
主题:【原创】自动挡和手动挡那个更省油? -- Highway

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      • 家园 同意啊!尤其是那些往往在高转速时才有大扭矩表现的



        • 家园 对,高速路上自动波彪不过手动的





      • 家园 手动档在美国基本上是给“爱开车”一族准备的。

        所谓的Drive for fun。


    • 家园 在此谢过


    • 家园 好文章,顶一个!

      开过奥迪的一款A6-2.8, 用的是其“multitronic”,也就是大名鼎鼎的CVT,感觉确实不错。只是我喜欢开手排车开惯了,左脚右手不活动活动实在闷得慌。。。

      • 家园 看过不少关于multitronic的评测,“专家”们似乎不是非常


        现在大众/奥迪最牛的Transmission是所谓的DSG(Direct Shift Gearbox ),从技术上讲,可能是自动/手动的最佳组合了。



        So, let's get technical. . . 
        The box uses three shafts, but the secret (well, not really a secret but kept well hidden since 1940) is contained in the use of two clutches and two rows of gear ratios ?C 1, 3 and 5 on one shaft and 2, 4, and six on the other.
        Throughout its operation two adjacent gears, one on each shaft (say 2 and 3), are meshed and turning but, as each shaft has its own clutch, only one is transmitting power to the final drive.
        In essence, second gear is driving the car while third is pre-selected. When either the auto or manual shift does its job one multiplate clutch is instantly disengaged and the other takes the drive with the intervention of electro-hydraulic control.
        The same thing happens during downshifts; so, you're not so much changing gear as swopping clutches. There is, Audi says, some overlap but slippage is anticipated and controlled.
        In automatic mode, the driver can shift to the ultra-sporty 'S' programme in which upshifts are significantly retarded, downshifts advanced and the shifting process accelerated.
        A remote, one-touch function accessed via the shift paddles on the steering wheel in addition temporarily calls up the manual mode, even in automatic modes D and S.
        And a final touch to what is already a superb gearbox: the car comes with Formula 1-style launch control. It works like this. . .
        While stationary, deactivate the traction control system that would normally reduce engine power as soon as a wheel starts to spin and slow the car.
        Hold down the footbrake and simultaneously increase engine speed.
        When the lights change, lift off the brake and press the accelerator hard.
        All four wheels bite the tar and suddenly all other traffic is shrinking in the rearview mirror.
        Hey, is this fun or what!
    • 家园 顶一下。单纯从省油角度,手动挡比较有可自主性。

      对有经验的司机来讲,利用空档溜车和适当的高档低速可以降低油耗。国内老司机省油基本功是:能不踩铩车就不踩,能少踩一脚油门就少踩一脚。5档自动档70年代就很成熟了,没有采用只是出于成本考虑。奔驰车厂30年代初就有碟形无 级变速的设想,只是出于材料力学跟不上而不能成形。

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