
主题:【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) -- 冷酷的哲学

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        • 拐棍
          家园 墨虎是搞计算机语音和图形识别的?

          送花成功。恭喜:你意外获得 8 铢钱。


        • 拐棍
          家园 关于 Evolution 的翻译


          1 (biology) the gradual development of plants, animals, etc. over many years as they adapt to changes in their environment

          2 the gradual development of something




          1.the scientific idea that plants and animals develop and change gradually over a long period of time

          2.the gradual change and development of an idea, situation, or object evolution of

          两个解释都有一个关键词 development

          再查 development 的意思

          the gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger, etc

          可见不是翻译不靠谱,而是 wiki 不靠谱。

        • 拐棍
          家园 简单来说,这还是翻译问题



        • 拐棍
          家园 花!我觉得您这个例子只能说明中文组词时


          • 家园 u're on the money, sir


            first of all, let get"tg" out of equation (so this discussion is less political): very likely tg will be there 4 long long time, if I may guess.

            tg'結合能 has a "huge energy gap" by "n orders", over tg's domestic and/or international environments' "溫度", so big "boss" is ok, if not 4 "ever".


            Now, as has been discussed here in this forum in my and others posts, short of high order "相对论效应 and/or qm 效应" and the invoking of "fulll interaction partition function" type of largely non-existent "evils", "macro non qm" system's partition function works great, even in our social systems, under most of our current live life time scale, at least for past and the current "reforming and openning up" evolution, kind of global.

            Largely, big social systems are stable, until it becomes non stable, which will not happen if you as a sys admin can manage to get rid of all potential high order "相对论效应 and/or qm 效应" and the invoking of "fulll interaction partition function" type of large non-existent "evils", etc.



            this is "ok" and can only be "ok" @系综 level, per ""macro non qm" system's partition function stated in the above paragraph.

            4. @individual "分子" level

            thoses individual "分子" are mostly and only "平动转动

            street smart"@紅外"能标", most of them and most of the time, generally speaking, kind of.

            their "弊病 infection" rate would be substantial, just as their "non-弊病-and/or benefit" rate is, probability wise.


            yes, those "non-sys admin type" individual "分子" have some kind of "系综" build in their brains 神经系统 and they can learn and adapt, although very likely @limited local level:

            "视网膜上的视杆细胞对单光子有反应,神经系统则没这么灵敏,单光子产生的信号不足以产生足够的信噪比。" OldBadBug01

            其实最本质的差别,还是在于不同的目的 [ jent ] 于:2012-07-29 19:12:25 复:3761182



            these are great posts.



            yes, but again, "macro-non-qm" model we use and assume here are time invariant/ galilean invariant, and our ordinary folks natural 感知 model is very limited in its learning and adpating capacities, meaning we can't really deal with "time" changes, if it comes, and it comes a lot: evolution, still hard to deal with in physics and math.

            so 感知 as such mostly works very well in a natural physics type of enviromnet such as driving through in a very chanllenging environment, and performing basic physics and math and engineering functions in a "normally flat" social environment as well.

            our 紅外"能标" based model has learned in its evolution and know how to work in this mostly very "flat" "gr" earth environment with very little 曲率 if any.

            7. now the "bad"

            kind of "randomly" and mostly " 二维信号" backrougnd-based, if you are infected with 弊病, most likely you are going to be infected for very long long time, unless you somehow manage to have your 能标 upgraded out of your 紅外 backgound enviroment, your model will keep getting the same type of 二维信号, and your 系综 in your 神经系统 will tell your mind and body, everything is ok.


            in physics, 能标 is very important, and most physics models are 能标 dependent, kind of, except for qcd, which is kind of "标度无关性"


            gauge thoery based qcd, that is as far as human mind can go, out of our current mind 能标.

            prof chen and yang, as gauge theory contributors, were all educated in chinese language when growing up in china, and obviousely, they outperformed, and in a big deal, making their contribution to the whole world, pushing our humanity's physics and math science to a new level.



