
主题:【整理】黎阳:为肖传国说句公道话(一个海归的杯具) -- 迷途笨狼

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        • 家园 你在开什么玩笑






          • 家园 你开什么玩笑









            • 家园 Re

              If this were a homework assignment and Fang send his article in, you bet his work would be considered plagiarism by his professor.He would be given no points and would be sent to the honor committee to receive punishment. There is no question about it, because even though he mentioned that this is somebody else's work,he did not reword/interpret this work in his own word. Therefore it is considered plagiarism.

              • Re
                家园 科普文章和论文乃至作业都不一样


                • 家园 RE

                  Of course 没有人会认为科普文章是他自己的工作。

                  But still, Fang is expected to write in his own words, in other words, express his own understanding of other people's work. Otherwise, Fang is expected to write "to cite XXX's words, ......", or put the citations in brackets. Apparently, if he did that, a significant portion of his article would be in brackets:) I doubt any newspaper/journal would like to publish his stuff.

                  At that time, Science editors were in the same camp as Fang, therefore they saved his face by only saying " it would not be considered acceptable journalism in western standard."

                  If Fang send in his article as a term paper/homework to my hands, hehe, see you in the University Honor Committee and good luck with even getting an "F".

                  Please refer to Scientific American for acceptable 科普 articles, and find if ANYONE did what Fang did.

                • 家园 RE

                  Your criteria for 科普文章 is simply wrong. Yes, 科普文章 mostly cites other people's work, similar to review articles in journals. If you interpret these people's work in your own words, attaching references behind is enough. However, if you cite their work word-by-word, you need to put these words into brackets, so that people will not be confused to think that you wrote these words. You can refer to Scientific American for how to write acceptable 科普文章.

                  That is why Fang's practice is not considered acceptable journalism in the U.S. by Science editors, it is plagiarism fair and square. No questions about it. The editors did not call it out because: 1. they consider Fang in the same camp at that time, and 2. Fang translated them into Chinese (shamelessly word-by-word).

                  • RE
                    家园 我们看看当年这篇指责


                    One such dilemma is the trolley dilemma: A runaway trolley is headed for five people who will be killed if it proceeds on its present course. The only way to save them is to hit a switch that will turn the trolley onto an alternate set of tracks where it will kill one person instead of five. Ought you to turn the trolley in order to save five people at the expense of one? Most people say yes.


                    . However, if you cite their work word-by-word, you need to put these words into brackets, so that people will not be confused to think that you wrote these words. You can refer to Scientific American for how to write acceptable 科普文章.

                    Now consider a similar problem, the footbridge dilemma. As before, a trolley threatens to kill five people. You are standing next to a large stranger on a footbridge that spans the tracks, in between the oncoming trolley and the five people. In this scenario, the only way to save the five people is to push this stranger off the bridge, onto the tracks below. He will die if you do this, but his body will stop the trolley from reaching the others. Ought you to save the five others by pushing this stranger to his death? Most people say no.


                    . If you interpret these people's work in your own words, attaching references behind is enough.

                    shamelessly word-by-word?


                    • 家园 re

                      All I can say is you have been too double-standard. Perhaps you can give out a word-by-word translation of this scientist's work, and show us how different it is from Fang's work.

                      Using your standard, many of Fang's target are simply citing other people's work, not plagiarizing.

                      • re
                        家园 我觉得他没有搞双重标准




                      • re
                        家园 我说过很多遍了



                    • 家园 你是来揭方舟子伤疤的吧

                      你不觉得按你的标准科普文章太好做了.你真的理解"interpret these people's work in your own words"是什么意思吗

                      • 家园 我是回答颐和园的

                        If you interpret these people's work in your own words, attaching references behind is enough. However, if you cite their work word-by-word, you need to put these words into brackets, so that people will not be confused to think that you wrote these words.
                        而且你不要忘了,科学的回复当中,也有not directly copy的字样。


            • 家园 松鼠会那个不过是广告词


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