglian Rhizoma Coptidis    Colden thread

      炙甘草:Zhigancao Radix Glycyrrhizae    Liquorice root

      杭菊花:Hangjuhua Flos Chrysanthemi    Chrysanthemun flower

      苦杏仁:Kuxinren   Semen Armeniacae Amarum  Apricot kernel

      Shanzha Fructus Crataegi Hawthorn fruit

      陈皮:Chenpi     Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae   Dried Tangerine peel

      牛黄:Niuhuang    Calculus Bovis        Bezoar

      水牛角:Shuiniujiao   Cornu Bubali       Buffalo horn

      珍珠母:Zhenzhumu Concha Margaritifera    Usta Nacre

      栀子:Zhizi Fructus Gardeniae    Cape Jasmine fruit

      板蓝根:Banlangen  Radix Isatidis        Isatis root

      石膏:Shigao     Gypsum            Fibrosum Gypsum

      桑叶:Sangye     Folium Mori         Mulberry leaf

      野菊花:Yejuhua    Flos Chrysanthemi Indici  Wild Chrysanthemum

      鱼腥草:Yuxingcao  Herba Houttuyniae       Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb

      薄荷油:Boheyou   Herba Menthae         oil Peppermint oil

      紫苏叶:isuye    Folium Perillae        Perilla leaf

      羌活:Qianghuo   Rhizoma Notopterygii      Incised Notopterygium rhizome/Forbes Notopterygium rhizome

      荆芥:Jinjie  Herba Schizonepetae         Fineleaf Schizonepeta herb

    • 家园 2 被枪毙的试验


      不是因为要回国的是RCTs, 因此如果不是RCTs就不能入选,因此在个人的体会,神迹,各种大师的报道,对不起,别拿出来。


      Bao 2000a Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephoned the original author and learned that this was actually a

      retrospective paper and a summary of the author’s clinical experience




      看来普及基础知识太重要的,连什么是RCT都不知道,这个叫病案报道,case report。

      Bao 2001 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’.We telephone interviewed the original author and learned that patients

      were allocated by author


      Bao 2003 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephoned the original author and learned that the allocation

      method was according to the order the patients came to the hospital

      这个是因为患者被方便分组,convenience sample,就是第一个看病是治疗组,第二个是治疗组,以此类推,这个不是随机分组。

      Cao 2003 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephoned the original author and learned that the method of

      allocation was not randomised


      Chen 1994 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. The original author refused our telephone interview






      Chen 2001 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author and the answer was “no,

      I don’t know how to allocate the patients”. Thus, this study was considered a non-RCT


      Chen 2004c Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author, but he could not verify

      the randomisation method


      Chen 2007b Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author and learned that the

      patients were allocated based on their birth date


      Chen 2008 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author and learned that the

      patients were allocated based on their bed number


      Cheng 1997 Not only common cold, but 23 patients with acute laryngotracheitis were included. The data could not be separated

      for analysis[/QUOTE


      [QUOTE]Dai 1997 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author and the randomisation

      was stated to be “not performed exactly according to the rule”


      Diao 2003 A version of Jiang 2003a


      Gao 2000 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’.We telephone interviewed the original author and the allocation method

      was described as “randomly select patients as control”


      Hou 2001a Combined Yiqin capsule with antibiotics did not match our inclusion criteria


      Li 1999b Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author and the randomisation

      method an inadequate method, “Chouqian”


      Pan 2001a Multiple versions of included study Pan 2000


      Tang 2003 Described as a ’randomised controlled trial’. We telephone interviewed the original author and learned that the

      children were allocated according to their age.



      这个Cochrane Reviews是建立在回顾所有目前有效的文献基础上的,尽量的消灭一切的bias。

      竟然有人说这回顾,充满的bias, 别给学统计的人丢脸,好不好?

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