            在全黑的屋子里,你清醒着,你的眼睛会怎么动? 10 总阅:5992 jent 2012-08-24


            花!一个光子可能不足以产生信号 (桥上;字0 2012-08-24 07:16:56

            最近十多年有不少人在关心这个问题 (jent;字393 5 2012-08-24 07:39:51

            人脑、眼睛真的可以对单个光子产生反应吗? (桥上;字297 1 2012-08-24 08:48:56

            真的是单光子,千万不要低估人体自身的高科技 (jent;字187 1 2012-08-24 09:16:45

            人眼自己的噪声就不低吧 (王二狗;字24 1 2012-08-24 10:01:58

            嗯,刚听说这个事情时我的反应也是这样。 (jent;字118 2012-08-24 10:43:07

            多少像素?与眼睛内的接收光线的细胞比, (桥上;字438 2 2012-08-24 11:37:44

            hehehehe, 是我没讲清楚。 (jent;字697 5 2012-08-24 13:06:02

            人眼是不会对单光子相应的 (方向符号;字72 1 2012-08-24 18:47:11

            据说视网膜神经有雪崩式的放大反应所以可以探测到单光子 (三力思;字118 2 2012-08-24 23:13:32

            谢谢兄台指点。 (jent;字54 2012-08-25 02:04:51

            好啊好啊,希望你们出了结果在这里发个消息 (桥上;字238 1 2012-08-25 10:22:03

            google 一下 (三力思;字3749 2 2012-08-25 12:41:15

            • 家园 您还真省钱,都回这了,谢谢回复


              • 家园 "jent: 在全黑的屋子里,你清醒着你的眼睛会怎么动"

                part I.

                jent: 在全黑的屋子里,你清醒着,你的眼睛会怎么动?

                sorry for keep writing in english, faster typing 4 me.

                thx for you and others' discussion under "jent: 在全黑的屋子里,你清醒着,你的眼睛会怎么动?", very insightful

                I hope you guys continue this discussion with more folks joining in.



                this kind of makes sense as us 生物体 folks slowly learn and progress in our long evolution, with its time history too long to remember

                so, now we have some kind of "二维空间分布Scalar Field", such as

                重力場 (宏观、低速、弱引力场模型; otherwise, if 微观、高速、强引力场模型中则要使用洛伦兹变换, not "Galilean transformation" ), 溫度場, etc, "放之四海而皆准", 积分测度

                路径无关, Galilean invariance :

                can't get lost in and out of our "soul" homes, we are all "ok" until Maxwell's equations/vector field comes out

                now, major upgrades for our models, as evolution speeds up.


                upgrade #1: Maxwell's equations are not invariant under a Galilean transformation

                狭义相对论, 4-vector, sr


                upgrade #2:gr

                witten1:[转载]牛顿的水桶1687-2011(一:绝对的转动) 2013-01-13 11:36:59

                gr imperfect world? [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-01-13 11:36:59 复:3641579

                I guess 愛因斯坦 would think sr as too perfect (no gravity?), a free particle plain wave, no interaction with 馬赫's world for ever?

                then in a more realistic (reality,not sr) and impect world, there is no perfect global gauge


                without those major upgrades, we will be" 治大国如烹小鲜" by "sys admins/麦克斯韦妖"(general analogy, please) who got those upgrades first

                隐身衣技术I:导言 [ witten1 ] 于:2009-11-20 15:57:50 主题帖


                5. next next upgrades

                upgrade #3 (coming): qed/qft,"電磁場量子化" AI apps, I guess

                upgrade#4 (possible): gauge field 量子化, etc


                about 能标

                "The highway across the desert": we just started to ge into desert, long way to go


                Black Holes and Quantum Physics


                File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - Quick View

                page 3,4,5

                part II

                no upgrades, please,

                then go "隐参数理论".


        • 拐棍
          家园 仔细阅读《物种起源》,你会看到作者经常使用高等、低等等词


        • 拐棍
          家园 你指出的是翻译问题,不是语言本身的问题



        • 拐棍
          家园 这个例子很值得商榷



          专业解释:Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.

          通俗解释:A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. 外链出处





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