
主题:厕所文学摘录(慎入) -- 木铎

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  • 家园 厕所文学摘录(慎入)


    Episode I:“文的自觉”

    Hotel Lobby Restroom

    Illinois USA

    Men's restroom, 1st floor

    Some come here to sit and think,

    some come here to shit and stink,

    but I come here to itch my balls,

    and read the writing on the walls.


    Episode II:“人生失意常八九,可与人言只二三”

    Shari's Restaurant

    Shoreline, Washington USA 98133

    Women's restroom, only floor

    here I sit all broken hearted

    tried to shit but only farted

    then one day I took a chance

    tried to fart and shit my pants


    Episode III:“战争与和平”

    John Yeats Middle School

    Suffolk, Virginia USA 23435

    Women's restroom, 1st and only

    Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity.


    Episode IV:“好奇害死猫”


    Men's restroom

    This was written on the inside of the stall door.

    In large writing:

    If you can read this is your sight is average.

    Slightly smaller:

    If you can read this you have pretty good eyes.

    Really small:

    If you can read this you have sight like an eagle.

    Super small:

    If you can read this you are shitting on the floor.


    Episode V:“大道见于矢溺”

    Engineering Building

    Boulder, Colorado USA 80023

    Men's restroom, ground floor


    (And underneath it)

    Very nice Albert, next time show your work


    Episode VI:“信我的,永远不渴”

    Lifeboat Inn

    Hayling Island UK PO11

    Men's restroom, ground floor

    Jesus saves fallen women.


    Ask him to save me one


    Episode VII:“一晌贪欢”


    St. Paul, Minnesota USA 55387

    Women's restroom, floor: 1st

    15 minutes of pleasure,

    9 months of pain,

    1 week in the hospital,

    And a baby with no name.

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