
主题:厕所文学摘录(慎入) -- 木铎

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家园 厕所文学摘录(慎入)


Episode I:“文的自觉”

Hotel Lobby Restroom

Illinois USA

Men's restroom, 1st floor

Some come here to sit and think,

some come here to shit and stink,

but I come here to itch my balls,

and read the writing on the walls.


Episode II:“人生失意常八九,可与人言只二三”

Shari's Restaurant

Shoreline, Washington USA 98133

Women's restroom, only floor

here I sit all broken hearted

tried to shit but only farted

then one day I took a chance

tried to fart and shit my pants


Episode III:“战争与和平”

John Yeats Middle School

Suffolk, Virginia USA 23435

Women's restroom, 1st and only

Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity.


Episode IV:“好奇害死猫”


Men's restroom

This was written on the inside of the stall door.

In large writing:

If you can read this is your sight is average.

Slightly smaller:

If you can read this you have pretty good eyes.

Really small:

If you can read this you have sight like an eagle.

Super small:

If you can read this you are shitting on the floor.


Episode V:“大道见于矢溺”

Engineering Building

Boulder, Colorado USA 80023

Men's restroom, ground floor


(And underneath it)

Very nice Albert, next time show your work


Episode VI:“信我的,永远不渴”

Lifeboat Inn

Hayling Island UK PO11

Men's restroom, ground floor

Jesus saves fallen women.


Ask him to save me one


Episode VII:“一晌贪欢”


St. Paul, Minnesota USA 55387

Women's restroom, floor: 1st

15 minutes of pleasure,

9 months of pain,

1 week in the hospital,

And a baby with no name.

家园 那些在这个版块挖坑不填的,统统发配去这些厕所蹲一墩。
家园 翻译第一篇

Some come here to sit and think,有人坐下想连篇

some come here to shit and stink,有人粑粑臭熏天

but I come here to itch my balls,我在此处挠蛋蛋

and read the writing on the walls.读完厕文写诗篇

家园 翻译一

Some come here to sit and think, 客来或座思

some come here to shit and stink, 亦有屁而矢

but I come here to itch my balls, 独吾挠双蛋

and read the writing on the walls. 定睛读厕诗

家园 翻译二

Women's restroom, only floor

here I sit all broken hearted 坐厕心破碎

tried to shit but only farted 欲矢而得屁

then one day I took a chance 也曾想屁放

tried to fart and shit my pants 却是矢上裤

家园 翻译三

Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity.


家园 翻译七-女厕所贪欢(五言和三言)

15 minutes of pleasure, 一刻鱼水欢 (爽一刻)

9 months of pain, 九月怀胎痛 (痛九月)

1 week in the hospital, 周滞医院苦 (七日院)

And a baby with no name 生子却木父 (无名婴)

家园 说为了和平而去杀人,就如同说为了贞操而去性交
家园 爽15分钟,痛苦9个月,住院一个星期,再添个没爹的娃
家园 哈哈,想起来一哥们儿的QQ签名


家园 必须的



家园 第三段非常有现实意义
家园 这个译得最好


家园 最后一句,改一改:定睛读厕诗
家园 这个译得不错,赞!
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