
主题:伪自由主义者的学术专制:安替辱骂新闻系学生"五毛” -- alpen

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  • 家园 伪自由主义者的学术专制:安替辱骂新闻系学生"五毛”





    安替,1995年毕业于南京师范大学动力学院工业电气自动化专业。1996年开始写作,第二年初在《三联》发表处女作。1998年 12月入西祠,取网名安替(Anti),建立言论自由、梦的解析、圣保罗教堂、锐思评论等讨论组,走上网络评论的公共写作之路。三年后的7月,偶然接受邀请成为《华夏时报》评论员,从此职业事业合一。2002.5被邀成为《21世纪环球报道》记者,同月写下《新新闻人自学手册》,从追求观念完全走向保持 “沉默”的新闻专业主义,也几乎停止网络发言。2003.3 伊拉克战地报道,6至7月成为《华盛顿邮报》北京研究员,同年8月至2007年到《纽约时报》任北京研究员,协助同事Joe和Jim获得普利策国际报道奖。2004.12按照政治专栏的标准建立安替博客, 2005.11 世界博客大赛国际评委,同年12月其微软博客被封,造成重大影响。2007年,安替申请Harvard的Nieman Fellowship.安替同时为中国以及美国媒体工作,在哈佛和剑桥做研究。



    @听风灌雨: 这个强大的逻辑啊!完全没有一点做学问的客观性。难道学生连选题的权利都没有了?要是有人想写欧洲福利制度中的弊病,那这人是不是该直接被踢出去?再说,西方媒体难道没有偏见?(今天 14:09)

    @独树西风: 看见了吧,什么叫伪自由主义!


    奔向粮站:英美的媒体即便专业,因为对中国乃至其他国家文化、习俗的不够深入了解,采访受到诸多制约等因素,报道出现偏见(最新的案例是CNN等媒体对以色列军人枪杀国际人道主义救援船土耳其志愿者的报道),也可理解。学生论文探讨下,应该有利于他的专业成长。(今天 13:20)

    魏泓飞 :中文媒体撒谎,西方媒体的偏见就不能研究了?什么思维?国家之内和国家之间明明是不同的范畴。别搞得自己动不动就极尽讽刺之能势。要不你把清华大学的新闻传播学院取消好了。他们就是主要要就西方媒体的。

    我的评论 :



    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 安替说别人五毛


    • 家园 因为他们有“伟大”的“是非观”做武器






    • 家园 贴一篇google来的anti的文章


      The Freedom of Chinese Internet Users is Not a Slave Girl of the Americans

      A statement regarding the proposed information bill to be submitted to the U.S. Congress


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      Translated by The Washington Post Beijing Bureau

      Sunday, February 19, 2006; 6:54 PM

      The following was posted on "Anti's Blog" on Feb. 17, 2006, by Zhao Jing:

      Before the U.S. Congressional hearings on the cooperation of four large Internet companies (Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Cisco) with the Chinese government opened, I stated that I thought this had nothing to do with us, that it was the Americans' own affairs. When those of us who deeply love freedom use ourselves to promote freedom of expression for our compatriots, we never think that the Chinese people's right to free speech needs the protection of the U.S. Congress. I write all of my blog entries in Chinese. Each sentence is directed for my compatriots to understand. I have no interest in playing to the interests of foreign readers.

      I have always had a kind of strong belief: A country is great because even in its darkest and most trying days, there are young people who love this land, and who are absolutely unwilling to give up their pursuit of the dream of freedom, democracy, peace and prosperity for the nation. This kind of dream is not bestowed upon us by some United States. We can only realize this kind of dream ourselves. Only Chinese people can preserve the hope of struggling in the face of a hopeless political situation. Only Chinese people can continue to have faith that the polluted river will be cleaned.

      This is our country; this is our land. We must make China free, democratic, peaceful and prosperous because this is where we and our children belong. The failure of China is the failure of our entire lives. Fortune has no favorites in troubled times. A citizen of a failed country, no matter where he or she goes, will suffer the discrimination of others. When foreigners use "autocratic" to describe China, I feel deep humiliation as a Chinese. This kind of shame, one remembers for the rest of his life.

      This is the reason for the explosion of free expression by Chinese journalists and bloggers. Since we lack freedom of the press, we as individuals need to make great efforts to help our compatriots believe that we have a beautiful future.

      This emotion and pain might not be understood by foreigners. For the U.S. Congress to hold a hearing on the freedom of Internet information of Chinese, this is indeed an issue for the American people. But the bill to be submitted about freedom of Internet information treats the freedom of Chinese Internet users as a slave girl to be dressed as you please.

      The bill includes the following: American companies will face large fines if they assist in blocking information broadcast by the U.S. government (such as the Congressional human rights report, Voice of America and Radio Free Asia), and the people responsible will be imprisoned. People with the least bit of common sense know that this immediately implies the withdrawal of the Internet services of companies like Google and Microsoft from the Chinese market. Then we could only use wretched Baidu, domestic blog service providers brimming with keyword censorship and email boxes that can be monitored at any time.

      I can't help but ask: Mr. Congressmen, this bill of yours, is it meant to protect the freedom of information of Internet users, including the Chinese, or is it meant to protect the freedom of information of the U.S. government? If it is the former, why is it that after being "protected" we will be deprived of freedom? If the latter, why are you using the freedom of information of Chinese Internet users to make your point?

      Companies like Microsoft and Google have won much freedom of information for Chinese Internet users in recent years. That today they have begun to compromise is not only humiliation for Americans, but also for the Chinese people. The way for Americans to solve this problem is that these companies must observe a moral bottom line and shoulder greater responsibilities, because not only do you need the Chinese market, but China also needs American companies. Your negotiating position is not weakening but strengthening. What Chinese Internet users need is the gradual increase of freedoms.

      But Capitol Hill gentlemen who see things in black and white dredged up an absurd "compromise means withdrawal" bill, treating the freedom of Chinese Internet users for a slave girl to dress up however you please. This again proves: The Chinese themselves are the only people who can fight for their rights and freedoms.

      The real way to resolve the situation of the blocking of the Chinese Internet is for all Chinese youth with a bit of conscience to exercise and expand our freedoms every day, and protest blocking and suppression in any sense. Because this is the country we love, no one hopes for her freedom more than we do. I am proud to be your compatriot.

      Finally, at the end of this statement, I will explain again: the American companies mentioned above are companies like Microsoft and Google. I am absolutely not referring to Yahoo. For a guy that sells out information like Yahoo, the crime cannot be pardoned. If the company collapsed immediately, or beat it from China forever, that would be the good fortune of Chinese Internet users.

    • 家园 中国人和西方人的最大区别就是


    • 家园 骂人五毛,就可以堂而皇之的封杀别人的权利



      • 家园 他们本身就是他们反对的那些。只不过,硬是把自己的问题帖的


      • 家园 五毛应该是个光荣的头衔。



    • 家园 这种“你有什么资格批评……”的说法很流行啊

      从民主、经济、人权、公平这些本来争议就多的话题,到飞机、技术这些本来应该不用争议的话题,只要对西方或者发达国家有所质疑,就引来一堆“你有什么资格批评……”。这多见于中国网络,但“从追求观念完全走向保持 “沉默”的新闻专业主义”的安替也不能免俗。这首先从逻辑上讲就是不通的,如果人家不是在做中西方关于某一方面的比较,就不存在“你有什么资格批评……”的问题;其次,“憋了半天,骂了一句五毛”是彻底的非专业主义,简直就是堕落,他还好意思出来说?

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